After playing around with this a bit, I have a nicer color scheme.
Also, screen now shows a nice message when I'm monitoring a window and
something changes.
startup_message off
hardstatus on
hardstatus alwayslastline
-hardstatus string "%w%=%m/%d %c"
+caption always "%{+u wb}%? %L=%-Lw%45>%{+b by}%n%f*%t%{-}%+Lw%-0<"
+# could also add: %?%F%{-b bc}%:%{-b bb}%?%C|%D|%M %d|%H%?%F
+activity "%C -> %n%f %t activity!"
+bell "%C -> %n%f %t bell!~"
escape ^Kk
-##escape ^|\
#term xterm-256color
vbell off
#bindkey -k k6 copy
bindkey -k k6 prev
bindkey -k k7 next