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Illegal Ġ TT r catalog N{!SaveDesktop}top}C2& !(t(t TT NV n  S {T3}CircleBoxeBoxİtq/wZ(r] TT NV n  T {T3}FindBoxdBoxoxİtq/yӢ(r^# TT NV n  U {T3}funchintsintsİtq/z(r_( TT NV n  V{T3}obj}objchintsİtq/(r`,c TT NV n  jLisaCalc( " {T3}PHRASERASEntsİtq/nz(rb4 TT NV n 6 q6 {T3}PrintBoxtBoxsİtq/A(rc8 TT NV n   {T3}StatusBoxsBoxİtq/y(rc< TT NV n   {T3}tablesblesBoxİtq/ Eޢ(rdA TT NV n  U'U(U( {D105T3}5T3} H' Getting Started  [̀e{F108}108}>L>6pM/ ~ĢU( TT NV n  LisaCalc ExamplesLdȆ^L6VX@X{D109T3}9T3}/ (r TT NV n  Getting Started  [̀e 1 8n   "&.0*4 CWastebasket 8( "EEmpty Folders 8kFsO BCalculator8n #w( =Clock< 8( "-萀EEmpty Folders-8z!:&詀18   "&.0*4 CWastebasket 8( "EEmpty Folders 8kFsO BCalculator8n #w( =Clock< 8( "-萀EEmpty Folders-8z!:&詀84( |9Ci 8; hAClipboardd 8( " CWastebasket8j( "$q&c@LisaCalc8lX@X~ ILisaCalc Examples 8k!:zFLisaCalc Paperl8m [ ڜ HGetting Started ing Started l8m [ ڜ HGetting Started erl8m [ ڜ HGetting Started l8m [ ڜ HGetting Started 貀FLisaList Paper8r!:赀ILisaProject Paper<8t!:-$踀 JLisaTerminal Paper8p!:軀GLisaWrite Paper 8j>+-萜S =Tools<j8g!$ocWocCKAmerican Dictionary:j8y( "X$q&[@LisaCalcj8l( "-J/@LisaDrawj 8w( "-qALisaGraphj8u( "-$@v@LisaListj 8q( "` CLisaProjectj 8s( "cn DLisaTerminalj 8o( "$Y׀bALisaWriteTerminalj 8o( "$Y׀bALisaWriteitesaTerminalj 8o( "$Y׀bALisaWritesaTerminalj 8o( "$Y׀bALisaWriteeesaTerminalj 8o( "$Y׀bALisaWriteDLisaTerminalj 8o( "$Y׀bALisaWritePdPN|2t*J|:xR R "D"D4%*8 "D"D4'4*8 8p46C*8 3f̙3f̙4ER*8  @4ER 8 4% 8 @ 4'4 8+ Circle cells that are:+(/ missing data("2 invisible+-Do not circle any cells(1dependent upon Cells: 1(" involved in a circular reference(12involved in a move* protected(;$Cells dependent upon 2 are circled.involved in a move21==* missing data2@=L* protected~N nJPfji/l!m /  @48l!m 8p4(58l!me(> in formulasfl!me( in valuesfl!me(,=F1Ġfl!me(, Findfl!me(plookfis 5 rows by 6 columns.fl!me* has 3 formulas & 4 data cells.f#A7o8 npn($''Zdl!m Z"Cl!m"-l!m""el!m UUUU Pl!m $$Pl!m "l!m"l!m UUUU Pl!m PPPl!m !!Pl!m aaPl!m Pl!me($pi )T-3.1415926535... ( ^ )Hraise to the powerfl!me($[-]Infinity )T-[minus] Infinity ( *, / )Hmultiply, dividefl!me($true )T-true value (equals 1) ( div, rem )H'integer divide, remainder from divisionfl!me($false )T-false value (equals 0) ( +, - )H add, subtractfl!me($Na )T-data not available ( =, <> )Hequals, not equalsfl!me($Error )T-error value ( <, <= )Hless than, lesser or equalsfl!me($date )T-today's date ( >, >= )Hgreater than, greater or equalsfl!me($cell )Tan example cell in )rSearch)$ function )x and, or )Hlogical and, logical orfl!me($result )Ta cummulative result in )Search)$ function )Z not )H logical notfl!me(wp Operatorsfl!me(&range = A1:A10, E5:B1, C6:C6, D1:G20fl!me+ value = 10.7, 3 )fdays), "9/3/57", 30*)Zpi)/180, )$true), "B. Crenshaw", C5*2, )na), A1 )or) A2, )date)+1 )day), ) cell)>0fl!me(4list = (A1:B2,C3:C6), (B17), (10,2*A1,F1:F10), (3 (Gyears)#,2 )days),4 )weeks)#).fl!me(7Roundingfl!me+Int)m(value to round, [decimal position])...................Truncates value to nearest integer or [decimal place].fl!me(S$Round)#j(value to round, [decimal position]).................Rounds value to nearest integer or [decimal place]. fl!me(]$ RoundIEEE)?X(value to round, [decimal position])............Rounds the value using IEEE conventions.fl!me(w Constantsfl!me(#Search)*d(search range, logical formula,.....................Returns the number of values in the search rangefl!me(2 that satisfy the logical formula. If the logicalfl!me* , formula is satisfied and the third & fourthfl!me* arguments are given, then sets )result)* to [initialfl!me( value] and recomputes )result)* using the [formula].fl!me(R1[initial result, formula for recomputing result])fl!me(#Lookup)*g(value, lookup range, [result range])...............Looks for value in the range. If a match is found,fl!me(3 returns the value in the corresponding cell of thefl!me(1 column or row adjacent to the lookup range or infl!me*  the optional [result range].fl!me($#Sin), ) ASin), ) SinH)P(value in radians)........................Sin, arc sin, hyperbolic sin of value.fl!me(.