open Absyn module T = Ir module I = Int32 (* CONSTANT FOLDING The routine |munch_consts| accepts an IR statement and returns that same statement with all of the integer constants folded together. It does not mess with division, since that could raise an exception; and it doesn't mess with the boolean operators simply because they're ugly to implement here. Constant folding really ought to be done once before translation of expressions like |!x|, and once again after translation of expressions like |p*+q|. Unfortunately, the translation of expressions like |!x| happens in module |Translate|, which takes them straight from |Absyn| representation to |Ir| representation. So we never get an |Ir| tree containing |LOGNEGATE| and so on. Therefore we only run |munch_consts| after translation, and never optimize certain expressions like |!x|. *) let intConst n = T.CONST(I.of_int n) let rec munch_consts = let rec mce = function | T.ESEQ(s, e) -> T.ESEQ(munch_consts s, mce e) | T.BINOP(op, x, y) -> ( let (x,y) = (mce x, mce y) in match (x,y) with | (T.CONST x, T.CONST y) -> ( match op with | PLUS -> T.CONST(I.add x y) | MINUS -> T.CONST(I.sub x y) | TIMES -> T.CONST(I.mul x y) | BITAND -> T.CONST(I.logand x y) | BITOR -> T.CONST(I.logor x y) | BITXOR -> T.CONST(I.logxor x y) | RELLT -> intConst(if x y < 0 then 1 else 0) | RELLE -> intConst(if x y <= 0 then 1 else 0) | RELGT -> intConst(if x y > 0 then 1 else 0) | RELGE -> intConst(if x y >= 0 then 1 else 0) | RELEQ -> intConst(if x y = 0 then 1 else 0) | RELNE -> intConst(if x y != 0 then 1 else 0) | _ -> T.BINOP(op, T.CONST x, T.CONST y) ) | _ -> T.BINOP(op, x, y) ) | T.UNOP(op, x) -> ( let x = mce x in match x with | T.CONST x -> ( match op with | NEGATE -> T.CONST(I.sub x) | BITNEGATE -> T.CONST(I.logxor I.minus_one x) | LOGNEGATE -> intConst(if x = 0 then 1 else 0) | _ -> T.UNOP(op, T.CONST x) ) | _ -> T.UNOP(op, x) ) | e -> e in function | T.SEQ(x,y) -> T.SEQ(munch_consts x, munch_consts y) | T.RETURN(x) -> T.RETURN(mce x) | T.EXP(x) -> T.EXP(mce x) | T.MOVE(x,y) -> T.MOVE(mce x, mce y) | T.LEA(x,y) -> T.LEA(mce x, mce y) | T.CJUMP(c,x,y,lt,lf) -> T.CJUMP(c, mce x, mce y, lt, lf) | s -> s