X-Git-Url: http://club.cc.cmu.edu/~cmccabe/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?a=blobdiff_plain;f=.vimrc;h=d90e0874e8a03af93c3747b5ddb21b7f7226a807;hb=0e9c07aad8cbacf0502ff619594c7b453a83dc6d;hp=cb7de4244c0823fd3676e204829743b71bac09a1;hpb=600a615f7d480897c92d6c7de6de955dfd21d0d1;p=cmccabe-etc diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc index cb7de42..d90e087 100644 --- a/.vimrc +++ b/.vimrc @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ -" Colin's vimrc +" Colin's vimrc " " || www %%% " vwv || )_(,;;;, ,;,\_/ www " )_( || \|/ \_/ )_(\| (_) -" \| \ || /\\|/ |/ \| \|// | +" \| \ || /\\|/ |/ \| \|// | " "___\|//V\\||//_\V/_\|//_______\\|//V/\\|/__ -"*************** navigation *************** +"*************** navigation *************** set history=500 set tags=./tags;../../../../ -"*************** search stuff *************** +"*************** search stuff *************** set incsearch set hlsearch set showmatch @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ set nowrapscan set ignorecase set smartcase -"*************** formatting *************** +"*************** formatting *************** :filetype plugin on :filetype indent on set linebreak @@ -31,23 +31,29 @@ highlight Constant ctermfg=red set t_Co=256 set et -"*************** bell *************** +"*************** bell *************** set vb t_vb="." set visualbell - -"*************** movement stuff *************** + +"*************** movement stuff *************** set splitbelow set splitright imap set pastetoggle= -"*************** gui stuff *************** +"*************** gui stuff *************** set guifont=fixed set guioptions-=T set laststatus=2 "noremap  -"*************** colin's auto-commenter *************** +"*************** comand-mode stuff *************** +" This abbreviation makes it easier to type :e . +" When you type '%%' in command mode, it will be expanded to the directory name +" of the file you're currently editing. +cabbr %% expand('%:p:h') + +"*************** colin's auto-commenter *************** map ,/ :s/^/\/\//:nohlsearch map ,,/ :s/^\/\///:nohlsearch map ,# :s/^/#/:nohlsearch @@ -64,7 +70,7 @@ map \B :ConqueTermVSplit /bin/bash "command Bash execute ":ConqueTerm bash" "*************** grep plugin *************** -:let Grep_Default_Filelist = '*.c *.cpp *.cc *.rb *.h *.t *.py *.rst *.go' +:let Grep_Default_Filelist = '*.c *.cpp *.cc *.rb *.h *.t *.py *.rst *.go *.java' :let Grep_Skip_Files = 'core.* *.svn *~ *.swp *.swo *.bak cscope.out cscope.files' "*************** pre-filled registers ******************