Older Posts
May 14, 2011: handle_core
Recently I became aware of a
mechanism that Linux offers to handle core dumps. Basically, Linux can
spawn a userspace process to handle the core dump as it is generated.
I wrote a
program called handle_core to take advantage of this functionality. It can
send you an email whenever a core file is generated. It can also limit the
number of core files in the "cores" directory to a predefined value-- allowing
you to enable core dumps without worrying about filling your disk. Since it
tries to preserve the newest core dumps, it's better than just using a small
static partition.
Red Hat has a daemon called
abrtd that does much
the same thing. Similarly, Ubuntu has
Apport. Neither of those quite did
what I wanted because of their distro-specific parts.
May 1, 2011: OpenStack 2011
I went to OpenStack 2011, and it was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed hearing
about Lunr and the new network-as-a-serivce stuff.
April 18, 2011: Poker-odds
Poker-odds is now in a
working state! Learning Go was easier than I thought. It really does remind me
of C, because of its elegance and simplicity.
April 25, 2010: Embedded Linux Conference 2010
I enjoyed going to the CELF conference this year. I felt like I really 'got'
some of the presentations much more than I had last year. For example, now that
I've had a chance to work with a kernel running RT-PREEMPT, the issues are more
real to me. I really appreciated David VomLehn's
crash dump? No problem presentation, about effective crash diagnosis and
logging on embedded systems.
February 28, 2010: New web site
I redid my web site today. The old site was getting kind of stale.