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Print... Monitor the Printer... {EditUndo Last Change - Cut Copy Text Copy Columns Paste - Clear Lines Off Top - Select All of Document SetupComputer Compatibility... Comfort... Custom Functions... Character Sets... - Change Answerback Message... oRulerShow Tab Ruler Show Column Ruler Hide Rulers - Set Tab Every 8 Clear All Tabs - Clear All Columns <PhoneDial Enter Phone Number... - Hang Up vMessages Phone Number? Answerback Message? the startup disk )the disk containing the LisaTerminal tool 4 File/PrintSet Aside Everything Set Aside  ? ,B B,uNB,WAIT BNANC t t s   STOP ,B Wu:uNWN-: -NOTE ,BfDfDCAUTION DBACOyPyQxQ P O Cancel OK :_OxO'O O _ _\ O _iO]_B?*_>_O__'O?&___OO6_[_p_w /!_l"_%#_$_%_&_'8(V)_*+,-_.Oq/?=0OQ      LisaTerminal could not find the message that should appear here. If you are unable to proceed, contact a qualified service representative, and mention the number . The Lisa is having technical difficulty accessing the disk that contains the LisaTerminal tool.Put away your documents one at a time or push the Lisa on-off button to save them all.If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Accessing Disk. Before copying, make a selection. LisaTerminal is having difficulty opening "." LisaTerminal cannot read documents that were created with an older version of the software. If this document was created with an older version, set it aside (DO NOT SAVE IT), and reboot with the older version in order to examine the document. (You can copy it to LisaWrite to convert it.) Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Opening Document. LisaTerminal is having difficulty saving this version of "." You might be able to save it on another disk by setting it aside and then moving the icon to a different storage location. Something went wrong trying to access Serial . LisaTerminal is changing the Communication compatibility characteristic for "" to Off (Local). There are more than 1500 Lines Off Top in "." This information is occupying a lot of the Lisa's memory, which could cause performance problems. As soon as you no longer need to keep a record of all transactions, remove the lines off top by selecting Clear Lines Off Top from the Edit menu. Communication between "" and the remote computer has been cut off in some way. Make sure that the modem is connected properly. Try dialing again if you wish to resume communication with the remote computer. LisaTerminal cannot communicate with the device attached to Serial . Make sure you have told the System Preferences that you plan to use this port. Also make sure that the port is not in use by another document. LisaTerminal is changing the Communication compatibility characteristic for "" to Off (Local). You cannot paste because the Clipboard does not have text on it at this time. "" must be connected to an Apple 1200 or an Apple 300 and have its Communication compatibility characteristic set to On (On-Line) to be able to dial as the document is opened. LisaTerminal is changing the Dial compatibility characteristic for "" to Using the Phone Menu. LisaTerminal is dialing  for "." The remote computer is communicating with "" at a baud rate of 300 or less. LisaTerminal is changing the Baud Rate compatibility characteristic for "" to 300. If communication is not established properly, change the baud rate to fit the needs of the remote computer. The remote computer is communicating with "" at a baud rate of 1200. LisaTerminal is changing the Baud Rate compatibility characteristic for "" to 1200. LisaTerminal could not establish communication between "" and the remote computer. The phone number may be busy. If not, make sure that the phone number is correct and the phone line is connected properly. The modem connected to "" cannot communicate at the specified baud rate. LisaTerminal is changing the Communication compatibility characteristic for "" to Off (Local). Change the baud rate to an acceptable value. Serial A cannot communicate at the specified baud rate. LisaTerminal is changing the Communication compatibility characteristic for "" to Off (Local). Change the baud rate to an acceptable value or use Serial B for communication at 3600 or 19200 baud. LisaTerminal is having difficulty operating the modem used by "." Make sure that the modem is an , and that it is connected properly to . When you have done this, turn the modem off and then on again. LisaTerminal is hanging up "." LisaTerminal is having difficulty receiving information from Serial . To continue, turn the Lisa off and then on again. The problem could be caused by either noise on the