-" Vim indent file
-" Language : Scala (http://scala-lang.org/)
-" Original Author : Stefan Matthias Aust
-" Modifications by : Derek Wyatt
-" Last Change: 2011 Mar 19 (Derek Wyatt)
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+ finish
-"if exists("b:did_indent")
-" finish
-"let b:did_indent = 1
+let b:did_indent = 1
-setlocal indentexpr=GetScalaIndent()
-setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),!^F,<>>,o,O,e,=case,<CR>
-setlocal autoindent
+" 2-column indentation with soft tabs
+set sw=2
+set ts=2
+set et
-"if exists("*GetScalaIndent")
-" finish
-let s:defMatcher = '\%(\%(private\|protected\)\%(\[[^\]]*\]\)\?\s\+\|abstract\s\+\|override\s\+\)*\<def\>'
-let s:funcNameMatcher = '\w\+'
-let s:typeSpecMatcher = '\%(\s*\[\_[^\]]*\]\)'
-let s:defArgMatcher = '\%((\_.\{-})\)'
-let s:returnTypeMatcher = '\%(:\s*\w\+' . s:typeSpecMatcher . '\?\)'
-let g:fullDefMatcher = '^\s*' . s:defMatcher . '\s\+' . s:funcNameMatcher . '\s*' . s:typeSpecMatcher . '\?\s*' . s:defArgMatcher . '\?\s*' . s:returnTypeMatcher . '\?\s*[={]'
-function! scala#ConditionalConfirm(msg)
- if 0
- call confirm(a:msg)
- endif
-function! scala#GetLine(lnum)
- let line = substitute(getline(a:lnum), '//.*$', '', '')
- let line = substitute(line, '"[^"]*"', '""', 'g')
- return line
-function! scala#CountBrackets(line, openBracket, closedBracket)
- let line = substitute(a:line, '"\(.\|\\"\)*"', '', 'g')
- let open = substitute(line, '[^' . a:openBracket . ']', '', 'g')
- let close = substitute(line, '[^' . a:closedBracket . ']', '', 'g')
- return strlen(open) - strlen(close)
-function! scala#CountParens(line)
- return scala#CountBrackets(a:line, '(', ')')
-function! scala#CountCurlies(line)
- return scala#CountBrackets(a:line, '{', '}')
-function! scala#LineEndsInIncomplete(line)
- if a:line =~ '[.,]\s*$'
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- endif
-function! scala#LineIsAClosingXML(line)
- if a:line =~ '^\s*</\w'
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- endif
-function! scala#LineCompletesXML(lnum, line)
- let savedpos = getpos('.')
- call setpos('.', [savedpos[0], a:lnum, 0, savedpos[3]])
- let tag = substitute(a:line, '^.*</\([^>]*\)>.*$', '\1', '')
- let [lineNum, colnum] = searchpairpos('<' . tag . '>', '', '</' . tag . '>', 'Wbn')
- call setpos('.', savedpos)
- let pline = scala#GetLine(prevnonblank(lineNum - 1))
- if pline =~ '=\s*$'
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- endif
-function! scala#IsParentCase()
- let savedpos = getpos('.')
- call setpos('.', [savedpos[0], savedpos[1], 0, savedpos[3]])
- let [l, c] = searchpos('^\s*\%(' . s:defMatcher . '\|\%(\<case\>\)\)', 'bnW')
- let retvalue = -1
- if l != 0 && search('\%' . l . 'l\s*\<case\>', 'bnW')
- let retvalue = l
- endif
- call setpos('.', savedpos)
- return retvalue
-function! scala#CurlyMatcher()
- let matchline = scala#GetLineThatMatchesBracket('{', '}')
- if scala#CountParens(scala#GetLine(matchline)) < 0
- let savedpos = getpos('.')
- call setpos('.', [savedpos[0], matchline, 9999, savedpos[3]])
- call searchpos('{', 'Wb')
- call searchpos(')', 'Wb')
- let [lnum, colnum] = searchpairpos('(', '', ')', 'Wbn')
- call setpos('.', savedpos)
- let line = scala#GetLine(lnum)
- if line =~ '^\s*' . s:defMatcher
- return lnum
- else
- return matchline
- endif
- else
- return matchline
- endif
-function! scala#GetLineAndColumnThatMatchesCurly()
- return scala#GetLineAndColumnThatMatchesBracket('{', '}')
-function! scala#GetLineAndColumnThatMatchesParen()
- return scala#GetLineAndColumnThatMatchesBracket('(', ')')
-function! scala#GetLineAndColumnThatMatchesBracket(openBracket, closedBracket)
- let savedpos = getpos('.')
