version=pmwiki-2.0.devel26 newline=² text=This site is a [[WikiWikiWeb]] -- a collaborative authoring system that allows multiple people to edit a common set of pages via the World Wide Web.²²To edit a page, simply click the '''Edit Page''' link in the header or footer, and then modify the text in any way you want. Yes, you can even edit pages others have created--that's part of [[WikiNature]].²²The rules for basic page editing are fairly simple--start each line without spaces and put a blank line between paragraphs. There are more [[Text Formatting Rules]] for lists and other specialized text, if you want to do that. You can edit the [[Main/WikiSandbox]] page if you want to try things out in a way that won't affect any of the pages on this site.²²To create references to other pages, run capitalized words together to make a WikiWord page title. This automatically creates a hyperlink. Make titles for NewSubjects, even if you don't have anything to say about them. Maybe someone will come along and fill out a page for the new link.²²After you '''Save''' a page, you may need to click '''Reload''' to make your browser do a refresh. This will let you see the changes you just made. Click the '''?''' after any new [[WikiWord]]s to edit them and add text.²²A page's full name is ''[=GroupName.PageTitle=]'', such as [[Main.HomePage]]. To refer to a page in the current group, write its ''[=PageTitle=]''. To refer to a page in another group, write its full name.²²If the page you want to make has no natural WikiWord title (for example it might be one word) use [=[[double brackets]]=] to create a link.²²Not sure how best to organize a collection of wiki pages? The [[WikiStructure]] guide describes the options.²²Not sure how to write for wiki? The [[GoodStyle]] guide describes wiki writing conventions.²²%trail%<<|PmWiki.DocumentationIndex|>> time=1101442258 name=PmWiki.TipsForEditing host= agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040206 Firefox/0.8 rev=3 targets=PmWiki.WikiWikiWeb,PmWiki.WikiNature,PmWiki.TextFormattingRules,Main.WikiSandbox,PmWiki.WikiWord,PmWiki.NewSubjects,Main.HomePage,PmWiki.WikiStructure,PmWiki.GoodStyle,PmWiki.ImagesInWikiPages,PmWiki.DocumentationIndex author=Pm