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The Desktop Manager could not find the message that should appear here. If you are unable to proceed, contact a qualified service representative, and mention the number . The Lisa is having technical difficulties accessing the startup disk.Put away your documents one at a time or push the on-off button to save them all. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Accessing Disk. /://am/pm/12mdy0/The Lisa is having technical difficulties. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under System Restart. If you report this difficulty, please mention the number . The Lisa cannot recover from this problem; the system will restart. You may continue at your own risk by clicking Continue. To restart The Lisa, click Restart. RestartContinueThe Lisa is having technical difficulty accessing work on , the . The disk itself might be damaged, or the drive might not be working. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Damaged Disk. If you report this difficulty, please mention the number . There is either no space left or too many documents on , the . Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. If you report this difficulty, please mention the number . The Lisa is moving  to . To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. The Lisa is placing a duplicate of  in . To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. The Lisa cannot make this duplicate because there is not enough room left on . You may be able to make a duplicate on a different disk or to make more room on . Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. The Lisa cannot undo the last operation. The startup disk was in use when the Lisa failed. You can check the disk for damage by turning off the Lisa, restarting with the Office System 1 diskette, and clicking Repair. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, under Disk Repair. Don't Check Power OffThe Lisa cannot move the selected objects because there is not enough room left on . You may be able to make more room on the disk; otherwise, use a different disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. The Lisa is creating a new document from  on . To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. The Lisa is creating a new folder from  on . To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. The Lisa is creating a new envelope from  on . To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. The Lisa cannot complete this operation because either there is not enough memory or there is not enough room on the startup disk. You may be able to make more room on the startup disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. The Lisa cannot complete this operation because there is not enough room left on . You may be able to make more room on ; otherwise, use a different disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. You cannot erase the  while it is being used as the startup disk. If you want to erase and reinitialize the startup disk, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 6, Setting Up Your System, under Installing the Office System Software. You cannot repair the  using the Repair menu item while it is being used as the startup disk. Use the Office System 1 diskette to repair the disk being used to start the Lisa. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, under Disk Repair. The Lisa was unable to restore the most recent locations of your icons for the . Beware: Some icons may have returned to their former locations. If this problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Desktop State. The Lisa tried to record the locations of your icons for the  but was unable to record all of them. When they reappear, some may be in the wrong place. If this problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Desktop State. The Apple-key combination you just typed is not associated with an available menu item at this time. You cannot edit what is on the Clipboard. You cannot use more than  characters in an icon's name. The selected name cannot be changed. Before typing, select an icon or its title. The Lisa is emptying the wastebasket of all discarded documents on the . To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. ? ? The Preferences have been forgotten. Open the Preferences icon to reset them. The mouse seems to be unplugged. If it is attached, check the connection. If this message recurs, call a qualified service representative. Do you want  to be saved and put away in  or do you want it to be quickly set aside on the desktop? Leave Open Set AsidePut AwayIf you want to finish this duplication, you must move the duplicate before you do anything else. Click Cancel to terminate the duplication. CancelContinueThe Lisa is putting everything away on the  before ejecting it. To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. Saving .  cannot be made into a stationery pad because it contains a copy of . Stationery pads cannot contain tools. This is the master copy of . Do you really want to discard it? KeepDiscard contains the master copy of . Do you really want to discard it? KeepDiscard contains a copy of . Do you really want to discard it? KeepDiscardThe Lisa Office System software is having difficulty monitoring the printer. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Tool Failure. The Lisa is putting everything away before turning off. To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. The Lisa is putting everything away before returning to the Environments window. To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. The Lisa is turning off. The Lisa is returning to the Environments window. This is the master copy of . It cannot be moved to a different disk.  contains the master copy of . It cannot be moved to a different disk. The Lisa clock/calendar is not set properly. Open the Clock to set the correct date and time. Do you want the Lisa to continue repairing the disk? CancelContinuegWARNING: If you intend to turn the disk off, wait until the light in the Lisa's on-off button goes off.The Lisa is having technical difficulties with the printing software. You will not be able to print until the problem is corrected. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Printing. If you report this difficulty, please mention the number .  