Instructions for installing the Vanilla Netrek Server as an INL Server Summary ------- 0) choose a place to put the server (e.g. /usr/local/games/netrek) 1) type "./configure --prefix=dir --with-inl" where dir is from step 0 2) type "make install" 3) ensure no conflict in ports with your pickup server if any 4) "bin/netrekd" to start the server 5) use a client to connect to the server on port 4566/4577 6) list home/away ports on metaserver (optional) 7) modify and scripts as necessary Details ------- See INSTALL for a complete description. This file describes only the stuff peculiar to installing the INL Server mode. 0) Don't use the same directory as an existing pickup server. 1) No comment. 2) No comment. 3) If you have a pickup server, you must be sure to remove all the INL ports from the ports file in the pickup server's directory, and restart netrekd if you made a material change. You must also remove the pickup and player list ports from the ports file of the INL server. If you don't do this, the symptom is a failure of the netrekd process to get going. 4) Yes, you end up with two netrekd processes on your system if you have a pickup server. As of 2.9pl0, netrekd wrote its process id into the server directory as, so determining which is which should not be a problem. 5) On slow systems, a second client connection may be required. This may be a race condition between the startup of the client and the server startup and subsequent opening of the queues by the INL robot. The symptom is a "Sorry, but you cannot play Xtrek right now" or similar. 6) See docs/metaservers-HowTo for a way to list player ports on the metaserver. Most clients assume the observer port is +1 port higher than the player port, so using the standard 4566/4000 home and 4577/5000 away ports will cause problems with connecting to observe through the metaserver window. One solution is to instead use 4566/4567 home and 4577/4578 away ports. 7) Modify robots/ if you wish to change the directory into which INL files are dropped. Modify robots/ if you wish to specify server name (default uses FQDN, which may or may not work depending on your server). During install these scripts are copied into the tools directory. For assistance, write to