- let curline = scala#GetLine(line('.'))
- if curline =~ a:closedBracket . '.*' . a:openBracket . '.*' . a:closedBracket
- call setpos('.', [savedpos[0], savedpos[1], 0, savedpos[3]])
- call searchpos(a:closedBracket . '\ze[^' . a:closedBracket . a:openBracket . ']*' . a:openBracket, 'W')
- else
- call setpos('.', [savedpos[0], savedpos[1], 9999, savedpos[3]])
- call searchpos(a:closedBracket, 'Wb')
- endif
- let [lnum, colnum] = searchpairpos(a:openBracket, '', a:closedBracket, 'Wbn')
- call setpos('.', savedpos)
- return [lnum, colnum]
-function! scala#GetLineThatMatchesCurly()
- return scala#GetLineThatMatchesBracket('{', '}')
-function! scala#GetLineThatMatchesParen()
- return scala#GetLineThatMatchesBracket('(', ')')
-function! scala#GetLineThatMatchesBracket(openBracket, closedBracket)
- let [lnum, colnum] = scala#GetLineAndColumnThatMatchesBracket(a:openBracket, a:closedBracket)
- return lnum
-function! scala#NumberOfBraceGroups(line)
- let line = substitute(a:line, '[^()]', '', 'g')
- if strlen(line) == 0
- return 0
- endif
- let line = substitute(line, '^)*', '', 'g')
- if strlen(line) == 0
- return 0
- endif
- let line = substitute(line, '^(', '', 'g')
- if strlen(line) == 0
- return 0
- endif
- let c = 1
- let counter = 0
- let groupCount = 0
- while counter < strlen(line)
- let char = strpart(line, counter, 1)
- if char == '('
- let c = c + 1
- elseif char == ')'
- let c = c - 1
- endif
- if c == 0
- let groupCount = groupCount + 1
- endif
- let counter = counter + 1
- endwhile
- return groupCount
-function! scala#MatchesIncompleteDefValr(line)
- if a:line =~ '^\s*\%(' . s:defMatcher . '\|\<va[lr]\>\).*[=({]\s*$'
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- endif
-function! scala#LineIsCompleteIf(line)
- if scala#CountBrackets(a:line, '{', '}') == 0 &&
- \ scala#CountBrackets(a:line, '(', ')') == 0 &&
- \ a:line =~ '^\s*\<if\>\s*([^)]*)\s*\S.*$'
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- endif
-function! scala#LineCompletesIfElse(lnum, line)
- if a:line =~ '^\s*\%(\<if\>\|\%(}\s*\)\?\<else\>\)'
- return 0
- endif
- let result = search('^\%(\s*\<if\>\s*(.*).*\n\|\s*\<if\>\s*(.*)\s*\n.*\n\)\%(\s*\<else\>\s*\<if\>\s*(.*)\s*\n.*\n\)*\%(\s*\<else\>\s*\n\|\s*\<else\>[^{]*\n\)\?\%' . a:lnum . 'l', 'Wbn')
- if result != 0 && scala#GetLine(prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1)) !~ '{\s*$'
- return result
- endif
- return 0
-function! scala#GetPrevCodeLine(lnum)
- " This needs to skip comment lines
- return prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1)
-function! scala#InvertBracketType(openBracket, closedBracket)
- if a:openBracket == '('
- return [ '{', '}' ]
- else
- return [ '(', ')' ]
- endif
-function! scala#Testhelper(lnum, line, openBracket, closedBracket, iteration)
- let bracketCount = scala#CountBrackets(a:line, a:openBracket, a:closedBracket)
- " There are more '}' braces than '{' on this line so it may be completing the function definition
- if bracketCount < 0
- let [matchedLNum, matchedColNum] = scala#GetLineAndColumnThatMatchesBracket(a:openBracket, a:closedBracket)
- if matchedLNum == a:lnum
- return -1
- endif
- let matchedLine = scala#GetLine(matchedLNum)
- if ! scala#MatchesIncompleteDefValr(matchedLine)
- let bracketLine = substitute(substitute(matchedLine, '\%' . matchedColNum . 'c.*$', '', ''), '[^{}()]', '', 'g')
- if bracketLine =~ '}$'
- return scala#Testhelper(matchedLNum, matchedLine, '{', '}', a:iteration + 1)
