--- /dev/null
+# Changes mp3 ID3 tags to match the file names.
+# I like to store my mp3s in a file structure like this:
+# Artist Name - Album Title = Conductor [Encoding]/01 - Track 1.mp3
+# Artist Name - Album Title = Conductor [Encoding]/02 - Track 2.mp3
+# ...
+# This script runs through an entire directory of mp3s, and changes all the
+# ID3 tags to match the file names.
+# Philosophical aside: I guess you could argue that this defeats the point of
+# ID3 tags, since under this system, allthe information is stored in the file
+# name. This is true; however, I need to play my music on a lot of different
+# systems (like mp3 players) which don't use my file naming scheme.
+# I have had bad experiences with ID3 tags in the past. Every program seems
+# to generate and parse them a little bit differently. The ID3 standard
+# doesn't even specify whether to use unicode vs. Latin-1, let alone what you
+# should do if a file has conflicting ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags.
+# It's just easier to use a filing system that actually works well-- the Linux
+# filesystem -- and regard IDv3 tags as something ephemeral that's generated
+# out of the "real" file information.
+# Colin McCabe
+# 2008/12/7
+import getopt
+import os
+import re
+import stat
+import string
+import subprocess
+import sys
+# script arguments
+dry_run = False
+verbose = False
+self_test = False
+# globals
+total_albums = 0
+id3v2_wrapper = ""
+# Verifies that there is an executable script named 'target' in the same
+# directory as this script. If not, prints an error message and exits.
+def find_companion_script(target):
+ try:
+ mydir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+ target_path = mydir + "/" + target
+ statinfo = os.stat(mydir + "/" + target)
+ mode = statinfo[0]
+ if not (mode & stat.S_IEXEC):
+ print "ERROR: " + target + " is not executable"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return target_path
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "ERROR: can't find id3v2_wrapper.sh: " + str(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Regular expressions for parsing file names--
+# which is, after all, what this program is all about
+music_file_re = re.compile(".*\.mp3$")
+music_file_name_re = re.compile(".*/" +
+ "(?P<dir_name>[^/]*)/" +
+ "(?P<track_number>[0123456789][0123456789]) - " +
+ "(?P<track_name>[^/]*)" +
+ "\.[a-zA-Z0123456789]*$")
+dir_name_re = re.compile("(.*/)?" +
+ "(?P<artist>[0-9A-Za-z _.\-]*?) - " +
+ "(?P<album>[0-9A-Za-z _(),'.\-\+]*)" +
+ "(?P<conductor> = [0-9A-Za-z _'.\-]*)?"
+ "(?P<encoding>\[LL\])?$")
+def self_test_music_file(m, artist, album_name, \
+ conductor, track_number, title):
+ if (m.album.artist != artist):
+ print "FAILED: artist: \"" + m.album.artist + "\""
+ print "\tshould be: \"" + artist + "\""
+ if (m.album.name != album_name):
+ print "FAILED: album_name: \"" + m.album.name + "\""
+ print "\tshould be: \"" + album_name + "\""
+ if (m.album.conductor != conductor):
+ print "FAILED: conductor: \"" + m.album.conductor + "\""
+ print "\tshould be: \"" + conductor + "\""
+ if (m.track_number != track_number):
+ print "FAILED: track_number: \"" + int(m.track_number) + "\""
+ print "\tshould be: \"" + str(track_number) + "\""
+ if (m.title != title):
+ print "FAILED: title: \"" + m.title + "\""
+ print "\tshould be: \"" + title + "\""
+def run_self_test():
+ m = MusicFile.from_filename("./Mozart - " +
+ "Symphony No 26 in Eb Maj - K161a" +
+ " = The Academy of Ancient Music" +
+ "/01 - Adagio.mp3")
+ self_test_music_file(m,
+ artist="Mozart",
+ album_name="Symphony No 26 in Eb Maj - K161a",
+ conductor="The Academy of Ancient Music",
+ track_number=1,
+ title="Adagio")
+ m = MusicFile.from_filename("./Tchaikovsky - " +
+ "The Sleeping Beauty - Op. 66" +
+ " = Sir Charles Mackerras" +
+ "/02 - Scene.mp3")
+ self_test_music_file(m,
+ artist="Tchaikovsky",
+ album_name="The Sleeping Beauty - Op. 66",
+ conductor="Sir Charles Mackerras",
+ track_number=2,
+ title="Scene")
+ # TODO: move John Cage into Comment or secondary author field here.
