--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# superrip.rb
+# Advanced CD-ROM ripping program
+# Copyright 2010, Colin McCabe
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'optparse'
+require 'optparse/time'
+require 'ostruct'
+# constants
+$cd_dev = "/dev/cdrom"
+# functions
+def my_system(cmd)
+ puts cmd
+ system(cmd) unless $opts.dry_run
+ ($?.exitstatus == 0) or raise "#{cmd} failed"
+def die_unless_installed(cmd)
+ system("which #{cmd} > /dev/null")
+ ($?.exitstatus == 0) or raise "you need to install the #{cmd} program"
+def get_number_of_tracks_on_cd
+ look_for_tracks = false
+ IO.popen("cdda2wav -v summary -J dev=#{$cd_dev}", "r") do |io|
+ line = io.read.chomp
+ if (line =~ /^AUDIOtrack/) then
+ look_for_tracks = true
+ elsif (look_for_tracks == true) then
+ look_for_tracks = false
+ line =~ /[ \t]*1-([1234567890][1234567890]*)[^1234567890]/ \
+ or raise "couldn't understand cdda2wav output!"
+ return $1.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ raise "couldn't find what we were looking for in cdda2wav output!"
+def audiorip(track, number)
+ begin
+ my_system("nice -1 cdparanoia -w -d #{$cd_dev} #{number}")
+ rescue
+ raise "failed to rip track #{number} (#{track.name})"
+ end
+ # cdparanoia always outputs to cdda.wav
+ FileUtils.mv("cdda.wav", track.wav_file_name, $fu_args)
+ # TODO: spawn a thread to do this stuff in the background
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(track.flac_dir, $fu_args)
+ my_system("flac -c #{track.wav_file_name} > #{track.flac_file_name}")
+ my_system("lame -q 1 -b 192 #{track.wav_file_name} > #{track.mp3_file_name}")
+ FileUtils.rm_f(track.wav_file, $fu_args)
+# classes
+class MyOptions
+ def self.parse(args)
+ opts = OpenStruct.new
+ opts.dry_run = false
+ $fu_args = { :verbose => true }
+ # Fill in opts values
+ parser = OptionParser.new do |myparser|
+ myparser.banner = "Usage: #{ File.basename($0) } [opts]"
+ myparser.separator("Specific options:")
+ myparser.on("--dry-run", "-d",
+ "Show what would be done, without doing it.") do |a|
+ opts.dry_run = true
+ $fu_args = { :verbose => true, :noop => true }
+ end
+ myparser.on("--tracklist", "-t",
+ "Provide a list of tracks to use.") do |file|
+ opts.manifest_file = file
+ opts.partial = false
+ end
+ myparser.on("--partial-tracklist", "-T",
+ "Provide a partial list of tracks to use.") do |file|
+ opts.manifest_file = file
+ opts.partial = true
+ end
+ end
+ parser.parse!(args)
+ raise "you must provide a tracklist" unless opts.manifest_file != nil
+ return opts
+ end
+class Track
+ attr_accessor :name, :flac_dir, :flac_file_name, :mp3_dir, :mp3_file_name
+ def initialize(name)
+ if name =~ /\[LL\]/ then
+ raise "you can't include [LL] in a track name"
+ end
+ if name =~ /\.mp3/ then
+ raise "don't include .mp3 in the track name; that will be added"
+ end
+ if name =~ /\.flac/ then
+ raise "don't include .flac in the track name; that will be added"
+ end
+ (name =~ /([^\/][^\/]*)\/([^\/]*[^\/])/) or \
+ raise "track name must be of the form 'foo/bar'"
+ @name = name
+ @flac_dir = "#{1} [LL]"
+ @flac_file_name = "#{@flac_dir}/#{2}.flac"
+ @mp3_dir = "#{1}"
+ @mp3_file_name = "#{@mp3_dir}/#{2}.mp3"
+ @wav_file_name = "#{1}__#{2}.wav"
+ end
+class Manifest
+ def initialize(filename)
+ @tracks = Hash.new
+ eval(filename)
+ @tracks.each do |key, val|
+ @tracks[key] = Track.new(val)
+ end
+ end
+ def validate(num_tracks)
+ if (@tracks.empty?) then
+ raise "you must define some tracks"
+ end
+ @tracks.each { |t| t.validate }
+ if (not $opts.partial) then
+ (1..num_tracks).each do |t|
+ if not @tracks[t].defined?
+ raise "don't know what to do with track #{t}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def rip(num_tracks)
+ (1..num_tracks).each do |t|
+ next unless @tracks.defined?(t)
+ audiorip(t)
+ end
+ end
+# main
+# Parse options.
+ begin
+ $opts = MyOptions.parse(ARGV)
+ rescue ArgumentError => msg
+ $stderr.puts("#{msg} Type --help to see usage information.\n")
+ exit 1
+ end
+manifest = Manifest.new($opts.manifest_file)
+num_tracks = get_number_of_tracks_on_cd()
+puts "num_tracks = #{num_tracks}"
+exit 0