By GateUU COMMAND UPn onone0AtLocnoneICK]dder Top]first UUUPPrintMessage "The pole is tmlippery [LIVING NONEhTurnld [TNext to stone wallUUit 2noneUMESSAnonetnng Up] [WOODEN DOOR]step on to the stairs and begin to climb up. IoNONEen have to At corner next to stone wallOUnone]oblUnonet cooler as you cq. Fina[OPEN TRAPDOOR -- INSIDE]the stairs almostall bhNONEOne of the Next to stone wallUU [PORTRnonehat they nenonet be logical, consistent or fair.tmetimes[ORIENTAL RUG]U-works to the phNONE- MOVED]SSAAt corner next to stone wallvnonet yo [NEWSPnoneLocation [Gates of Hell]us hUUPrintMessagwtarting [ZFOREST 1]U hNONE [ZFOREST 2Next to stone wall VnoneMMAND UPY3noneV [ZFOREST 3] [Tiger Pit]VVIsClosed [iron grate]i V4PrintMhNONEV5EAt corner next to stone wallnoneSSAGE [thisnone closed]N6VV [CLEARING]ous recorded voice groans into life and annou hNONE END_MESSANext to stone wallOCKY LEDGE]Anoneon't be ridnoneus]r VVDon't be ri9lous![M[CANYON BOTTOM]SSAGE lo"V Vrry, b hNONE -- Inside]At corner next to stone walllinoneINBOW ROOM]noneircase into the living room above." .V<GoToRo[ARAGAIN FALLS]0V,V hNONE]4V1V CNext to stone wallresent [Closnoneaxr -- InoneSIDE BARREL]1PrintMessage "Sorry, but the trapdoor is cl>."TH, U [BARREL hNONE@V>V[CBottom of HoleeBV@V COMMAnoneWNpuEVAnoneL?ion [We [TROLL ROOM]on JVBVIPrintMessage "The chasm probably le@NONEthTurn oMPC ROMs[CARPAL TUNNEL]ing tnoneMV COMMAnoneWN tSVNV$PreB [Close[CIRCULAR ROOM]tside] uWVPV1PrintMessage "NONEthTurncaZDead_COMMANDD[VXV [1ST LnoneZV COMMAnoneWN _V[V"Present [Open trapdE-- Outs [2ND LEVEL]\V PrintMessageltNONEthe rickety Thick woods) exhVaVtheGnoness b [4TH LnonefV END_MESSAGEK IlVhVGoToRoom [Cellar]PUHmVjV[GATES OF HELL] NONE[GATE] t Top of Tree [depression outsidnonete]IwVznoneT Is[BELL]ron grate]HE SILV{VtV0PrintMessage "You need to o{the graNONEMMAND) End of roadD HELL]OMMAND DOWNOnoneV%AtLocnone [depressoutside [LAMP LIT]VVIsOpen [iron grate]refVVGoToRo3NONE pit, the g Hill by roadut [BATTERY HINT]noneV BlanknoneK) VV DoneWithTur*VV[LAMP GROWING WEAKER]V mentiVV7NONEircase and Tool roomdown. You ,b downnone IS NOW DARnonelong, long time. You are getting warmer -quite t[GRUE WILL GET YOU] PUNONEOT YOU]V CInside buildingAtLocation [cnonea/om]HE noneNTINUE META-COMMAND]Start down] VV BlankLine VV[GRUE HNONEVV[GValleyU BATTERIES]n. Down andnone you go, rononen0und you[YOU GET ARRESTED.]spin, lovin the spin your in, under that 1NONEVV ForestV[HARDWARE FAILURE]herenonece again, ynoneuse to rest.V3END_ME[WIZARD.ENDS.GAME] VV COMMAND DOWN NONEISONER" FANForestV BlaneREMOV"[THE SnoneIS APPROACHnoneUICKLY]AST) VVMESSAGE [Mo5oing Do[IT IS AN IMMENSE BLOB]sume youNONEU!]youNOSlit in streambedVV END7noneETO [ROVERnoneE] TVV COMMAND DOWNWEVVAtLocation 8 Level][ROVER.BUMPS.YONONE [CAMEO 1] Outside gratekLinele coVnoneD_COMMAND:noneV[OTHER CAMEO # 1]MESSAGE [Final Going Down]ls "VVJWit;e end iNONE&inge< Tiger PitMEO # 3] hardly standnoneheat. Finanoneyou