#Cos), ) ACos), ) CosH)Y(value in radians)........................Cosine, arc cosine, hyperbolic cosine of value.fl!me(8#Tan), ) ATan), ) TanH)\(value in radians)........................Tangent, arc tangent, hyperbolic tangent of value.fl!me(B#Exp), ) Log), )Ln)S(value).....................................e , log base 10, natural log of value. fl!me(L#Abs), ) Sqrt), ) Sign)U(value)...................................Absolute value, square root, sign of value.fl!me(3Logarithmic, Trigonometric, Hyperbolic & Arithmeticfl!me*S Searchingfl!me+If)f(logical formula, result if true, result if false)......Returns a result based on the logical formula.fl!me($Index)#f(coordinate [range], column offset, row offset)......Locates a cell using the row & column offsets andfl!me(1returns its value. Locates within the [range] orfl!me* 'starting at the coordinate (or example )cell) in thefl!me(?xfl!me(LinSys)*f(independents, dependents, result range)............Solves the system of linear equations given by thefl!me(sDet)f(range)................................................Computes the determinant of a range of numbers.fl!me(5independent and dependent variables and places their fl!me* 3correlation coefficents into the result range. Thefl!me* .condition number is the function result. Eachfl!me(" Regression)Fb(regression variables, result range,...........Computes the multiple regression results and placesfl!me(-them in the result range with the correlationfl!me* 1coefficients in the first column and the standardfl!me* 4errors in the second column. The r is the functionfl!me* .result. If the optional [boolean] is false, afl!me(l [boolean])fl!me(4constant term is not computed. Regression variablesfl!me(S2fl!me(argument is given as a range.fl!me*Lare entered in a range.fl!me+/Search function). The row & column offsets arefl!me* given as integer values.fl!me(àfl!me++n-1fl!me()X) ) )-) )n)X) fl!me(/2fl!me( 2fl!me(  1-(1+rate)^fl!me( -periodsfl!me(*ratefl!me(; (1+rate)^fl!me(6-periodsfl!me(nfl!me(xfl!me+ = Xfl!me(#%Annuity)1l(interest rate, # of periods).....................Present value of an annuity........................... fl!me(8%Compound)8g(interest rate, # of periods)....................Future value of a sum.................................fl!me(n$Irr)d(payments).............................................Simple internal rate of return on a series offl!me(x+payments. Payments are entered in a range.fl!me(J%Npv)d(discount rate, cash flows)............................Net present or future value of the cash flowsfl!me(T%Nfv)d(discount rate, cash flows) discounted by the given rate. Cash flows arefl!me(#Xrr)f(payments, -return rate, +return rate,.................Modified internal rate of return on a series offl!me(1discount rates are values. Negative payments arefl!me(>h[boolean]) payments. Payments are entered in a range and thefl!me( Financialfl!me(L Correlation)Ma(source range, result range)..................Computes the correlation matrix of the source rangefl!me(W3and places it in the result range. The determinantfl!me* 1of the correlation matrix is the function result.fl!me(:Regression & Numerical analysisfl!me(#STDev)#o(list)...............................................Sample standard deviation of a list of numbers............fl!me(#Average)1m(list)............................................Average of a list of numbers or date parts.................fl!me(#Count)#d(list)...............................................Number of values in a list which are not blank.fl!me(#Min)k(list).................................................Finds the smallest value or earliest date in a list.fl!me(#Max)h(list).................................................Finds the largest value or latest date in a list.fl!me(#Sum)v(list).................................................Sum the numbers or date parts in a list........................()Xfl!me( #Sumsqr)*i(list).............................................Sum of the squares of the numbers in a list...........( )Xfl!me( Statisticalfl!me( 2fl!me(^2entered in a range & the discount rate is a value.fl!me(1brought to the present & positive payments to thefl!me* .future unless the optional [boolean] is false.f)XflhHhPASLIB UNITSTD GRAFUTILUNITHZ STORAGE QUICKDRAHWINT FEDEC FONTMGR EVENTS WINDOWS FOLDERS MENUS FLDUT WMLSTD WMLCRS WMLGROW WMLSB INTERNATFPLIB ALERTMGRMATHLIB UNITFF UNITCS UNITFILEUNITFMT BGENV MATMGR PARSER COMPUTE STUBS UUNIVERS FEGLOBAL!COMGR "TEEXEC %LCFEXEC 'TEENV (TM )FMGRUTIL*PMM +PMDECL ,UNITFIGA-SYS1LOCK.UCLASCAL/LCUT 7RECOVERY;LOWLEVEL<DBDECL1 =POOLER >DBENV ?HEAP @VLTREE ACZCOMPACBLABSCAN DSCHEMA ESCAN FFIELDEDIGSCRAP IFILERCOMKPRPUBLICLPRSTDINFMPRSTDPRONPRFILEPROPRBUF PPRSPOOL QQUEUES RPREVENTSSPRDLGMGRTPRMGR UBLKIOINTfBLOCKIO gPASHEAP hB.