version=pmwiki-2.0.beta21 newline=² text=WikiStyles allow an author to modify the color and other attributes of text that follow. A style specification such as @@[=%red%=]@@ will cause the following text to be displayed as red until the end of the line or the next pair @@[=%%=]@@ of percent signs. For example:²² [=%red%=] This text is red and [=%blue%=] this text is blue [=%%=] but ² this text is normal.²²gives²²->%red% This text is red and %blue% this text is blue %% but this text is normal.²²The set of [[predefined wiki styles]] is customizable by the WikiAdministrator. Most PmWiki systems define [=%newwin%=] to cause links to open in a new window (%newwin%[[WikiStyles |example]]), and standard text colors such as [=%black%, %white%, %red%, %green%, %blue%, etc.=]²²!!Creating new styles²²Placing @@color@@, @@bgcolor@@, or @@target@@ specifications inside of a pair of percent signs will change the style of the following text to use those colors up to the end of a line or until the next pair of percent-signs. For example:²² [=%color=red% This text is red and %color=blue% this text ² is blue %% but this text is normal. =]²²renders as²²->%color=red% This text is red and %color=blue% this text is blue %% but this text is normal.²²If one wants the formatting to continue past the end of the line, there are a couple options one can use (found [[|here]]).²²For example, using [=%block color=red%=] will continue the formatting until it gets to to the end of the current block/paragraph. For example:²²(:markup:)[=²This is some text %block color=red% that²is being colored red by the wikistyle in the line.²=]²²The other options (according to the [[ | e-mail]]) are:\\²[=%item color=red%=]\\²[=%list color=red%=]\\²[=%block color=red%=]²²!!!!A brief explanation of the difference between item, list, and block² Apply=block applies to any sort of block markup, such as²paragraphs, lists, indents, and list items. Apply=list applies to an²entire list -- i.e., anything that generates a
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