reach= bottom[OTHER CAMEO # 4]END_MESSAGE coVVmands:VVNONEPrintMess Shaft Room down[OTHER CAMEO #DOWNankLine GET CLIMB SLID COMMANDAMIW@D THE [OTHER CAMEO # 7]OP THEWWTHE BONONEUND DEEP WI Ladder TopBarrel] MABWUPneS MEN APPEA CLIMB SLID the barrel with a certain amouCf diffi [CAMEO 2]W W DoneWiNONE3]COMMAND E Ladder Bottomcation [depressioUPnesEgrate] CLIM 4]NOT IsOpen [iron grate]t commaWW0PrintMessagFou need [CAMEO NONEEND_CO [CS end of fog-filled roomCOMMAnoneTERk&W"noneLHion [de [CAMEO 7]utside grate]a(W#WIsOpen [iron grate]s, *WINONEnter the piFog-filled roomIP DOWN THE SIDnoneTHE HOLE]*noneankLine far.3WKDoneWi[YOU BREAK THROUGH]D_COMMANDme 5W3Wu when NONE- Outside]TFog-filled roomssage "[HAS RnoneGT INFO]e wnone."an?W:WGoToRoom [Kitchen]oAW=W[HAS READ ORIGINAL NOTE]END_CO!!!!!!!!NONEGWDW CFog-filled roomAtLocation Mnone Bar [YOU JnoneGWGoToRoom [Rainbow Room] Will RWIWOPriNssage "[BOING!] out of""""""""NONE([YOU HAVE Fog-filled roomE STREAM]MANDblnoneSWom PnoneUW[NO LIQUID HERE]ZWVWPresent [Open Window -- Inside]ays Q^WWW########NONEGoTRm Fog-filled roomACH]^W DoneWnonernedcW`noneD_COMMANDSdWbW[CAN'T GET PAST TIGER]TfWdW inserhWeW COMMAN$$$$$$$$NONEnWhW,PFog-filled room[CANT.SEE.ANYTnone." qWknoneToRoom [Behind of House]eVrWnW [TOO LATE!]rn atWqW END_COMMAND %%%%%%%%NONEIS ...]WCFog-filled room|WXAtLocnoneU START SCAnoneTHE WALL.]yW PrintMessagesaW|WII dYt think[$ 2 PLEA FOR SOLUTION]&&&&&&&&NONESH BUTTON.]Fog-filled roomre met by a numnonef[riendlnoneGGY ROOM HINT]and boulders, causing your immediate demise\WW([SORRY,NONEne "[YFoggy room by cairnAWHILE]r sononen] dWnonel^yer [YOU ATTACH THEM BRIEFLY]WW DoneWithTurnANWW END_(NONEWWNOutside Fog-Filled RoomON THE noneintMessage none't he an Indian?"`WW[WHAT A GREAT IDEA!]W END_COMMANDionWW')NONECOMMAND T Ladder BottomNOUNPr[HOUSEUPne..]WFPrint CLIM The $noun$ ignores your feeblctempts -[STREAM IS NICE AND COOL -- YOU(*NONE COLD]AND TSmall Low RoomWAPrintMessageUPneing [BUILD CLIMB SLID of a very sick mind!" any WW DonfhTurno [LADDER IS ...])NONE [PATH IS . West of HouseAND FUCKofWnoneintMessaghnone.DES [WALL IS ...]WGoToRoom [Dead]r GIVE WW BlankLine iWW,-NONESSAGEjNorth of HouseNLOCK IT WITHOUTnoneY]YED]-FEELnoneWNThekund beg[DESCRIBE ROAD]minously, and then it begins to creak an2.+ NONEWW South of Housea9[RUBBING THE EnoneIC LAMP IS noneARTICULARLY REWARDING]as ngh itne[STRANGE -- NOTHING HAPPENED!] thrown o5.+ NONEIVE$ $NOUN$ Behind Houserumble applit fnoneU OPEN THE noneCTIVE$ $NOUN$]WWJThere is a terribleqR of re"[THE $ADJECTIVE$ $NOUN$,-7 NONEDJECTIVE$ $KitchenY] paste!!r thisWnoneysWnoneE $ADJECTIVE$ $NOUN$ CONTAINS:]istance! Steam and smoke tt into [GROPE.10NONEubbling[IAttic YOU FIND STUFF]WEand snonends you. Tnoneovdisinte [STARTING UP]ncredible orgy ofo XXHgrinding destructiow/NONEXX Living RoomN'T BE RIDICULOUS] noneed, on a smnoneock island in a syf molte [START DOWN]XNAbove you, the sky is faintly /NONEMA