Computing Services provides Andrew users with a directory in which their own software, public domain software, freeware or shareware may be installed and made available to the campus community. The goal of this effort is to provide users with a wide range of available software while maintaining a high level of reliability.
Additionally, andrew.contributed, a top-level bboard, has been created for posting comments, hints, bug reports and gripes about User-Contributed software and documentation. Support people are responsible for monitoring this and any related bboards for questions, bug-reports, and official information concerning their software and the user-contributed collection as a whole.
If the problem does not endanger the system or users' files, the application or library will not be removed, and the User-Contributed Administrator may proceed to the next step, which is the recruitment of a new support person. Such recruitment will be conducted through a post to the andrew.contributed bboard.
If a new support person is found, then that person assumes responsibility for everything associated with that software package, including bug-fixes and user questions.
If a new support person cannot be found, the application or library will remain on the system. However, Computing Services reserves the right to remove the application if it begins to cause problems, does not work, or is no longer available on any supported Andrew platforms.
If at any time a user has an interest in taking over maintainership of a contributed collection, an effort will first be made to contact the current maintainer and have them effect any desired changes.
Once the Administrator has approved a proposal or submission, the latter if the applications or libraries have already been developed, then the contributor is awarded space on the system in which to place and create source and Makefiles. Details for managing this space are contained in the User-Contributed Maintainer's Guide which is sent to new contributors through electronic mail upon the creation of this space. This file is also available as /usr/contributed/html/MaintainersGuide.html.