Carbon runs qmail 1.03 with ezmlm-idx, procmail and a version of the Courier imap server modified to do kerberos authentication. SSL imap is supported. Club account holders have local disk space in /home into which mail is delivered. If you are using procmail, your .procmailrc needs to tell procmail that its working in a directory different from what the passwd file says your home directory is; you can accomplish this with somthing like the following at the beginning of .procmailrc: HOME=/home/username MAILDIR=/home/username/Maildir DEFAULT=/home/username/Maildir/ ORGMAIL=/home/username/Maildir/ See procmailrc(5) for more info. Procmail can deliver to qmail-style maildirs. Courier will only serve maildirs. Mail is delivered to /home/username/mail/Inbox by default so you will need to set up .qmail (dot-qmail(5)) and create a maildir (maildirmake(1)) to use IMAP. Ezmlm is nifty mailing list software that is much nicer than majordomo or AMS/Andrew dlists. See ezmlm-make(1) and for documentation. We offer virtual mail hosting as a service. Carbon runs /afs/club/system/scripts/perl/ hourly to update /var/qmail/users/assign according to the club passwd file along with: /afs/club/service/mail/mailnames /afs/club/service/mail/subusers These files are identical to those with the same names used by qmail-pwd2u(8); this perl script has to munge the pathnames a little more since mail goes into /home rather than what the passwd file says $HOME is.