--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+def pretty_time(min)
+ hours = min / 60
+ hours = hours.floor
+ tmp = hours * 60
+ min = min - tmp
+ return sprintf("%d:%02d", hours, min)
+punches = Array.new
+f = File.open(ARGV[0], "r")
+f.each_line do |line|
+ next if (line =~ /^[\t ]*$/)
+ raise "can't parse line" unless (line =~ /^([0-9]*):([0-9][0-9])/)
+ hour = $1.to_i
+ min = $2.to_i
+# puts "hour = #{hour}"
+# puts "min = #{min}"
+ raise "invalid hour count of #{hour}" if (hour >= 24)
+ raise "invalid minutes count of #{min}" if (min >= 60)
+ total_min = (hour * 60) + min
+ punches << total_min
+prev = -1
+index = 0
+punches.each do |p|
+ index = index + 1
+ if (p <= prev) then
+ raise "punch #{index} is not greater than the previous one"
+ end
+ prev = p
+total_clocked_time = 0
+total_break_time = 0
+prev = nil
+state = :none
+index = 0
+mandatory_breaks = [ 30, 15, 15 ]
+mandatory_breaks = mandatory_breaks.sort!
+mandatory_breaks = mandatory_breaks.reverse!
+punches.each do |p|
+ index = index + 1
+ case (state)
+ when :none then
+ state = :in
+ when :in then
+ inc = p - prev
+ puts "punch #{index-1} to #{index}:\t\t#{pretty_time(inc)}"
+ total_clocked_time = total_clocked_time + inc
+ state = :out
+ when :out
+ inc = p - prev
+ total_break_time = total_break_time + inc
+ state = :in
+ str = "[unknown break]"
+ mandatory_breaks.each do |b|
+ if (b <= inc) then
+ str = "[break #{b}]"
+ total_clocked_time = total_clocked_time + b
+ mandatory_breaks.shift
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ puts "#{str} #{index-1} to #{index}:\t#{pretty_time(inc)}"
+ end
+ prev = p
+puts "total_clocked_time: #{pretty_time(total_clocked_time)}"
+if (total_clocked_time < (7 * 60)) then
+ puts "ERROR: total clocked time is less than 7 hours!"
+unless (mandatory_breaks.size() == 0) then
+ puts "ERROR: not all mandatory breaks were taken! Still have to take: #{mandatory_breaks.join(" ")}"