head 1.7; access; symbols; locks hmaon:1.7; strict; comment @ * @; 1.7 date 2002.; author hmaon; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date 2002.; author hmaon; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date 2001.; author hmaon; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author gvelicha; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author gvelicha; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author gvelicha; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author gvelicha; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @hbefunge interpreter, by hmaon @ 1.7 log @The 'p' opcode now clamps to a signed byte for Befunge-93 code. This allows chess to run :) @ text @/* copyright 1999 Greg Velichansky */ /* This work is publically displayed for your personal amusement. Use of this work for any commercial or otherwise for-profit purposes without permission of the autor is prohibited. Inclusion of this work in any non-GPL projects without the author's permission is prohibited. */ /* this program is guaranteed not to be suitable for any particular purpose */ /* talk to me. hmaon@@bumba.net */ /* greets to building and badzen. keep the flame alive. */ #include #include #include #include #ifndef PLEASECOMPILE #error Not in the mood to compile right now. #endif #include "befunge.h" int tick = 0, noptick = 0, stringtick = 0, btrace = 0; void strepl (stackt *i, int n) { i -> stack [i -> sp] = n; } void breplace (bef_interp *i, int n) { strepl (i -> stack, n); } void stpush (stackt *i, int n) { static int overflow = 0; if (i -> sp < i -> stacksize - 1) { i -> sp ++; } else { if (!overflow) { fprintf (stderr, "stack overflow (only reported once)\n"); overflow = -1; } } i -> stack [i -> sp] = n; } void push (bef_interp *i, int n) { stpush (i -> stack, n); } int stpeek (stackt *i) { return (i -> stack) [i -> sp]; } int bpeek (bef_interp *i) { return stpeek (i -> stack); } int stpop (stackt *i) { register int n; n = (i -> stack) [i -> sp]; if (i -> sp > 0) { if (btrace) printf ("i -> sp == %d, dec pending.\n", i -> sp); i -> sp --; } return n; } int pop (bef_interp *i) { return stpop (i -> stack); } int stdig (stackt *i, int depth) { static int underflow = 0; int from; from = i -> sp - depth; if (from < 0 || from > i -> stacksize - 1) { if (!underflow) { fprintf (stderr, "stdig() stack underflow (only reported once)"); underflow = -1; } return stpeek (i); } return (i -> stack) [from]; } void bef_checkpc (bef_interp *i) { if (i -> ip .x >= i -> size .x) i -> ip .x = 0; if (i -> ip .y >= i -> size .y) i -> ip .y = 0; if (i -> ip .x < 0) i -> ip .x = i -> size .x - 1; if (i -> ip .y < 0) i -> ip .y = i -> size .y - 1; } void bef_walk (bef_interp *i) { i -> ip .x += i -> delta .x; i -> ip .y += i -> delta .y; if (i -> ip .x >= i -> size .x) i -> ip .x = 0; if (i -> ip .y >= i -> size .y) i -> ip .y = 0; if (i -> ip .x < 0) i -> ip .x = i -> size .x - 1; if (i -> ip .y < 0) i -> ip .y = i -> size .y - 1; } void bef_do (bef_interp *i, char c) { int n, m, o; char *tmp; char t; char numtemp[2] = "0"; stackt *tmpstack; if (isxdigit ((int) c)) { numtemp[0] = c; o = strtoul (numtemp, NULL, 16); push (i, o); return; } switch (c) { case ' ': ++noptick; break; case '+': n = pop (i); m = pop (i); push (i, m + n); break; case '-': n = pop (i); m = pop (i); push (i, m - n); break; case '*': n = pop (i); m = pop (i); push (i, m * n); break; case '/': n = pop (i); m = pop (i); push (i, m / n); break; case '%': n = pop (i); m = pop (i); push (i, m % n); break; case '!': if (pop (i)) { push (i, 0); } else push (i, 1); break; case '`': n = pop (i); m = pop (i); if (m > n) { push (i, 1); } else push (i, 0); break; case '>': i -> delta .x = 1; i -> delta .y = 0; break; case '<': i -> delta .x = -1; i -> delta .y = 0; break; case '^': i -> delta .x = 0; i -> delta .y = -1; break; case 'v': i -> delta .x = 0; i -> delta .y = 1; break; case '?': n = random () % 4; tmp = "<>^v"; t = tmp[n]; bef_do (i, t); break; case '_': if (pop (i)) { i -> delta .x = -1; } else i -> delta .x = 1; i -> delta .y = 0; break; case '|': if (pop (i)) { i -> delta .y = -1; } else i -> delta .y = 1; i -> delta .x = 0; break; case '"': i -> mode = i -> mode ^ mSTRING; if (btrace) puts ("mode change mSTRING"); break; case ':': if (!btrace ) { push (i, bpeek (i)); } else { o = bpeek (i); printf ("dup: %c (%d)\n", o, o); push (i, o); } break; case '\\': n = pop (i); m = pop (i); push (i, n); push (i, m); break; case '$': m = pop (i); break; case '.': printf ("%d ", pop (i)); fflush (stdout); break; case ',': o = pop (i); o = o ? o : ' '; printf ("%c", o); /*fflush (stdout);*/ break; case '#': bef_walk (i); break; case 'g': n = pop (i); /* y */ m = pop (i); /* x */ if (n < 0 || n >= i -> size .y || m < 0 || m >= i -> size .x) { printf ("%d, %d out of bounds at %d, %d\n", m, n, i -> ip .x, i -> ip .y); o = 0; } else o = i -> mem [n][m]; push (i, o); break; case 'p': n = pop (i); m = pop (i); o = pop (i); if (btrace) printf("%d -> %d,%d", o, m, n); if (n < 0 || n >= i -> size .y || m < 0 || m >= i -> size .x) { printf ("%d, %d out of bounds at %d, %d\n", m, n, i -> ip .x, i -> ip .y); } else { signed char co = o; i -> mem[n][m] = (i -> mode && m93) ? co : o; } break; case '&': /*scanf ("%i%*1[\n]", &o);*/ scanf ("%i", &o); push (i, o); break; case '~': /*fflush (stdin);*/ o = getchar (); if (o == EOF) puts ("EOF on getchar()"); push (i, o); break; case '@@': i -> mode |= mTERM; break; #ifndef STRICTBEF93 case 'j': n = pop (i); m = pop (i); if (btrace) printf ("from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)\n", i -> ip.x, i -> ip.y, m, n); i -> ip .x = m; i -> ip .y = n; bef_checkpc (i); i -> teleport = -1; break; case 'J': n = pop (i); m = pop (i); i -> ip .x = m; i -> ip .y = n; bef_checkpc (i); n = pop (i); m = pop (i); i -> delta .x = m; i -> delta .y = n; i -> teleport = -1; break; case '[': o = i -> delta .x * (-1); i -> delta .x = i -> delta .y; i -> delta .y = o; break; case ']': o = i -> delta .y * (-1); i -> delta .y = i -> delta .x; i -> delta .x = o; break; case '{': o = pop (i) - 1; push (i, o); if (o < 0) bef_do (i, '['); break; case '}': o = pop (i) - 1; push (i, o); if (o < 0) bef_do (i, ']'); break; case 'o': o = pop (i) - 1; push (i, o); if (o < 0) bef_do (i, '#'); break; case 's': n = pop (i); m = pop (i); if (btrace) printf ("from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)\n", i -> ip.x, i -> ip.y, m, n); stpush (i -> call, i -> delta .x); stpush (i -> call, i -> delta .y); stpush (i -> call, i -> ip .x); stpush (i -> call, i -> ip .y); i -> ip .x = m; i -> ip .y = n; bef_checkpc (i); i -> teleport = -1; break; case 'S': n = pop (i); m = pop (i); if (btrace) printf ("from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)\n", i -> ip.x, i -> ip.y, m, n); stpush (i -> call, i -> delta .x); stpush (i -> call, i -> delta .y); stpush (i -> call, i -> ip .x); stpush (i -> call, i -> ip .y); i -> ip .x = m + stdig (i -> CTX, 1); i -> ip .y = n + stpeek (i -> CTX); bef_checkpc (i); i -> teleport = -1; break; case 'r': n = stpop (i -> call); m = stpop (i -> call); if (btrace) printf ("from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)\n", i -> ip.x, i -> ip.y, m, n); i -> ip .x = m; i -> ip .y = n; i -> delta .y = stpop (i -> call); i -> delta .x = stpop (i -> call); bef_checkpc (i); if (!(i -> delta .y) && !(i -> delta .x)) { fprintf (stderr, "Damn! PC frozen by 'r'.