2 #color-available = green; black
3 #color-away = blue; black
4 #color-idle = gray; black
5 #color-offline = red; black
6 #color-message-sent = cyan; default
7 #color-message-received = red; default
8 #color-message-highlight = black; green
9 #color-message-action = yellow; default
10 #color-timestamp = blue; default
11 #See below for details on color
15 #mouse = 1 # There is experimental mouse support
16 # There's also a custom window manager called irssi.so
17 # Remember window-positions based on the titles (on by default)
19 # Use borderless one-line high buttons
22 # Workspaces are created simply by adding Workspace-X groups as follows:
25 # window-names specifies that windows with these semi-colon separated names are placed into this workspace
26 window-names = buddylist;debug-window
30 window-names = conversation-window
31 # window-titles specifies that windows with these semi-colon separated titles are placed into this workspace. These are matched as substrings. Window
32 titles take precedence over names.
33 window-titles = Preferences;Pounce
36 # The RGB values range in [0, 1000]
41 #white = 1000; 1000; 1000
43 #darkgray = 256; 256; 256
46 #normal = white; black
47 #highlight = white; blue
48 #highlightd = black; gray
49 #shadow = black; darkgray
53 #disabled = gray; black
54 #urgent = green; black
56 # Remap some keys for GntEntry
58 # Remap the up-arrow to the left-arrow
60 # Remap the down-arrow to the right-arrow
64 # Completely ignore the key 'q'
66 # But the following will NOT work
69 # Hitting 'space' will activate a button
83 backspace = delete-prev
95 c-w = delete-prev-word
96 a-b = cursor-prev-word
97 a-f = cursor-next-word
98 a-d = delete-next-word
108 backspace = move-parent
111 # Following is the default binding for the context-menu
113 # The following will let you open the context-menu in the buddylist with c-b