version=pmwiki-2.0.beta24 newline=² text=!!!Version 2.0.beta25 (2-Mar-2005)²!!!Version 2.0.beta24 (1-Mar-2005)²²This release contains an important correction to the processing of QUERY_STRING parameters, and changes to the way that `PageNotFound messages are generated. These are needed to prevent webcrawlers (notably the one used by inktomi) from generating long sequences of links to non-existent pages.²²This release also adds a `ParseArgs() function to make it easier for cookbook recipes and other components to parse directive arguments. Documentation for the function will be forthcoming at Cookbook:ParseArgs.²²List and heading markups have been changed to consume any single space character that follows the list or heading marker.²²A $EnablePostAttrClearSession switch has been added to control whether or not changing a page's attributes causes any existing passwords to be forgotten. The default is that changing attributes forgets any passwords entered; this can be changed by setting $EnablePostAttrClearSession to zero.²²²!!!Version 2.0.beta23 (24-Feb-2005)²²This release adds a couple of improvements.²²First, the passwording system has been improved slightly to hopefully make passwords a little less confusing (although more improvements are coming). Previously PmWiki would remember all passwords previously entered during the current browser session. In this release, changing a page's password causes PmWiki to "forget" all of the previously entered passwords, thus eliminating the confusion that arose when a page would appear unprotected when in fact a previously entered password was authorizing access.²²This release also adds as $EnablePageListProtect option. When set, the [@(:pagelist:)@] and [@(:searchresults:)@] directives will exclude pages for which the browser does not have read authorization.²²!!!Version 2.0.beta22 (23-Feb-2005)²²This release makes some feature enhancements and some bugfixes.²²The skins loading code has undergone some enhancements and substantial rewriting, but it should have no negative impacts on existing skins. The $BasicLayoutVars variable has been deprecated and is no longer needed. This version introduces a SetTmplDisplay() function that makes it easier for local customizations to disable sections of a skin template.²²The password prompt form has been customized so that the cursor is²automatically placed in the form when the page is loaded.²²The ?action=source action has been fixed for pages with characters²outside of ASCII.²²The graphical button bar can now be used for buttons with arbitrary²HTML elements (e.g., "save" and "preview" buttons).²²Other changes are noted in the ChangeLog.²²!!!Version 2.0.beta21 (13-Feb-2005)²²This version has a number of changes. The major change that could (but shouldn't) affect some sites is that PmWiki has changed its default umask from 000 to 002, which will improve the default permissions for files and directories created by PmWiki for some sites, while (hopefully) not affecting others.²²Many of you probably don't know (or care) what a umask is. If everything still works after upgrading to this version, you can continue to not know or care. However, if after upgrading to this version you start seeing file permission errors where you weren't seeing them before, try adding the line²² umask(0);²²to your ''local/config.php'' and things should work again. (And be sure to report that you ran into trouble so we can investigate and improve things for the next version!)²²This release also changes the tag generated by ?action=rss²to properly honor the [@(:title:)@] setting on various pages.²²Finally, the release fixes some minor bugs in the HTML generation for [[simple tables]], corrects some bugs with settings for $AuthorPage and $AuthorLink, and makes some cookbook-related additions to the v1 conversion script.²²For more details, see the [[ChangeLog]].²²!!!Version 2.0.beta20 (30-Jan-2005)²²This version has a number of relatively minor changes.²²First, the $UrlLinkFmt variable has been modified so that links to external urls automatically have a rel='nofollow' attribute added to them, to help combat wiki spam as described in Site administrators can customize $UrlLinkFmt and $UnapprovedLinkFmt to supply or omit rel='nofollow' as appropriate.