This is a bare-bones README file for ocamlmerr. It assumes you have an ocamllex/ocamlyacc grammar working, and you know how to do some things, such as edit a Makefile and insert code in your driver program (called here ''). The 'meta.err' file included here isn't complete; it's just meant to give you some idea of the file's syntax and the sorts of things you can put in it. -Arthur O'Dwyer October 2004 In Makefile, you need: $(CAMLYACC) $< sed s/Parsing/Merr_parsing/ $@ >temp.temp.temp mv temp.temp.temp $@ merrgen: merrgen.c gcc -O3 -o merrgen merrgen.c merrgen meta.err ./merrgen -w ./compile In, you need: let absyntree = (try Grammar.program Lexer.token lexbuf with | Merr_parsing.Parse_error(state, tok) -> Errormsg.error (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf, Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf) (Merr.get_error(state, tok)); close_files(); exit(-1) ) in