- elseif bracketLine =~ ')$'
- return scala#Testhelper(matchedLNum, matchedLine, '(', ')', a:iteration + 1)
- else
- let prevCodeLNum = scala#GetPrevCodeLine(matchedLNum)
- if scala#MatchesIncompleteDefValr(scala#GetLine(prevCodeLNum))
- return prevCodeLNum
- else
- return -1
- endif
- endif
- else
- " return indent value instead
- return matchedLNum
- endif
- " There's an equal number of '{' and '}' on this line so it may be a single line function definition
- elseif bracketCount == 0
- if a:iteration == 0
- let otherBracketType = scala#InvertBracketType(a:openBracket, a:closedBracket)
- return scala#Testhelper(a:lnum, a:line, otherBracketType[0], otherBracketType[1], a:iteration + 1)
- else
- let prevCodeLNum = scala#GetPrevCodeLine(a:lnum)
- let prevCodeLine = scala#GetLine(prevCodeLNum)
- if scala#MatchesIncompleteDefValr(prevCodeLine) && prevCodeLine !~ '{\s*$'
- return prevCodeLNum
- else
- let possibleIfElse = scala#LineCompletesIfElse(a:lnum, a:line)
- if possibleIfElse != 0
- let defValrLine = prevnonblank(possibleIfElse - 1)
- let possibleDefValr = scala#GetLine(defValrLine)
- if scala#MatchesIncompleteDefValr(possibleDefValr) && possibleDefValr =~ '^.*=\s*$'
- return possibleDefValr
- else
- return -1
- endif
- else
- return -1
- endif
- endif
- endif
- else
- return -1
- endif
-function! scala#Test(lnum, line, openBracket, closedBracket)
- return scala#Testhelper(a:lnum, a:line, a:openBracket, a:closedBracket, 0)
-function! scala#LineCompletesDefValr(lnum, line)
- let bracketCount = scala#CountBrackets(a:line, '{', '}')
- if bracketCount < 0
- let matchedBracket = scala#GetLineThatMatchesBracket('{', '}')
- if ! scala#MatchesIncompleteDefValr(scala#GetLine(matchedBracket))
- let possibleDefValr = scala#GetLine(prevnonblank(matchedBracket - 1))
- if matchedBracket != -1 && scala#MatchesIncompleteDefValr(possibleDefValr)
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- endif
- else
- return 0
- endif
- elseif bracketCount == 0
- let bracketCount = scala#CountBrackets(a:line, '(', ')')
- if bracketCount < 0
- let matchedBracket = scala#GetLineThatMatchesBracket('(', ')')
- if ! scala#MatchesIncompleteDefValr(scala#GetLine(matchedBracket))
- let possibleDefValr = scala#GetLine(prevnonblank(matchedBracket - 1))
- if matchedBracket != -1 && scala#MatchesIncompleteDefValr(possibleDefValr)
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- endif
- else
- return 0
- endif
- elseif bracketCount == 0
- let possibleDefValr = scala#GetLine(prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1))
- if scala#MatchesIncompleteDefValr(possibleDefValr) && possibleDefValr =~ '^.*=\s*$'
- return 1
- else
- let possibleIfElse = scala#LineCompletesIfElse(a:lnum, a:line)
- if possibleIfElse != 0
- let possibleDefValr = scala#GetLine(prevnonblank(possibleIfElse - 1))
- if scala#MatchesIncompleteDefValr(possibleDefValr) && possibleDefValr =~ '^.*=\s*$'
- return 2
- else
- return 0
- endif
- else
- return 0
- endif
- endif
- else
- return 0
- endif
- endif
-function! scala#SpecificLineCompletesBrackets(lnum, openBracket, closedBracket)
- let savedpos = getpos('.')
- call setpos('.', [savedpos[0], a:lnum, 9999, savedpos[3]])
- let retv = scala#LineCompletesBrackets(a:openBracket, a:closedBracket)
- call setpos('.', savedpos)
- return retv
-function! scala#LineCompletesBrackets(openBracket, closedBracket)
- let savedpos = getpos('.')