²²The algorithm for creating page names from [@[[free links]]@] has been modified slightly. First, letters following a hyphen are no longer automatically capitalized, thus [@[[page-link]]@] refers to a page named "Page-link" and not "Page-Link". This is more compatible with version 1's naming syntax. Also, single quotes don't promote the following letter to uppercase, thus [@[[John's page]]@] now links to [@JohnsPage@] and not [@JohnSPage@].²²Sites that want to keep PmWiki 2's prior behavior can do so with the following:² [=² $PageNameChars = '-[:alnum:]';² $MakePageNamePatterns = array(² "/[^$PageNameChars]+/" => ' ',² "/(\\b\\w)/e" => "strtoupper('$1')",² "/ /" => '');² =]²²The localmap.txt InterMap file can now contain comments (denoted by leading '#' in the file).²²Headings (!! markup) can now have block wikistyles.²²More information is available in the PmWiki.ChangeLog.²²²!!!Version 2.0.beta19 (17-Jan-2005)²²PmWiki uses PHP's sessions for tracking passwords and page authorizations; however, if a session times out (or is otherwise lost) while an author is in the middle of editing a password-protected page, the author's edits may be lost when re-prompted for the password. This release fixes this problem by preserving the edit text and other posted form variables when prompting for a password.²²!!!Version 2.0.beta18 (17-Jan-2005)²²This release makes improvements to the gui buttons, fixes some bugs, and minor other improvements and changes.²²Alternate text is now valid inside of WikiTrails; i.e., one can use [@<<|[[TrailPage | alternate text]]|>>@] to change the text of the link to the trailpage.²²The GUI button module has a number of changes. ²* New images are provided for lists, indentation, headings, and tables, and the sample-config.php file has examples for configuring these additional buttons into the bar. ²* The "Heading 3" button has now been changed into separate "Heading" and optional "Subheading" buttons.²* The "Attach:" (paperclip) button appears in the bar only if uploads are enabled for that page.²* For browsers that support it, clicking one of the buttons that adds text will leave the text highlighted (to make it easier to replace the text).²²This release also eliminates the <p>...</p> tags that were being generated around markup lines that contained other HTML block markups (e.g., search results, page listings, forms). As a result, these pages are now valid HTML and pass the `W3C validator.²²$HTMLHeaderFmt has been changed so that skin designers can completely turn off the inline-styles mechanism used by PmWiki and other cookbook modules. To disable the inline styles, use [@ $HTMLHeaderFmt['styles'] = ''; @].²²Finally, this release fixes a call to setlocale() which was supposed to only return the current locale but instead was causing the locale to change.²²²!!!Version 2.0.beta17 (12-Jan-2005)²²This release simply makes some minor bug fixes to wikistyles (colors set in wikistyles extend to anchor tags), arrays of default passwords, and advanced table handling.²²!!!Version 2.0.beta16 (11-Jan-2005)²!!!Version 2.0.beta15 (10-Jan-2005)²²The major feature of this release is the addition of the graphical buttons in the edit page. By default this feature is disabled -- to enable it, use the following in config.php.²² $EnableGUIButtons = 1;²²If your site customizes the $PageEditFmt variable, then note that the buttons are placed at the end of the $EditMessageFmt and that the <textarea> needs to have [@id='edit'@] in order for the buttons to work.²²The rss.php script has also been improved -- it now automatically translates named character entities (from HTML 4) into their numeric equivalents. This eliminates a lot of feed validation errors and problems in specific RSS feed consumers.²²This release adds a $Titlespaced variable and [@{$Titlespaced}@] markup; $Titlespaced is replaced by either a page's title (if defined by the [@(:title:)@] directive) or by the spaced version of the page's name.²²Finally, a number of WikiStyles bugs have been fixed.²²²!!!Version 2.0.beta14 (28-Dec-2004)²²This release introduces a number of relatively minor optimizations and improvements, summarized below. If you don't understand what any of these mean, they probably don't affect you. :-) ²²* PmWiki's <img ...> tags now use style='border:0px;' instead of border='0'.