\n"); exit (99); } /* i -> teleport = -1; ACK! NO! BAD Cut&Paste! :) */ break; case 'x': stpush (i -> CTX, i -> ip .x); stpush (i -> CTX, i -> ip .y); break; case 'X': stpop (i -> CTX); stpop (i -> CTX); break; case ';': pop (i); break; case 'm': tmpstack = i -> stack; i -> stack = i -> call; i -> call = i -> CTX; i -> CTX = tmpstack; break; #endif default: printf ("unknown opcode %c (%d) at %d, %d\n", c, c, i -> ip .x, i -> ip .y); } } stackt *alloc_stackt (int stacksize) { stackt *i; i = malloc (sizeof (stackt)); if (i == NULL) return NULL; i -> stack = malloc (stacksize * sizeof (int)); if (i -> stack == NULL) { free (i); return NULL; } i -> stacksize = stacksize; i -> sp = 0; strepl (i, 0); return i; } bef_interp *bef_allocinterp (int stack, int w, int h) { bef_interp *i; int n; srandom (time (NULL)); i = malloc (sizeof (bef_interp)); if (i == NULL) return NULL; if ((i -> stack = alloc_stackt (stack)) == NULL) return NULL; /* MEM LEAK */ if ((i -> CTX = alloc_stackt (stack)) == NULL) return NULL; /* MEM LEAK */ if ((i -> call = alloc_stackt (stack)) == NULL) return NULL; /* MEM LEAK */ i -> befungespace = malloc (w * h * sizeof (int)); if (i -> befungespace == NULL) { free (i -> stack); free (i); return NULL; } for (n = 0; n < w * h; ++n) { i -> befungespace[n] = ' '; } i -> mem = malloc (h * sizeof (int *)); if (i == NULL) { free (i -> stack); free (i -> befungespace); free (i); return NULL; } for (n = 0; n < h; ++n) { i -> mem[n] = i -> befungespace + (n * w); } i -> size.x = w; i -> size.y = h; bef_reset(i); return i; } int bef_step (bef_interp *i) { int c; /* get current instruction */ c = i -> mem[i -> ip .y][i -> ip .x]; if (btrace) { printf (".btrace. op: %c (%d) at %d,%d mode %d\n", c, c, i -> ip .x, i -> ip .y, i -> mode); } if (i -> mode & mSTRING && (c != '"' || i -> prevstrchar == '\\')) { ++stringtick; if (i -> prevstrchar == '\\') { push (i, c); i -> prevstrchar = ' '; } else { i -> prevstrchar = c; if (c == '\\') { i -> prevstrchar = c; } else { push (i, c); } } } else { /* exec */ bef_do (i, c); } if (i -> mode & mTERM) { if (btrace) puts ("mTERM"); return pop(i); } if (! i -> teleport) { bef_walk (i); } else i -> teleport = 0; return 0; } int bef_run (bef_interp *i) { int n; while (! (i -> mode & mTERM)) n = bef_step (i), ++tick; return n; } void bef_reset (bef_interp *i) { i -> ip.x = 0; i -> ip.y = 0; i -> delta.x = 1; i -> delta.y = 0; i -> mode = 0; } void bef_free (bef_interp *i) { if (i == NULL) return; free (i -> stack -> stack); free (i -> stack); free (i -> call -> stack); free (i -> call); free (i -> CTX -> stack); free (i -> CTX); free (i -> befungespace); free (i -> mem); free (i); } int strtoicpy (int *n, char *c) { int i; i = 0; while (c[i] != 0) { n[i] = c[i]; i++; } return i; } int bef_loadcode (bef_interp *i, FILE *f) { int x, y; int c = 0; for (y = 0; y < i -> size .y; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < i -> size .x; ++x) { c = fgetc (f); if (btrace) printf ("%c", c); if (c == EOF) return y; if (c == '\n') break; i -> mem [y][x] = c; } if (c != '\n') { printf ("line extends past edge of charted space. y == %d\n", y); } } return y; } int bef_load93 (bef_interp *i, char *name) { FILE *f; char line[90]; int n, m; int y; y = 0; if (i == NULL) return -1; if (i -> mem == NULL) return -1; f = fopen (name, "r"); if (f == NULL) { puts ("could not open file."); return -1; } i -> mode |= m93; do { n = fscanf (f, "%80[^\n]", line); m = fscanf (f, "%2[\n]", &(line[85])); if (n != 0 && n != EOF) { if (btrace) puts (line); strtoicpy ((i -> mem)[y], line); } else { fclose (f); return !y; } ++y; } while (1); } /* load hbef formatted befunge source into new interpreter */ bef_interp *bef_loadh (char *name) { FILE *f; int n, m = 1024; int w = 80, h = 25; bef_interp *i = NULL; char command[90]; *command = 0; f = fopen (name, "r"); if (f == NULL) { perror ("could not open file"); return NULL; } while ((n = fscanf (f, "%80s", command)) != EOF) { if (n) { if (btrace) printf ("command: %s\n", command); if (!strcmp (command, "wid")) { fscanf (f, "%d", &w); if (btrace) printf ("w == %d\n", w); } else if (!strcmp (command, "hei")) { fscanf (f, "%d", &h); if (btrace) printf ("h == %d\n", h); } else if (!strcmp (command, "stack")) { fscanf (f, "%d", &m); if (btrace) printf ("stack == %d\n", m); } else if (!strcmp (command, "hb")) { i = bef_allocinterp (m, w, h); do { n = fgetc (f); } while (n != '\n' && n != EOF); n = bef_loadcode (i, f); if (btrace) printf ("bef_loadcode() returned %d\n", n); return i; } } } printf ("no hb directive encountered... no code in file?\n"); bef_free (i); return NULL; } #ifdef SELFTEST char *sample = "\"!dlrow olleH\",,,,,,,,,,,,@@"; int main (int argc, char **argv) { bef_interp *i; int r; int load93 = 0; int report = 0; char *file = "test.hbf"; for (r = 1; r < argc; ++r) { if (!strcmp (argv[r], "--btrace")) { btrace = -1; } else if (!strcmp (argv[r], "--93")) { load93 = -1; } else if (!strcmp (argv[r], "--report")) { report = -1; } else { file = argv[r]; } } /*printf ("stack test %d %d %d %d\n", pop(i), bpeek(i), pop(i), bpeek(i));*/ /*bef_do (i, '.');*/ /* strtoicpy ((i -> mem)[0], sample); */ if (load93) { i = bef_allocinterp (1024, 80, 25); if (bef_load93 (i, file)) puts ("error?"); } else { i = bef_loadh (file); if (i == NULL) { puts ("bef_loadh() returned NULL"); exit (1); } } /*printf ("%c\n\n", i -> mem[0][4]);*/ bef_run (i); if (report) printf ("\nDONE: %d ops. %d string, %d nop, %d other.\n", tick, stringtick, noptick, ((tick - stringtick) - noptick)); bef_free (i); return 0; } #endif @ 1.6 log @not sure :P @ text @d277 4 a280 1 } else i -> mem[n][m] = o; d616 1 d629 1 @ 1.5 log @added 'p' trace @ text @d7 1 a7 1 /* talk to me. gvelicha@@wam.umd.edu */ @ 1.4 log @lalalalala I love writing log messages. Log messages rule. This is da bomb-ass log message from da party house. Straight outta compton wid da muthafuckin' message, yo. Give it up fo' da log. @ text @d22 1 a22 2 int trace = 0; int tick = 0, noptick = 0, stringtick = 0; d64 1 a64 1 if (trace) printf ("i -> sp == %d, dec pending.\n", i -> sp); d220 1 a220 1 if (trace) puts ("mode change mSTRING"); d224 1 a224 1 if (!trace ) { d274 1 d302 1 a302 1 if (trace) printf ("from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)\n", i -> ip.x, i -> ip.y, m, n); d355 1 a355 1 if (trace) printf ("from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)\n", i -> ip.x, i -> ip.y, m, n); d369 1 a369 1 if (trace) printf ("from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)\n", i -> ip.x, i -> ip.y, m, n); d383 1 a383 1 if (trace) printf ("from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)\n", i -> ip.x, i -> ip.y, m, n); d488 1 a488 7 i -> ip.x = 0; i -> ip.y = 0; i -> delta.x = 1; i -> delta.y = 0; i -> mode = 0; d499 2 a500 2 if (trace) { printf (".trace. op: %c (%d) at %d,%d mode %d\n", c, c, i -> ip .x, i -> ip .y, i -> mode); d521 2 a522 2 if (trace) puts ("mTERM"); return 1; d536 1 a536 1 while (!(n = bef_step (i))) ++tick; d541 10 d585 1 a585 1 if (trace) printf ("%c", c); d617 1 a617 1 if (trace) puts (line); d646 1 a646 1 if (trace) printf ("command: %s\n", command); d649 1 a649 1 if (trace) printf ("w == %d\n", w); d652 1 a652 1 if (trace) printf ("h == %d\n", h); d655 1 a655 1 if (trace) printf ("stack == %d\n", m); d660 1 a660 1 if (trace) printf ("bef_loadcode() returned %d\n", n); d687 2 a688 2 if (!strcmp (argv[r], "--trace")) { trace = -1; @ 1.3 log @added 'm'. @ text @d8 1 @ 1.2 log @revised license. @ text @d116 1 d409 7 d714 1 a714 1 printf ("\nDONE: %d ops. %d string, %d nop, %d other.\n", tick, stringtick, noptick, ((tick - stringtick) - noptick)); @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d2 5 @