- let offline = 0
- while offline == 0
- let [lnum, colnum] = searchpos(a:closedBracket, 'Wb')
- let [lnumA, colnumA] = searchpairpos(a:openBracket, '', a:closedBracket, 'Wbn')
- if lnum != lnumA
- let [lnumB, colnumB] = searchpairpos(a:openBracket, '', a:closedBracket, 'Wbnr')
- let offline = 1
- endif
- endwhile
- call setpos('.', savedpos)
- if lnumA == lnumB && colnumA == colnumB
- return lnumA
- else
- return -1
- endif
-function! GetScalaIndent()
- " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
- let prevlnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
- " Hit the start of the file, use zero indent.
- if prevlnum == 0
- return 0
- endif
- let ind = indent(prevlnum)
- let originalIndentValue = ind
- let prevline = scala#GetLine(prevlnum)
- let curlnum = v:lnum
- let curline = scala#GetLine(curlnum)
- if prevline =~ '^\s*/\*\*'
- return ind + 1
- endif
- if curline =~ '^\s*\*'
- return cindent(curlnum)
- endif
- " If this line starts with a { then make it indent the same as the previous line
- if curline =~ '^\s*{'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("1")
- " Unless, of course, the previous one is a { as well
- if prevline !~ '^\s*{'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("2")
- return indent(prevlnum)
- endif
- endif
- " '.' continuations
- if curline =~ '^\s*\.'
- if prevline =~ '^\s*\.'
- return ind
- else
- return ind + &shiftwidth
- endif
- endif
- " Indent html literals
- if prevline !~ '/>\s*$' && prevline =~ '^\s*<[a-zA-Z][^>]*>\s*$'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("3")
- return ind + &shiftwidth
- endif
- " assumes curly braces around try-block
- if curline =~ '^\s*}\s*\<catch\>'
- return ind - &shiftwidth
- elseif curline =~ '^\s*\<catch\>'
- return ind
- endif
- " Add a 'shiftwidth' after lines that start a block
- " If 'if', 'for' or 'while' end with ), this is a one-line block
- " If 'val', 'var', 'def' end with =, this is a one-line block
- if (prevline =~ '^\s*\<\%(\%(}\?\s*else\s\+\)\?if\|for\|while\)\>.*[)=]\s*$' && scala#NumberOfBraceGroups(prevline) <= 1)
- \ || prevline =~ '^\s*' . s:defMatcher . '.*=\s*$'
- \ || prevline =~ '^\s*\<va[lr]\>.*[=]\s*$'
- \ || prevline =~ '^\s*\%(}\s*\)\?\<else\>\s*$'
- \ || prevline =~ '=\s*$'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("4")
- let ind = ind + &shiftwidth
- elseif prevline =~ '^\s*\<\%(}\?\s*else\s\+\)\?if\>' && curline =~ '^\s*}\?\s*\<else\>'
- return ind
- endif
- let lineCompletedBrackets = 0
- let bracketCount = scala#CountBrackets(prevline, '{', '}')
- if bracketCount > 0 || prevline =~ '.*{\s*$'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("5b")
- let ind = ind + &shiftwidth
- elseif bracketCount < 0
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("6b")
- " if the closing brace actually completes the braces entirely, then we
- " have to indent to line that started the whole thing
- let completeLine = scala#LineCompletesBrackets('{', '}')
- if completeLine != -1
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("8b")
- let prevCompleteLine = scala#GetLine(prevnonblank(completeLine - 1))
- " However, what actually started this part looks like it was a function
- " definition, so we need to indent to that line instead. This is
- " actually pretty weak at the moment.
- if prevCompleteLine =~ '=\s*$'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("9b")
- let ind = indent(prevnonblank(completeLine - 1))
- else
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("10b")
- let ind = indent(completeLine)
- endif
- else
- let lineCompletedBrackets = 1
- endif
- endif
- if ind == originalIndentValue
- let bracketCount = scala#CountBrackets(prevline, '(', ')')
- if bracketCount > 0 || prevline =~ '.*(\s*$'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("5a")
- let ind = ind + &shiftwidth
- elseif bracketCount < 0
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("6a")
- " if the closing brace actually completes the braces entirely, then we
- " have to indent to line that started the whole thing
- let completeLine = scala#LineCompletesBrackets('(', ')')
- if completeLine != -1 && prevline !~ '^.*{\s*$'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("8a")
- let prevCompleteLine = scala#GetLine(prevnonblank(completeLine - 1))
- " However, what actually started this part looks like it was a function
- " definition, so we need to indent to that line instead. This is
- " actually pretty weak at the moment.
