version=pmwiki-2.0.beta21 newline=˛ time=1109169943 text=A key feature of [[WikiWikiWeb]]s is the ease of creating links to other places in the text of the document. PmWiki provides multiple mechanisms for creating such links.˛˛!!!Links to other pages˛˛First, to create a link to another page, simply enclose the name of the page inside double brackets, as in [@[[wiki sandbox]]@] or [@[[installation]]@]. These result in links to [[wiki sandbox]] and [[installation]], respectively.˛˛PmWiki ignores all spaces between words when creating a link from the text inside the double brackets, and will automatically capitalize words following spaces and other punctuation (like ~). Thus [@[[Wiki sandbox]]@], [@[[wiki sandbox]]@], and [@[[WikiSandbox]]@] all display differently but link to the same page - which is titled ''`WikiSandbox''.˛˛In other words, when a page is created PmWiki will automatically create a [[PmWiki/WikiWord]] for its title, but links to the page will display as written.˛˛A suffix can also be added to the end of a link, which becomes part of the link text but not the target. Thus [@[[wiki sandbox]]es@] is still a link to WikiSandbox but displays as [[wiki sandbox]]es. And you can put parentheses around any text you don't want to have displayed, so that [@[[(wiki) sandbox]]@] still links to WikiSandbox but displays as [[(wiki) sandbox]].˛˛Finally, you can specify the link text via a vertical brace, thus [@[[WikiSandbox |a play area]]@], which links to WikiSandbox but displays as [[WikiSandbox |a play area]]. Alternately, you can use an arrow ([@->@]) to reverse the order of the text and target, as in [@[[a play area -> WikiSandbox]]@] ([[a play area -> WikiSandbox]]).˛˛Some sites also recognize WikiWord links, in which a WikiWord appearing in the text is automatically treated as a link to a page of the same name.˛˛!!!Links to external sites ([=URLs=])˛˛Links to external sites simply begin with a prefix such as 'http:', 'ftp:', etc. Thus [@] and [@[[]]@] both link to Google. As with the above, an author can specify the link text by using the vertical brace or arrow syntax, as in [@[[ | Google]]@] and [@[[Google ->]]@].˛˛InterMap links are also supported (see [[InterMap]]).˛˛!!!Links to specific locations within a page˛˛To define a location within a page to which you may jump directly, use the markup [@[[#name]]@]. This will create an "anchor" that uniquely identifies that location in the page. Then to have a link jump directly to that anchor, use one of˛˛* [@[[#name|link text]]@] within the same page, or˛* [@PageName#name@] or [@[[PageName#name|link text]]@] for a location on another page˛˛You may find the form [@[[PageName(#name)]]@] more useful than [@[[Pagename#name]]@] as the former hides the anchor text while the latter displays it. ˛˛!!!Links that open a new browser window˛˛These are particularly useful for links to external sites where you want to keep the window to your Wiki open, allowing users to return to your site easily.˛* [@%newwin%] produces this link: %newwin% ˛* [@%newwin% Main.WikiSandbox@] produces this link: %newwin% Main.WikiSandbox˛˛You can also specify that links should open in a new window via the @@target@@ attribute:˛˛ [=%target=_blank% Any links on this line like ˛ will open in a new window. =]˛˛which gives˛˛->%target=_blank% Any links on this line like will open in a new window.˛˛(This method is described in WikiStyles).˛ ˛˛˛%trail%<<|DocumentationIndex|>> author= name=PmWiki.Links host= agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; de-de) AppleWebKit/85.8.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/85.8 rev=15 targets=PmWiki.WikiWikiWeb,PmWiki.PmWiki,PmWiki.WikiSandbox,PmWiki.Installation,PmWiki.WikiWord,PmWiki.InterMap,Main.WikiSandbox,PmWiki.WikiStyles,PmWiki.CreatingNewPages,PmWiki.ImagesInWikiPages,PmWiki.DocumentationIndex