-" Colin's vimrc
+" Colin's vimrc
" || www %%%
" vwv || )_(,;;;, ,;,\_/ www
" )_( || \|/ \_/ )_(\| (_)
-" \| \ || /\\|/ |/ \| \|// |
+" \| \ || /\\|/ |/ \| \|// |
" "___\|//V\\||//_\V/_\|//_______\\|//V/\\|/__
-"*************** navigation ***************
+"*************** navigation ***************
set history=500
set tags=./tags;../../../../
-"*************** search stuff ***************
+"*************** search stuff ***************
set incsearch
set hlsearch
set showmatch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
-"*************** formatting ***************
+"*************** formatting ***************
:filetype plugin on
:filetype indent on
set linebreak
set t_Co=256
set et
-"*************** bell ***************
+"*************** bell ***************
set vb t_vb="."
set visualbell
-"*************** movement stuff ***************
+"*************** movement stuff ***************
set splitbelow
set splitright
imap <BS> <ESC>
set pastetoggle=<F2>
-"*************** gui stuff ***************
+"*************** gui stuff ***************
set guifont=fixed
set guioptions-=T
set laststatus=2
"noremap \ 2 <PageUp>
-"*************** colin's auto-commenter ***************
+"*************** comand-mode stuff ***************
+" This abbreviation makes it easier to type :e <filename>.
+" When you type '%%' in command mode, it will be expanded to the directory name
+" of the file you're currently editing.
+cabbr <expr> %% expand('%:p:h')
+"*************** colin's auto-commenter ***************
map ,/ :s/^/\/\//<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>
map ,,/ :s/^\/\///<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>
map ,# :s/^/#/<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>