line or an incorrect Computer Compatibility setting. LisaTerminal is changing the Communication Compatibility characteristic for "" to Off (Local). If this message recurs, try setting the Handshake to None. "" cannot use the specified serial connector because Serial  is already in use by another document. LisaTerminal is changing the Communication compatibility characteristic for "" to Off (Local). LisaTerminal has run out of space on . In order to continue, you should clear the Lines Off Top of "" by clicking OK. Warning: this will cause some information to be discarded that cannot be retrieved or redisplayed.If you click Cancel you should save and put away this document and then make more room on the disk. Clicking Cancel will set the Lines Off Top comfort characteristic for "" to Forget. Caution: If you don't take care of this situation immediately, LisaTerminal may clear the Lines Off Top. LisaTerminal does not have enough space on  to copy your entire selection. The contents of the Clipboard have not been changed.To make more room on the disk, discard some old, outdated documents or move some documents to another disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. LisaTerminal has run out of space on .To make more room on the disk, discard some old, outdated documents or move some documents to another disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. LisaTerminal is having difficulty receiving information from Serial , but communication with the remote computer will continue. The problem could be caused by either noise on the line or an incorrect Computer Compatibility setting in "." If this message recurs, try setting the Handshake to None. LisaTerminal does not have enough space on  to read the Lines Off Top of your document.To make more room on the disk, discard some old, outdated documents or move some documents to another disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. LisaTerminal does not have enough space on  to read the Terminal Screen Area of your document.To make more room on the disk, discard some old, outdated documents or move some documents to another disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. The modem connected to "" is already communicating with a remote computer. Click Continue to continue this communication, or click Hang Up to hang up the modem.Hang UpContinueYou must select Enter Phone Number from the Phone menu to have "" dial as it is opened. LisaTerminal dialed  for "." LisaTerminal hung up "." The modem connected to "" was already communicating with a remote computer. The modem has been hung up and dialed to the phone number displayed in the Phone menu. The modem connected to "" was already communicating with a remote computer. LisaTerminal is allowing the communication to continue with that computer. To terminate it, select Hang Up from the Phone menu. LisaTerminal has run out of space on , and has changed the Lines Off Top comfort characteristic of "" to Forget.You should choose Clear Lines Off Top from the Edit menu or make more room on disk. LisaTerminal is unable to display the Clipboard. To display this document, activate it by clicking once inside the window. LisaTerminal has run out of space on . LisaTerminal has cleared the Lines Off Top of "" and changed its Lines Off Top comfort characteristic to Forget. The Lines Off Top cannot be retrieved or redisplayed. USAsciiDo you really want "" to revert to blank stationery?To leave the document as it is now, click Cancel.Once you click OK, you will not be able to change your mind, even by choosing Undo. Do you really want "" to revert to the version saved ?To leave the document as it is now, click Cancel.Once you click OK, you will not be able to change your mind, even by choosing Undo. The number of Lines Off Top for "" has reached the limit. You should remove the lines by selecting Clear Lines Off Top from the Edit Menu. Unless you do this you will not be able to save any more lines. You cannot set Remember on because the number of lines remembered has already reached the limit. Lisa Terminal is saving the latest version of "." Lisa Terminal cannot open the document because the password is wrong. Go AwaySet Tab Clear Tab Set Column Clear Column/second/secondsminute/minutes hour/hoursday/days week/weeks year/yearsago some time agoK &AOS 3.0 lXZD G D0 :a$T  !A#"### .% &$'b- u######### # # # # #############?O   %O%PMQORPQ=w4UVTWUXVYWX4 [ \Z ][ ^\ _] `^ a_ b` ca db ec fd ge hf ig jh ki lj mk nl om pn qo rp sq tr us vt wu xv yw zx {y !|z "}{ #~| $} %~ & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l                       oHO