> XNCPASLIB1 LWWORK OTHRWORKACTIVATEOPENSEG1INcold NEVER alert WMcold SMcold SUcold "NEWSEG1 #TEinit %SCROLL &TESCROLL'TEwork1 (TEcold *LCdebug ,LPr -matMgrSe.LCxCalcs/LCBG1res0LCBG2res1LCspecif2UT 3BGspecif4NEWSEG2 5debug2 6PRdialog7OpenClos8initial 9CutPaste:specialC;openclos<access >swapaccs?frecovse@SYSINIT APMMSeg CWORKSET DGRAFSEG EFEcutCopFFEcold GSBcold HOPENSEG2IPrBtn JMOVERS KPrwork LPrMgr MALRTDIALNOPEN1LW OPr PPrInit Qfpsane Sfpelems Tfpreal UfprealioVfpdecstrWcorrbd Ymathlib Zfinance [matrix \double ]mathsort^solve _PASIOLIB`SgPASinibMainProg X9}Y- *噇CE<ٞ8G-x@B5@Jm0-+ BuzzWords Insert Blank Insert Blank Row ... Insert Blank Column ... Same Relative #Column Width--Number of Characters: &Fixed Decimal Point--Number of Places: value formula dialog box Set Aside Page !Insert Blank Row--Number of Rows: 'Insert Blank Column--Number of Columns:  StatusViewFormula: Cells: Value: Value (Number): Value (Text): Value (Date): Value (Date Part): Value (Blank): Cell: select the Formula panelM select the Cells panelG |M Formula: |G Cells: Value (Page):  Debug ? ,B B,uNB,Wait BNANC t t s   Stop ,B Wu:uNWN-: -Note ,BfDfDCaution DBACOyPyQxQ P O Cancel OK Cancel OK Previous Next _Oj 0dCoveG@2fOg_hG@&iG@jG@CkGj5lOmO/n~opqCo{rOs_tu_vOUAwOxOyOQzOi{Oj|O}$~~G@7O?x__AH~_P?#?OOOOO_v_O_?@_E_+R__OV_dV_O2O"O9OU)     OOOOOOOOgO|OFOOz'_'_'_8'_*'GU'_'_'O'O*'_E'_A'_M'_6'_L'_Q:O:O;:O9:OJ:O[:OY:O.:O7:OF:_}:Oz:O:O?:Ox:O<:Oy LisaCalc could not find the message that should appear here. If you are unable to proceed, contact a qualified service representative, and mention the number . The last commmand was . :  = the last command attempted LisaCalc is having technical difficulties accessing the disk that has the LisaCalc tool.Put away your documents one at a time or push the on-off button to save them all.If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Accessing Disk. /xAx x9x x$x x%x x.9 x.% 9,9 A'A A-A A.A AA AAThe Apple-key combination you just typed is not associated with an available menu item at this time. You cannot edit what is on the Clipboard. You cannot paste at the selected location because the Clipboard does not have the appropriate type of material on it at this time. You can paste only text over text and cells over cells. The Clipboard no longer has on it the cells that are being moved.The formulas that refer to those cells will be restored to the state they were in before the move. Before you , make a selection. The selection is protected or invisible. To edit it, first choose Unprotect or Visible from the Protect menu. You cannot type more than  characters in this location. Before you , select at least one character. You cannot paste at the selected location because the Clipboard does not have text on it at this time. To paste text, first cut or copy text to the Clipboard. LisaCalc cannot undo the last operation. Do you really want to ?The Clipboard has cells on it which are being moved. The formulas that refer to those cells have been set to error. If you , you may invalidate the move.To leave the document as it is now, click Cancel.Once you click OK, you will not be able to change your mind, even by choosing Undo. Do you really want "" to revert to the version saved ?To leave the document as it is now, click Cancel.Once you click OK, you will not be able to change your mind, even by choosing Undo. Do you really want "" to revert to blank stationery?To leave the document as it is now, click Cancel.Once you click OK, you will not be able to change your mind, even by choosing Undo. LisaCalc ignores the Enter, Tab, Return, and arrow keys when the selection is larger than a single cell. You cannot have more than 255 rows or columns in the spreadsheet. If you have empty rows or columns available, you can make more room by cutting them or pasting over them. The selection contains at least one cell that is protected or invisible. Unprotected cells are being cleared, but other cells are not. To clear the protected or invisible cells, first