²²* `PrintFmt() now calls Lock(0) to release any locks prior to sending output to the browser. This is important because some webservers (notably Apache) sometimes get stuck when they're unable to send output to the browser, and thus inadvertently lock others from being able to edit/post pages.²²* $PageEditFmt now includes id='text' to make for easier styling/referencing.²²* `MarkupToHTML()'s "posteval" code has been changed considerably.²²* `PageExists() now caches results of checking for page existence.²²* Page urls are now automatically url-encoded as needed.²²* Many of PmWiki's internal regex patterns have been optimized to (hopefully) improve matching speed.²²* Comparisons to substr() have been replaced with more efficient comparison functions.²²²!!!Version 2.0.beta13 (22-Dec-2004)²²This release fixes a bug introduced in 2.0.beta7 that prevented the refcount.php (for ?action=refcount) from generating links correctly. It also cleans up the handling of wikistyles and %-in-urls (which is what 2.0.beta7 was supposed to fix).²²In general, all sites using the 2.0.betaXX series are recommended to upgrade to this latest release.²²²!!!Version 2.0.beta12 (21-Dec-2004)²²This release adds a number of <div> tags and identifiers around the²various forms that PmWiki produces (e.g., uploads, search results,²attribute pages, etc.). This makes such forms easier to style in CSS.²²In addition, this release adds some functionality to the urlapprove.php²script to limit the number of unapproved urls that can be saved in²a page (helps to combat wikispam).²²Finally the release adds the [@(:description:)@] markup for generating <meta name='description' ... /> tags in the output. [@(:description:)@] may also get used for other features later on (e.g., excerpts in search results, etc.).²²!!!Version 2.0.beta11 (19-Dec-2004)²²This release primarily cleans up a number of items in the handling of uploads:²# A new $LinkUpload variable has been defined for $...Fmt strings -- it contains the URL of the upload page for the current attachment²# [@(:attachlist:)@] automatically adds "replace-attachment" links (denoted by triangles) to the items in the list²# After performing an upload, the "upload name" field is automatically cleared²# Fixed error message when upload exceeds maximum allowed by PHP²²This release also changes the `StopWatch() function (used internally for benchmarking/timing PmWiki performance) to only have an effect when $EnableStopWatch is set to 1 (wall clock timings only) or 2 (wall clock and user-process timings).²²!!!Version 2.0.beta10 (14-Dec-2004)²²This release makes some substantial improvements in the installation²procedure. First, the installation steps have been simplified, and PmWiki²provides accurate instructions when it encounters a PHP "safe_mode"²environment. ²²The release also provides better handling of the '.flock' file -- if²PmWiki discovers it cannot open an existing .flock file for writing,²it removes the file and tries again rather than complaining about it.²This makes the system more robust when page directories are going²through backup+restore.²²²!!!Version 2.0.beta9 (14-Dec-2004)²²This release provides some very minor bugfixes to the [@[[target |#]]@] markup, to the appearance of $...variables in documentation, and extends uploads.php to be able to work better with url rewriting.²²!!!Version 2.0.beta8 (13-Dec-2004)²²This release makes a number of reasonably significant changes. First and²foremost, it changes the [@?pagename=@] uri syntax to be [@?n=@], and²installation now defaults to $EnablePathInfo = 0; to make better²compatibility.²²Sites which wish to continue using the [@.../Main/HomePage@] form of uri²instead of [@?n=Main.HomePage@] should set $EnablePathInfo = 1 in²config.php. ²²This release also fixes a probable bug in the handling of author²names which was causing spaces to be incorrectly removed.²²2.0.beta8 includes features for advanced CSS styling of [[simple tables]]²via the $TableRowAttrFmt and $TableCellAttrFmt variables, more description ²will be forthcoming in a Cookbook recipe. ²²Also, this release includes vastly improved support for UTF-8 sites,²including the ability to have UTF-8 characters in pagenames and²[@[[utf-8 links]]@]. We're still working out the details to be²able to support UTF-8 wikiwords -- PHP's functions don't provide²good support for this. See scripts/xlpage-utf-8.php for more²information on UTF-8.