# constants
-$cd_dev = "/dev/cdrom"
$children = Hash.new
def get_number_of_tracks_on_cd
look_for_tracks = false
lines = Array.new
- IO.popen("cdda2wav -v summary -J dev=#{$cd_dev} 2>&1", "r") do |io|
+ IO.popen("cdda2wav -v summary -J dev=#{$opts.cd_dev} 2>&1", "r") do |io|
io.readlines.each do |line|
lines << line
def audiorip(tnum, track)
- my_system("nice -1 cdparanoia -w -d #{$cd_dev} #{tnum}")
+ my_system("nice -1 cdparanoia -w -d #{$opts.cd_dev} #{tnum}")
raise "failed to rip track #{tnum} (#{track.name})"
opts = OpenStruct.new
opts.dry_run = false
opts.max_children = 4
+ opts.cd_dev = "/dev/cdrom"
$fu_args = { :verbose => true }
# Fill in opts values
parser = OptionParser.new do |myparser|
myparser.banner = "Usage: #{ File.basename($0) } [opts]"
myparser.separator("Specific options:")
+ myparser.on("--dev [DEV]", "-D",
+ "choose the cdrom device file to use") do |dev|
+ opts.cd_dev = dev
+ end
myparser.on("--dry-run", "-d",
"Show what would be done, without doing it.") do |a|
opts.dry_run = true
if (@t.empty?) then
raise "you must define some tracks"
- if (not $opts.partial) then
+ if ($opts.partial) then
+ highest_track = @t.keys.sort[-1]
+ if (num_tracks < highest_track) then
+ raise "can't rip track #{highest_track}, because there are \
+only #{num_tracks} tracks"
+ end
+ else
(1..num_tracks).each do |tnum|
if not @t.has_key?(tnum)
raise "don't know what to do with track #{tnum}"