choose Unprotect from the Protect menu. LisaCalc will not be able to undo this operation. If you still want to do it, click OK.To leave the document as it is now, click Cancel. The document just opened was saved using an older version of LisaCalc. To continue working, put away this document immediately and then reopen it. Before pasting, cut or copy something to the Clipboard. You cannot paste at the selected location because the Clipboard does not have text on it at this time. You can paste only text over text and cells over cells. You cannot paste a group of cut cells into a larger number of cells. To paste the cells, select the top left cell of the new location and paste again. LisaCalc cannot record the information you entered because there is not enough room left in memory. You may be able to make more room in memory to accommodate additional changes. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Memory. LisaCalc can accept only digits in the number. Retype the value using number keys only. LisaCalc can accept only a whole number between 1 and . Enter a number in that range. LisaCalc cannot copy the cells because there is not enough room left in memory.You may be able to make more room in memory. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Memory. LisaCalc cannot put the cut cells on the Clipboard because there is not enough room left in memory. Do you want to clear the cells without putting them on the Clipboard?To leave the cells as they are now, click Cancel.Once you click OK, you will not be able to change your mind, even by choosing Undo. You may be able to make more room in memory. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Memory. LisaCalc cannot display the cells on the Clipboard because there is not enough room left in memory. The cells are on the Clipboard and may be pasted into the document. You may be able to make more room in memory. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Memory. One or more of the cells you are trying to paste over is protected or invisible.If you want to replace those cells, click OK.To leave the selection unchanged, click Cancel. You cannot  while the dialog box is showing. FATAL ERROR:   One or more of the cells you are trying to cut is protected or invisible.If you want to cut those cells, click OK.To leave the selection unchanged, click Cancel. LisaCalc is calculating.To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. You asked LisaCalc to save and continue. LisaCalc was able to save "," but there was not enough room left on the disk that contains the document to allow you to continue. "" has been put away.You may be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. "" has not been changed since it was last put away. To display "," activate the window by clicking once in it. The document you are trying to save has a  that has been edited but has not been entered.If you click OK, the changes to the cell will be ignored, and the cell's previous contents will be restored before "" is saved.If you click Cancel, the document will not be saved, and the cell will keep its current contents. Finish editing the  and enter it before putting away the document. LisaCalc is performing the . LisaCalc is saving the latest version of "."To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. LisaCalc is having technical difficulties understanding what is on the Clipboard. It cannot complete the paste.If the original material still exists, copy it again. LisaCalc cannot  because there is not enough room left in memory.You may be able to make more room in memory. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Memory. LisaCalc cannot save this version of "" because there is not enough room left on the disk that contains the document. You may be able to save "" by setting it aside and then moving it to another disk or by making more room on this disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. LisaCalc is having technical difficulties saving this version of "."You may be able to save the document by setting it aside and then moving it to another disk. Save your other documents soon, particularly those that are on the same disk. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Saving Document. LisaCalc is having technical difficulties saving this version of "."You may be able to save the document by setting it aside and then moving it to another disk. Save your other documents soon, particularly those that are on the same disk. If the problem recurs, Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Accessing Disk. LisaCalc has terminated saving "" because you typed Apple-period. The document has not been saved. The Clipboard has cells on it which are being moved.Do not change what is on the Clipboard if you want to complete the move. You cannot paste at the selected location because the range of cells selected does not match the range of cells on the Clipboard. To paste the cells, select the top left cell of the new location and paste again. LisaCalc cannot save what is on the Clipboard because there is not enough room left on the disk. You will be able to paste what is on the Clipboard into this LisaCalc document but not into any other document. You may be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. LisaCalc is having technical difficulties and cannot allow you to continue editing your document. LisaCalc is attempting to record all changes to "" since it was last opened. If this document appears to be damaged the next time you open it, choose Revert to Previous Version from the File/Print menu. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Damaged Document. LisaCalc is reverting to the version of "" saved . LisaCalc cannot save the text version of the data on the Clipboard because there is not enough room left on the disk. You will be able to paste only to a LisaCalc or LisaGraph document. You may be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. LisaCalc will be able to restore the previous version of "" but will be unable to remember what is on the Clipboard because there is not enough room left on the disk.You may be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk.To leave the document and the Clipboard as they are now, click Cancel.Once you click OK, you will not be able to change your mind, even by choosing Undo. Complete the move by pasting the cells on the Clipboard to their new location. LisaCalc will then correct the formulas that refer to those cells. LisaCalc will be able to put away "" but will be unable to remember what is on the Clipboard because there is not enough room left on the disk.You may be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk.To leave the document and the Clipboard as they are now, click Cancel.Once you click OK, you will not be able to change your mind, even by choosing Undo. The Clipboard cannot be displayed until a LisaCalc document is opened. LisaCalc will be able to put away "" but will be unable to remember the text version of what is on the Clipboard because there is not enough room left on the disk. You will be able to paste only to a LisaCalc or LisaGraph document. You may be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. LisaCalc is having technical difficulties and is unable to restore your document to the state it was in when the tool failed . Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Accessing Disk. LisaCalc could discard the damaged version of "" and revert to the version you saved .If you want to revert to the last saved version of "," click OK.To leave the document in its current state, click Cancel. LisaCalc has cleared the page marks you have set, but the selection contains at least one default page mark which cannot be cleared. You cannot paste at the selected location because the range of selected cells does not match the range of cells on the Clipboard. Do you really want to invalidate the move?If you click Cancel, the move may be completed later.If you click OK, the Clipboard will no longer have on it the cells that are being moved. The formulas that refer to those cells will be restored to the state they were in before the move. The document just opened has had its foreign formats converted to local data formats. The daisy wheel printer cannot print all the typestyles in your document. LisaCalc cannot save the text version of the data on the Clipboard because it is too large to fit on a standard piece of paper. You will be able to paste only to a LisaCalc or LisaGraph document. LisaCalc cannot  because there is not enough room left