short dForesthe nor{the rem[MORE none DOWN]se arnoneking slowlyi!XXinto the bu|ng ooze[FINAL GOING DOWN]rticu(X!X577, NONE]guish! WiForest -X"XL>poof< and ~none puf"[YOU DnoneHAVE TIME TO SIT DOWN!]ed elf appears. Hear3Xis dre[ROVER RELEASED3523 NONE [BOUNCE.BLForestng idiot!" he storms. "Ynonere warnednoneclea [SLICE.BLOB]ey >X3XIthe word '$VERB$'!! I hadn't gottel of th4658 NONEncred iForest SNIFFS HERRING]royed thnoneme!! Do younone>XKhave faint[TIGER SNIFFS GARLIC]ta of an understanding of how much-673 NONEe rebuilt?!Foresto go al[BATTERIES AREnone] to Pekingnoneanother dragon, and I'll  to con [LAMP NOW ON]in's UnionYXNXLto sen4685 NONEb-contract Clearingbuilding of volcanone YOU REALLYnone TO QUIT?]d worst of all I'll have dXto go [THANK YOU FOR PLAYING]7524. NONE'T THINK YO Canyon ViewO QUIT!]use you counone ow dirnoneITTING]XdXKyou purblind and meatbrained moron! I'm re ding al[1ST SC649 NONE 100GET Rocky Ledged MauXoX END_MnoneEmorvXsnone inxX[1ST SCORE BREAKPOINT + 1]NDSddyXvXadvent{XxXCOM 8:NONEime to sit Canyon BottomSCORE BREAKPOINT]noneX END_CnoneDe MXX re 200X*MESSAGE [You don't have time to sit down!]weve;9NONE of your adEnd of rainbow 201XX=an urnonemission to nonerm and you had best get on with it. X[3RD SCORE BREAKPOINT + 1]fo] <:NONECOMMAND A Rainbow roomXBPrintMessage none t[LATERnone RING] old worn-out magic word."ion XX DonhTurnnt[IT DROPS DOWN ;=NONE<CounterEq Aragain Falls - to all you "Prnoner" fans] 0DnoneX:TurnCounterON [Rover counter - to all you "Prisoner" fans]/wriXX<NONEXXP Inside Barrelreleased!]XnoneneWithTurnunoneX END_COMMANDhesXXe gameXX COMMAND XYZZYdXX8Counte<NONEXXBPCellar"Good try, but $VERB$ isnoneld worn-outnonec word." GAMXX DoneWithTurnerXX END_COMMAND a XXfeaturA@NONEXX@> Troll Room The very air qnones with sounnonethough: XXG/ >bong< someone, somewhere in the dis?NONE three p West of Chasm immense brass gononewithXnoneo deXXBA hollow voice says, "The game player tried to use the magic B?NONE $VERB$!!! "Carpal Tunnel"XXHThis noneClass 1 secnone alarm. All game security forces go to Orange(IT, HXX!Alert. I repeCANONEomewhere in Circular Room an ominous bubblnoneound. OHMYnone!!!oXXs withXX*It is Rover (for all you "Prisoner" fans)!ommaBDENONECKSH LIGDEAD ENDXXCOMMAND ATTACnoneER TYnoneesent [Rover]; READ YXPrintMessage [BOUNCE.BLOB]REENYY DoneWiNONEMESSAGE [ On the StairsYMYou attack thnoneange blob, noneounce harmlessly off of its strong but veryBY Y rubbery skin.DYYCFNONE TIGERE  On the Stairs YYPresenoneerocious tinone THEYY-PrintMessage "With what? Your bare hands???" YY"PrintMEGNONE"YY E On the Stairs Ynput %Y"noneMMAND ATTACnoneERnd&Y#Y Chance 33 DWAR)Y%YPresent [ferocious tiger]BABY.-Y&YFHNONEu off." / On the StairsSC0Y-Y END_CnoneDman1Y/noneame 3Y0YCOMMAND ATTACK TIGER O5Y1Y Chance 33ustra7Y3YPresenGINONEr swings it Gates of Hellu and you back awnoneidel>Y7noneneWithTurntu@Y=Y END_COMMANDortAY>Y PAINTCY@YCOMMAND ATTACKHNONENPrintMess