Ring 0: First Post
Hi all. I've decided to start blogging again.
I am a computer programmer by trade. Occasionally, when toiling in the
virtual salt mines, I come across something. Something silly, maybe--
or something stupid. Or maybe even something interesting.
Basically, I'm going to use this blog to share that with you. I'm not
making any promises about how often this will be updated.
About this web page
Well, in true nerd fashion, maybe I should begin this blog with a
description of the implementation. I'm not using Wordpress or any
other blogging software, as you can see. To be honest, I just find it
too much work. I don't want to manage a database or agonize over
whether my version of PHP is up to date.
So for now, this is just a simple old HTML page. I am using Facebook
for the comments. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and all that.