- if prevCompleteLine =~ '=\s*$'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("9a")
- let ind = indent(prevnonblank(completeLine - 1))
- else
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("10a")
- let ind = indent(completeLine)
- endif
- else
- " This is the only part that's different from from the '{', '}' one below
- " Yup... some refactoring is necessary at some point.
- let ind = ind + (bracketCount * &shiftwidth)
- let lineCompletedBrackets = 1
- endif
- endif
- endif
- if curline =~ '^\s*}\?\s*\<else\>\%(\s\+\<if\>\s*(.*)\)\?\s*{\?\s*$' &&
- \ ! scala#LineIsCompleteIf(prevline) &&
- \ prevline !~ '^.*}\s*$'
- let ind = ind - &shiftwidth
- endif
- " Subtract a 'shiftwidth' on '}' or html
- let curCurlyCount = scala#CountCurlies(curline)
- if curCurlyCount < 0
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("14a")
- let matchline = scala#CurlyMatcher()
- return indent(matchline)
- elseif curline =~ '^\s*</[a-zA-Z][^>]*>'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("14c")
- return ind - &shiftwidth
- endif
- let prevParenCount = scala#CountParens(prevline)
- if prevline =~ '^\s*\<for\>.*$' && prevParenCount > 0
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("15")
- let ind = indent(prevlnum) + 5
- endif
- let prevCurlyCount = scala#CountCurlies(prevline)
- if prevCurlyCount == 0 && prevline =~ '^.*\%(=>\|⇒\)\s*$' && prevline !~ '^\s*this\s*:.*\%(=>\|⇒\)\s*$' && curline !~ '^\s*\<case\>'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("16")
- let ind = ind + &shiftwidth
- endif
- if ind == originalIndentValue && curline =~ '^\s*\<case\>'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("17")
- let parentCase = scala#IsParentCase()
- if parentCase != -1
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("17a")
- return indent(parentCase)
- endif
- endif
- if prevline =~ '^\s*\*/'
- \ || prevline =~ '*/\s*$'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("18")
- let ind = ind - 1
- endif
- if scala#LineEndsInIncomplete(curline)
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("19")
- return ind
- endif
- if scala#LineIsAClosingXML(prevline)
- if scala#LineCompletesXML(prevlnum, prevline)
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("20a")
- return ind - &shiftwidth
- else
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("20b")
- return ind
- endif
- endif
- if ind == originalIndentValue
- "let indentMultiplier = scala#LineCompletesDefValr(prevlnum, prevline)
- "if indentMultiplier != 0
- " call scala#ConditionalConfirm("19a")
- " let ind = ind - (indentMultiplier * &shiftwidth)
- let defValrLine = scala#Test(prevlnum, prevline, '{', '}')
- if defValrLine != -1
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("21a")
- let ind = indent(defValrLine)
- elseif lineCompletedBrackets == 0
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("21b")
- if scala#GetLine(prevnonblank(prevlnum - 1)) =~ '^.*\<else\>\s*\%(//.*\)\?$'
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("21c")
- let ind = ind - &shiftwidth
- elseif scala#LineCompletesIfElse(prevlnum, prevline)
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("21d")
- let ind = ind - &shiftwidth
- elseif scala#CountParens(curline) < 0 && curline =~ '^\s*)' && scala#GetLine(scala#GetLineThatMatchesBracket('(', ')')) =~ '.*(\s*$'
- " Handles situations that look like this:
- "
- " val a = func(
- " 10
- " )
- "
- " or
- "
- " val a = func(
- " 10
- " ).somethingHere()
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("21e")
- let ind = ind - &shiftwidth
- endif
- endif
- endif
- call scala#ConditionalConfirm("returning " . ind)
- return ind
-" vim:set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
-" vim600:fdm=marker fdl=1 fdc=0:
+" 80 column limit
+set tw=100