Photos from the first three days in Kyiv.
Thursday 1
Thursday 2 | |
We arrived Thursday about midday, and were pretty scattered. By the time we went out for lunch, it was dark. These shots where taken on the walk back from it. Later that night, my sister and I rallied to go out to dinner with my Dad, some students, and the client. But there is no documentation of that lovely meal. | |
Friday 1
Friday 2
Friday 3
Friday 4 Friday 5 Friday 6 Friday 7 | |
Context | Sophia is an old church. And by old, they mean 9th and 10th century old. It was an amazing feat of architecture, a trait that prevented it from being destroyed in the numerous Events and occupations that have caused significant churn in the rest of the architecture and population of the city (half the city was destroyed in World War II, although that's half of what was created and left after the Russians took it over earlier... and so on). |
Trip | My dad has a great love of climbing towers. The photos from this group were all taken from the bell tower -- pictured in "Thursday 1". My mom likes this country because the older women dress in the same fashion she does. She's in photos #4 and #5 -- can you spot her? |
Saturday 1
Saturday 2
Saturday 3
Saturday 4 Saturday 5 Saturday 6 Saturday 7 Saturday 8 | |
Context | Ukrainian Village life has not changed very much over the past couple of hundred years; however, each particular region has a distinctive way of life. Just south of Kiev, they've established a museum that replicates 7 different kinds of villages from different centuries -- houses and stuff literally trucked over. |
Trip | It snowed today, obviously, which along with the biting cold, abbreviated our interest in wandering about... but definately aided our appreciation of the survival struggles faced by the people. Picture 1 and 2 are of my Dad and the students of his that came along. Part of the allure of the trip, prior to the snow starting, was that we could go horseback riding around in the country and villages, and Picture 3 and 4 show the folks who still decided to take them for a brief stroll. Picture 5 is of the hearty folks who decided maybe today was not such a good day for horses, that a bottle of wine and the fire stove was more appropriate. We hung out inside until our glorious meal was served (Picture 6). And then the manager of the Inn hooked us up with some of his moonshine vodka (Pictures 7 and 8). Those are peppers in there, and a corn cork. Several of us decided to try a shot... potent begins to describe it. Peeling paint does also. |