Peel the potatoes and shred them with the shredding disk of a food processor. Rince the potato shreds in cold water, then drain them and squeeze them dry in a towel or cheesecloth. Mix salt, cornstarch, and black pepper with potatoes.
Melt half the butter in a skillet over medium heat; once melted, add the potatoes and spread into an even layer. Cover and cook for six minutes. Uncover the potatoes, press them down as much as possible with a spatula, and cook for a further 4 to 6 minutes (bottom should be well-browned).
Slide the roesti onto a large plate and invert it onto another plate. Melt the rest of the butter in the skillet, then slide the roesti back in and cook 7 to 9 minutes. Remove from heat and cool in pan for five minutes, then cut and server.
A variety of toppings can be added to the roesti; we like salted tomatoes and melted fontina.