+ m = MusicFile.from_filename("./Various - " +
+ "American Classics" +
+ "/12 - John Cage - Prelude for Meditation.mp3")
+ self_test_music_file(m,
+ artist="Various",
+ album_name="American Classics",
+ conductor="",
+ track_number=12,
+ title="John Cage - Prelude for Meditation")
+# Given a hash H, creates a hash which is the inverse
+# i.e. if H[k] = v, H'[v] = k
+def reverse_hash(h):
+ ret = dict()
+ i = h.iteritems()
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ k,v = i.next()
+ ret[v] = k
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ return ret
+def my_system(ignore_ret, *cmd):
+ if (verbose == True):
+ print cmd
+ if (dry_run == False):
+ try:
+ my_env = {"MALLOC_CHECK_" : "0", "PATH" : os.environ.get("PATH")}
+ retcode = subprocess.call(cmd, env=my_env, shell=False)
+ if (retcode < 0):
+ print "ERROR: Child was terminated by signal", -retcode
+ else:
+ if ((not ignore_ret) and (retcode != 0)):
+ print "ERROR: Child returned", retcode
+ except OSError, e:
+ print "ERROR: Execution failed:", e
+class FileType(object):
+ def __init__(self, encoding):
+ self.encoding = encoding
+class Album(object):
+ def __init__(self, artist, name, conductor, encoding):
+ if (artist == None):
+ raise MusicFileErr("can't have Album.artist = None")
+ if (name == None):
+ raise MusicFileErr("can't have Album.name = None")
+ self.artist = string.rstrip(artist)
+ self.name = string.rstrip(name)
+ if (conductor):
+ i = conductor.find(' = ')
+ self.conductor = conductor[i+len(' = '):]
+ else:
+ self.conductor = ""
+ self.encoding = string.rstrip(encoding) if encoding else ""
+ def from_dirname(dirname):
+ match = dir_name_re.match(dirname)
+ if (not match):
+ raise MusicFileErr("can't parse directory name \"" +
+ dirname + "\"")
+ return Album(match.group('artist'), match.group('album'),
+ match.group('conductor'), match.group("encoding"))
+ from_dirname = staticmethod(from_dirname)
+ def to_s(self):
+ ret = self.artist + " - " + self.name
+ if (self.conductor != None):
+ ret += " " + self.conductor
+ if (self.encoding != None):
+ ret += " " + self.encoding
+ return ret
+class MusicFileErr(Exception):
+ pass
+class MusicFile(object):
+ id3v2_to_attrib = { 'TIT2' : 'self.title',
+ 'TPE1' : 'self.album.artist',
+ 'TALB' : 'self.album.name',
+ 'TRCK' : 'str(self.track_number)',
+ 'TPE3' : 'self.album.conductor',
+ #'TYER' : 'year'
+ }
+ attrib_to_id3v2 = reverse_hash(id3v2_to_attrib)
+ def __init__(self, filename, album, title, track_number):
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.album = album
+ self.title = title
+ self.track_number = int(track_number)
+ def from_filename(filename):
+ match = music_file_name_re.match(filename)
+ if (not match):
+ raise MusicFileErr("can't parse music file name \"" +
+ filename + "\"")
+ album = Album.from_dirname(match.group('dir_name'))
+ return MusicFile(filename, album,
+ match.group('track_name'),
+ match.group('track_number'))
+ from_filename = staticmethod(from_filename)
+ def to_s(self):
+ ret = self.album.to_s() + "/" + \
+ ("%02d" % self.track_number) + " - " + self.title
+ return ret
+ def clear_tags(self):
+ my_system(True, id3v2_wrapper, "--delete-v1", self.filename)
+ my_system(True, id3v2_wrapper, "--delete-v2", self.filename)
+ def add_tag(self, att, expr):
+ attribute = "--" + att
+ my_system(False, "id3v2", attribute, expr, self.filename)
+ def set_tags(self):
+ i = self.id3v2_to_attrib.iteritems()
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ att,expr = i.next()
+ self.add_tag(att, eval(expr))
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+## Find id3v2_wrapper.sh
+id3v2_wrapper = find_companion_script('id3v2_wrapper.sh')
+## Parse options
+def Usage():
+ print os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + ": the mp3 tagging program"
+ print
+ print "Usage: " + os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + \
+ " [-h][-d][-s] [dirs]"
+ print "-h: this help message"
+ print "-d: dry-run mode"
+ print "-s: self-test"
+ print "dirs: directories to search for albums."
+ print "This program skips dirs with \"[LL]\" in the name."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ optlist, dirs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], ':dhi:sv')
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ Usage()
+for opt in optlist:
+ if opt[0] == '-h':
+ Usage()
+ if opt[0] == '-d':
+ dry_run = True
+ if opt[0] == '-v':
+ verbose = True
+ if opt[0] == '-s':
+ self_test = True
+if (self_test):
+ run_self_test()
+ sys.exit(0)
+for dir in dirs:
+ if (re.search("\[LL\]", dir)):
+ print "skipping \"" + dir + "\"..."
+ continue
+ # Assume that paths without a directory prefix are local
+ if ((dir[0] != "/") and (dir.find("./") != 0)):
+ dir = "./" + dir
+ # Validate that 'dir' is a directory and we can access the entries
+ # Note: this does not protect against having nested directories with
+ # bad permissions
+ try:
+ entries = os.listdir(dir)
+ except:
+ print "ERROR: cannot stat entries of \"" + dir + "\""
+ continue
+ # Process all files in the directory
+ if (verbose):
+ print "******** find -L " + dir + " -noleaf"
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(['find', '-L', dir, '-noleaf'],\
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ line = proc.stdout.readline()
+ while line != '':
+ file_name = line.strip()
+ if (music_file_re.match(file_name)):
+ try:
+ m = MusicFile.from_filename(file_name)
+ m.clear_tags()
+ m.set_tags()
+ if (verbose):
+ print "SUCCESS: " + file_name
+ total_albums = total_albums + 1
+ except MusicFileErr, e:
+ print "ERROR: " + str(e)
+ line = proc.stdout.readline()
+ if (verbose):
+ print "********"
+if (dry_run):
+ print "(dry run)",
+print "Successfully processed " + str(total_albums) + " total mp3s"