on the disk.You may be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. LisaCalc cannot put the cut cells on the Clipboard because there is not enough room left on the disk. Do you want to clear the cells without putting them on the Clipboard?To leave the cells as they are now, click Cancel.Once you click OK, you will not be able to change your mind, even by choosing Undo. You may be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. LisaCalc cannot copy the cells because there is not enough room left on the disk.You may be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. LisaCalc cannot display the cells on the Clipboard because there is not enough room left on the disk. The cells are on the Clipboard and may be pasted into the document. You may be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. LisaCalc cannot record the information you entered because there is not enough room left on the disk. You may be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. LisaCalc cannot display the dialog box because there is not enough room left in memory. You may be able to make more room in memory. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Memory. Do you really want the cells with error and infinite values not printed?If you still want to do it, click OK.To print the document unchanged, click Cancel. You cannot print a blank document. Do you really want to paste the values on the Clipboard into formulas?If you still want to do it, click OK.To paste the clipboard as values, click Cancel. Do you really want to copy the text for formulas to the Clipboard?If you still want to do it, click OK.To copy the text for the values, click Cancel. /second/secondsminute/minutes hour/hoursday/days week/weeks year/yearsago some time ago $9,999.00nomdy/()You cannot type arithmetic operators into the Cells area of the Status panel. Enter a cell coordinate in the form of a column letter followed by a row number. The cell coordinate you typed contains a column letter outside the range of the matrix. Enter a column letter between A and IU. The cell coordinate you typed contains a row number outside the range of the matrix. Enter a row number between 1 and 255. The cell coordinate you typed contains a row number or a column letter outside the range of the matrix. Enter a cell coordinate between A1 and IU255. The cell coordinate you typed has a character in it that LisaCalc cannot recognize. Enter a coordinate in the form of a column letter followed by a row number. You cannot use the row or column separator in cell coordinates. To specify a range of cells, enter the top left coordinate and the bottom right coordinate, separated by a colon. You cannot use the row or column separator in a formula. To specify a range of cells, enter the top left coordinate and the bottom right coordinate, separated by a colon. LisaCalc could not recognize the character you just typed. Please retype the character. LisaCalc cannot understand  and  in the order in which they appear. Check what you typed for errors. The date value you specified is not a valid calendar date. The formula you typed is missing a quotation mark as part of a text or date value. Enclose text and date values in quotation marks. LisaCalc cannot understand the formula. Break up the formula by placing parts of it in different cells. LisaCalc could not finish the calculation in 30 seconds. Some values may not have been calculated correctly. To ensure that the values are correct, select Calculate Now from the Calculate menu. LisaCalc could not finish the calculation in 30 seconds. You have circular references in the document. Some values may not have been calculated correctly. To ensure that the values are correct, select Calculate Now from the Calculate menu. There are no circled cells below the selection. "" not found below the selection. You cannot type while formulas or page layout are showing. To enter values, choose Don't Preview Pages from the Page Layout menu or Show Values Only from the Calculate menu. LisaCalc has terminated the calculation because you typed Apple-period. Some values may not have been calculated correctly.To ensure that the values are correct, select Calculate Now from the Calculate menu. LisaCalc has terminated the calculation because you typed Apple-period.Some values may not have been calculated correctly due to the circular reference in the document.To locate the circular reference, select Circle Cells from the Calculate menu and choose to circle cells that are involved in a circular reference.To ensure that the values are correct, select Calculate Now from the Calculate menu. LisaCalc cannot finish the calculation because there is not enough room left in memory.You may be able to make more room. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Memory. LisaCalc cannot finish the calculation because there is not enough room left on the disk.You may be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. There are no cells that are missing data in the document. There are no cells that are invisible in the document. There are no cells that are involved in a move in the document. There are no protected cells in the document. There are no cells dependent upon the selection in the document. There are no cells involved in a circular reference in the document. The formula you entered has an unmatched left parenthesis. Check for an extra left parenthesis or add a matching right parenthesis. The function you entered is missing its arguments. You cannot use the  constant at this location. The formula you entered is missing one of the operands for . A coordinate range cannot be an argument at this location to the  function. The  function requires a coordinate range as an argument at this location. The  function has too many arguments. The  function does not have enough arguments. You cannot use commas to separate numbers within a formula. The formula you just entered contains a reference to its own coordinates which causes a circular reference. LisaCalc cannot understand the formula. Break up the formula by placing parts of it in different cells. The formula you entered has an unmatched right parenthesis. Check for an extra right parenthesis or add a matching left parenthesis. You cannot use the  function within the  function. The range of cells for the  function's result is not correct.The result range should have been . The  function can only handle  columns of data. The  function cannot handle ranges in which the number of rows does not equal the number of columns. nC C  @42%?8 "D"D4'24?8 8p462C?8+ Printing options...+=Print headings on the page.*Print the matrix grid lines.*%Print the matrix row & column titles.es of memory.* is 5 rows by 6 columns.* has 3 formulas & 4 data cells.(/F%took 7 seconds to open the document.(s"(mmMemSize 8 bytes, mmDiskSize 9 bytes.(_"!11 handles used in the document.* 6theHeap MemSize 13 bytes, theHeap DiskSize 14 bytes.~N nJPfvl!me v+ For your information...fl!me+ The documentfl!me*N81 bytes used to store the information on the Clipboard.fl!me(Y62takes 10 seconds for recalculation in 12 passes.fl!me(26uses 2 bytes of memory.fl!me* is 5 rows by 6 columns.fl!me* has 3 formulas & 4 data cells.fl!me(Xf'&,b&v&j&J  #%*059=AGOSZ]aeinquy~  $,29@GOX]ejpsx*/+-^ rem  div =<><<=>=> or  and not summinmaxcountaveragenpvlookuppiabsintexpsqrtlnlogsinasincosacostanatansumSqrdateNaErrorlexpenny RoundIEEERound -InfinityallInfinity:,|number$$% identifer coordinatetruefalse() month day year week months days years weekssearchannuitycompoundedgelexdatejunkboundifcellresultSTdevindexsignirr Correlationxrrnfv RegressionLinSysDetsinhcoshtanh lastLexeme                                                                +*10/ , .-  5  &3 4(  )'!#%$" 2 '4-%&  &4%'*6?B:;=9DC8 l          HHHHHHH9:/HHHHHHHHHHH./  HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH0H HHHH HF%R@o<B<>H?;_AR=S*,|||||kkl  !"u#A7o8 npn($CD$E-,'&+(+4J)KLlONMPQnR.STkUWXTYVV?;Zx0N@4ɿ?w.Wk??@ڢ!h3@]ݪ%R@o<B<>H?;_AR=S*,|||||kkl  !"u#A7o8 npn($w4.#13y  ') 0P0( . TP``<@/.,$9,mdy/()D  rRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Last QuarterN=k Number of Units Soldg G<( ' Avg Sale Price per Unit?.~ ?L Avg Cost per Unit:< n d?BG Sales Revenuekm F  H  Cost of Goods Sold<. GF   G   Operating Expenses- l  u0? m  PROFITH/ F  G@  E    @@ @ :@AHp0,_HF?0,DEV@?H @AHp+gB+<NLN^ _PONHOWBUTNJoNVH. &mPB. m g?<^H $AI?,? n0 H @A<0`>H $"AAAI?,? n/Bg?,LN^ _NWITCH HPy2Value (Blank):`C`Cʮц[:@AHp0,_HF?0,DEV@?H @AHp+gB+<NLN^ _PONHw4.#13y  ') 0P0( . 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