²²Finally, the Q: and A: markups are back, and a few other minor²bug fixes and documentation improvements have been included.²²²!!!Version 2.0.beta7 (8-Dec-2004)²²This release has a number of improvements and changes to it. First,²this release provides a ''scripts/xlpage-utf-8.php'' file, which adapts²PmWiki to be able to work somewhat with utf-8 characters in pagenames.²Since PHP's preg_* functions seem to be unable to detect UTF-8 alphanumeric²characters, the trade-off at the moment is that WikiWord links are limited²to the ASCII character set. We're working on ways to get around this²restriction, however.²²The xlpage-utf-8.php script can be automatically loaded by any `XLPage ²translation that specifies 'xlpage-i18n' => 'utf-8'.²²This release also:²²* fixes up the .htaccess files that are placed in local/ and wiki.d/²* changes the default textarea size for the pmwiki skin, ²* restores the link/citation markup ([@[[target |#]]@])²* fixes the default value of $DefaultPageTextFmt (note this may change again)²* automatically converts instances of $Newline in posted text²²²!!!Version 2.0.beta6 (5-Dec-2004)²²This release contains a number of relatively minor bugfixes (see the ChangeLog), and it also restores the $WikiWordCount functionality from PmWiki 1 in which the wiki administrator can limit the number of conversions for each WikiWord.²²The ''sample-config.php'' file has been updated with more comments and suggestions for customizations.²²Finally, this release increases the default value of $MaxIncludes to 50 (and provides better documentation of the $MaxIncludes variable).²²!!!Version 2.0.beta5 (1-Dec-2004)²!!!Version 2.0.beta4 (1-Dec-2004)²²These releases fix a number of bugs introduced by the changes in 2.0.beta3.²Users of 2.0.beta3 are encouraged to upgrade directly to this release.²²!!!Version 2.0.beta3 (30-Nov-2004)²²This release provides a simple version of the [@(:attachlist:)@] markup (different sorting orders are not available yet as the syntax is likely to change), as well as fixes the PmWiki.EditQuickReference and PmWiki.UploadQuickReference pages. It also provides default pages to lock passwords in the Main and PmWiki groups and adds uppercase versions for ".GIF", ".JPG", and ".PNG" files.²²Internally, this release also changes the edit page sequence to use the $_POST autoglobal instead of $_REQUEST (i.e., posting edits is only allowed via method='post' and not via query string parameters).²²!!!Version 2.0.beta2²²This release fixes the bug that caused $PageTemplateFmt to no longer²work in pmwiki-2.0.beta1.²²!!!Version 2.0.beta1²²This release marks PmWiki 2.0 as entering "beta" status, as it finally²begins moving towards official release. The major change for this release²is in the skins code -- previous versions of PmWiki used $PageTemplateFmt²to specify the location of the template file to be used; newer versions²now use the $Skin variable to specify the location of the skins directory²(in pub/skins/) that contains the skin template file, php configuration²script, and other files.²²In general, if you previously had $PageTemplateFmt set to "pub/skins/myskin/myskin.tmpl", then you now simply set $Skin='myskin'; to get things to work. See PmWiki.LayoutBasics for more details.²²!!!Version 2.0.devel releases²²These are the release notes for the development releases of PmWiki 2.0.²²First, this is definitely still in the development stages, so many²things are likely to change between now and the official releases.²²Second, at present there's not a good way to upgrade from PmWiki 1.0²to PmWiki 2.0, although upgrade support is expected to arrive in future²(development) releases. So, you can use this version just to see the²new developments and gain some experience, but migrating from 1.0²to this version is still likely to be a bit of a chore.²²Bugs and other requests can be reported to the PmWiki Issue Tracking ²System at Any help²in testing, development, and/or documentation is greatly appreciated.² time=1109778947 name=PmWiki.ReleaseNotes host= agent=pmwikiedit rev=37 targets=PmWiki.PmWiki,PmWiki.SetTmplDisplay,PmWiki.ChangeLog,PmWiki.SimpleTables,PmWiki.InterMap,PmWiki.WikiTrails,PmWiki.WikiStyles,PmWiki.WikiWord,PmWiki.EditQuickReference,PmWiki.UploadQuickReference,PmWiki.LayoutBasics author=Pm