is a partial document and cannot be made into a stationery pad. You can reconstruct the document by moving or duplicating the first part of the document to a disk large enough to hold the entire document and then inserting the diskettes with the other parts when requested. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Partial Documents.  is a partial document and cannot be opened for viewing until it is reconstructed. You can reconstruct the document by moving or duplicating the first part of the document to a disk large enough to hold the entire document and then inserting the diskettes with the other parts when requested. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Partial Documents.  is a partial document and cannot be moved or duplicated to another disk. You can reconstruct the document by moving or duplicating the first part of the document to a disk large enough to hold the entire document and then inserting the diskettes with the other parts when requested. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Partial Documents.  is too large to fit on a single diskette. It can, however, be split into pieces and put on multiple diskettes. If you want to copy the first piece to this diskette, click Copy. You will have to insert additional diskettes as needed. WARNING: the Lisa will immediately erase each of the additional diskettes as they are inserted! If you don't want to split  now, click Cancel. CancelCopy free blocks are needed to reconstruct .  does not have enough room. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. Would you like to continue pasting any remaining icons? CancelContinue cannot be password protected on , the , because the disk was initialized by an earlier version of the Lisa Office System that did not support passwords. Do you wish to continue? Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Incompatible Versions. CancelContinue cannot be used to make a stationery pad because it is password protected. The paste cannot be done because the tool that was used to place the icon reference on the clipboard is no longer available. The group of icons you have selected cannot be moved together because a portion of one of the icons, , is on another disk. Move it by itself after you move the others. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Partial Documents. The Lisa is having technical difficulties. The system will restart. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under System Restart. If you report this difficulty, please mention the number . The Lisa is having technical difficulties. You may continue at your own risk by clicking Continue. To restart The Lisa, click Restart. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under System Restart. If you report this difficulty, please mention the number . RestartContinueThe Lisa is turning off. WARNING: If you intend to turn the disk off, wait until the light in the Lisa's on-off button goes off. You may be able to terminate the operation by holding down the Apple key while you type a period. The Lisa is having technical difficulties accessing  on . Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Opening Document. The Lisa is having technical difficulties writing  to . You may be able to save the document on another disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Saving Document. The Lisa cannot place  on  because either there is not enough room or there are too many documents on the disk. You can make more room on  by discarding some old, outdated documents or by moving some documents to another disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. The Lisa does not have enough available memory right now. Try putting away some documents that are open or have been opened since you started up. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Memory. The Lisa is restarting.  cannot be closed because there is not enough room left on . You may be able to make more room on  by discarding some old, outdated documents or by moving some documents to another disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk.  could not do as you asked. You might try to turn off the Lisa or revert to the previous version of the document. As a last resort, the Lisa can force the tool to release the document, but this will probably damage the document; it might already be damaged. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Damaged Document. Cancel Release Doc 7/7 Office System 1983, 1984 apple computer, inc. The  is not in the standard Lisa Office System format. Do you want to: CancelClick this if you don't want to use this disk. ContinueClick this if you have Lisa tools that can handle disks in non-Lisa format. RepairClick this to put a Lisa disk back in order. Work on the disk will not be erased. InitializeClick this to erase the disk and reformat it to the standard Lisa format. Work stored on the disk will be erased. CancelContinueRepair InitializeThe Lisa did not repair the . You will have to restart using the Office System 1 diskette. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, under Disk Repair. Do you want to reuse the disk? Don't ReuseReuseThe Lisa is initializing the . You will have to open  and then put it away through the File/Print menu. The Lisa was unable to do as you asked. The Lisa cannot use the . The disk might be damaged or the disk drive might not be working. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Disk Drive Problems. The Lisa cannot initialize the  for use by the Lisa Office System. Click Cancel if you don't want to use this disk. Click Continue to set the disk aside. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Damaged Disk. CancelContinueThe Lisa cannot repair the  for use by the Lisa Office System. Click Cancel if you don't want to use this disk. Click Continue to set the disk aside. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Damaged Disk. CancelContinueThe Lisa is repairing the . When the icons reappear, some may have returned to former locations. The  tool is having technical difficulties displaying . Would you like the tool to attempt to redisplay it? Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Tool Failure. Don't Redisplay RedisplayThe Lisa must shut down  before the  can be released. This might cause some windows to go blank, but nothing should be damaged. WARNING: Everything on , the , is about to be erased. Do you really want this to happen? If you want to leave things as they are now, click Cancel. Once you click Erase, you will not be able to change your mind, even by choosing Undo. CancelErasePlease insert the next diskette into the  drive. You are about to discard the master copy of the  tool. Do you really want to do this? KeepDiscardThe Lisa cannot complete the backup operation. Would you like to try again? CancelRetryThe last full backup of  was . To back up only those things that have changed, click Changes Only. Cancel Full Backup Changes OnlyThe Lisa is erasing the . The Lisa is backing up , the , to the . To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. The Lisa cannot copy . To back up the remaining documents and tools, click Continue. To cancel the backup, click Cancel. CancelContinueDo you want to continue this operation? CancelContinueThe  was damaged, and the Lisa is unable to repair it. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Damaged Disk. The  has been checked for damage and is now ready to use. The  was in use when the Lisa failed. Check the disk for damage before continuing so that you won't be in danger of losing everything on the disk. Don't CheckCheckSince you have decided not to have the disk checked for damage, you should make a backup copy before proceeding. The Lisa cannot check the  for damages because the drive cannot read from or write to the disk. Try repairing the disk using another Lisa. If the repair succeeds, the drive needs repair. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Disk Drive Problems. The Lisa is checking the  for damage. The Lisa is about to make the first copy of . This copy, and all future copies, can be used only on this Lisa. Is that what you want? Once you click Copy, you will not be able to change your mind, even by choosing Undo. CancelCopyThe startup disk needs some minor repairs. For more information, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Damaged Disk. RestartRepairThe Lisa is having technical difficulties starting the  tool. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Starting Tool. The Lisa cannot place more than one copy of a tool on any disk.  cannot be displayed because the Lisa cannot locate a usable copy of the  tool. To see this document, insert a diskette that has the  tool.  cannot be displayed because this copy of the  tool is not licensed for use on this Lisa.  cannot be displayed because  is having technical difficulties. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Tool Failure.  cannot be displayed because there is not enough available memory. Try putting back some documents that are open or have been opened since you started up. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Memory and Insufficient Room on Disk.  cannot be displayed because the document appears to be damaged. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Damaged Document. The Lisa has terminated the operation because you typed Apple-period.  cannot be displayed because there is not enough available disk space on the startup disk. Try moving some documents from the startup disk to another disk or discarding any documents that are no longer needed. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. The Lisa is terminating the operation because you typed Apple-period. The Lisa is erasing the . The Lisa is restoring the  from the . To terminate the operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. This is not one of this set of backup diskettes. Only diskettes from the same full backup and the most recent changes-only backup should be inserted. If there are no more diskettes to be inserted or you want to terminate this restoring operation, hold down the Apple key while you type a period. , the , is deteriorating. Copy its contents to another disk before work is lost. This disk might still be usable after it is erased. The Lisa will have to shut down the  tool before it can be copied. This might cause some windows to go blank, but nothing should be damaged. Cancel Shut DownThe Lisa cannot duplicate a folder into itself. You can duplicate the folder onto the same disk and then move the new folder into the original. The Lisa cannot check the  for damage because there is not enough room left in memory. Try putting away some documents that are open or have been opened since you started up. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Memory. Please insert another full backup or changes-only backup diskette into the  drive. The diskettes can be inserted in any order. (The restore will automatically continue when the diskette is inserted. You won't have to click Continue.) If all the diskettes from the full backup and the most recent changes-only backup have been inserted, click Finished. FinishedContinueThe Lisa is having technical difficulties and will not be able print until you turn the Lisa off and on. A tool cannot be moved from its master diskette. You can, however, duplicate the tool and move the duplicate. The startup disk should be checked for damage. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, under Disk Repair.  cannot display the document because the document was created by a later version of the tool. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Incompatible Version. The write-protect tab must be off; that is, the red tab must show through the front of the diskette. Refer to the Lisa 2 Owner's Guide, Appendix D, Caring for Micro Diskettes. Would you like to continue even though  was not copied? If you click Cancel, the transfer will be stopped. CancelContinueThe Lisa is stopping the transfer. The Lisa is having technical difficulty accessing , the . The disk itself might be damaged, or the drive might not be working. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Damaged Disk and under Disk Drive Problems. There seems to be no room left on , the . You may be able to make more room on the disk by discarding some old, outdated documents or by moving some documents to another disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. The Lisa cannot properly adjust some of the folder sizes on , the . Each folder's size should be set correctly the next time you open and close one of the icons in the folder. The sizes will also be corrected if the disk is repaired. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Damaged Disk. The Lisa is unable to remove  from , the . This may be because your disk is damaged. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Damaged Disk. The Lisa is stopping the transfer because of technical difficulties.  cannot be backed up to  because  is currently the startup disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Disk Backup. There is not enough space on , the . The Lisa is reclaiming disk space by destroying some of the things in the Wastebasket. You may be able to terminate the operation by holding down the Apple key while you type a period. The LisaGuide diskette should not be used to store documents or tools. If you want to use LisaGuide:  1) press the Lisa's on-off button to turn the Lisa off,  2) re-insert the LisaGuide diskette,  3) press the on-off button to turn the Lisa on again. For additional details, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 1, LisaGuide. If you intend to backup or repair the LisaGuide diskette, click Continue. EjectContinueThe Lisa is having difficulty with the . You will not be able to use it until the Lisa has been turned off and then on again. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Disk Drive Problems. The Lisa cannot restore . To restore the remaining documents and tools, click Continue. To stop restoring the disk, click Cancel. CancelContinueThe  has been used with an earlier release of the Lisa Office System. The Lisa must update the disk before it can be used with this release. CancelClick this if you don't want to use this disk. ContinueClick this if you have Lisa tools that can handle disks in this old format. UpdateClick this to update the disk for use with this Lisa. After updating, this disk will not be usable by Lisas with the earlier Lisa Office System. InitializeClick this to erase the disk and reformat it to the standard Lisa format. Work stored on the disk will be erased. CancelContinueUpdate InitializeThe Lisa was unable to update the disk. Click Cancel if you don't want to use this disk. Click Continue to set the disk aside. CancelContinueThe  has been used with a much earlier release of the Lisa Office System. To use the disk on this Lisa, first insert the disk into a Lisa with a slightly earlier release of the Lisa Office System and allow that Lisa to update the disk. Then reinsert the disk into this Lisa. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Incompatible Versions. Eject Don't EjectThe  has been used with a newer release of the Lisa Office System. It cannot be updated for use with the release on this Lisa. Refer to the LIsa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Incompatible Versions. Eject Dont' EjectThe Lisa is updating the  for use with this release of the Lisa Office System. The Lisa does not have enough memory available to support access to all of the attached disks. The  cannot be used for now. After turning off the Lisa, disconnect any disks that you do not require. The Lisa is completing the operations initiated with the Office System 1 diskette on the . The  is too small to hold the contents of . The backup operation is being terminated. The Lisa could not transfer some of the specialized system software used by . You may encounter difficulties when trying to use the tool. If you want to restore  from backup diskettes, the diskettes must be inserted in order beginning with the first full backup diskette. After all of the full diskettes have been copied you will be asked to insert, in order, the most recent set of changes-only diskettes. This is  number . Please insert the first diskette of the most recent changes-only backup. If you have not done a changes-only backup, click Finished. FinishedContinuePlease insert  number  into the  drive. (The restore will automatically continue when the diskette is inserted. You won't have to click Continue.) CancelContinueThis is not the correct backup diskette. It is out of sequence.  is too large to fit on a diskette. To backup the remaining documents and tools, click Continue. To cancel the backup, click Cancel. CancelContinueThe Lisa is reconstructing  on . Please insert the next diskette into the  drive. WARNING: the diskette will be erased when it is inserted. You cannot put anything into an unusable disk. The Lisa cannot copy information from a non-Lisa Office System diskette. Do you want to back up the contents of  to the archive tape or restore the disk from the tape? CancelClick Cancel to quit. Back upClick Back up to copy the work on the disk to archive tapes. Caution! Each of the archive tapes will be erased as it is inserted. RestoreClick Restore to copy the work saved on the archive tapes to the disk. WARNING! Restore will destroy all work already on the disk. CancelBack upRestorePlease insert the first archive tape into the tape drive and click Continue. Click Cancel to cancel the back up. CancelContinuePlease insert the next archive tape  into the tape drive and click Continue. If you click Cancel to stop the backup, the tape already copied is useless. CancelContinuePlease insert the next archive tape  into the tape drive and click Continue. If you click Cancel to stop the restore, the disk will be unusable until erased or fully restored. CancelContinueThe password assigned to  has been changed to the new password. The password assigned to  has not been changed. A password was not assigned to .  is now protected with a password. The second password you entered did not match the new password you entered initially. The Lisa is having technical difficulties assigning the new password to . Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Passwords. The Lisa is having technical difficulties displaying the attributes of . If you report this problem, please mention the number . The password you entered was not the password assigned to . A valid password must be at least one character in length. Before typing, select a field to edit. You are not allowed to edit a password with command keys. Backspace is the only allowable editing command. You cannot enter more than  characters in this field. A password may not contain spaces or nonstandard text characters. The Lisa is having technical difficulties clearing the password assigned to . Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Passwords.  is now unprotected. Do you want to duplicate the contents of  to another diskette? NoClick No if you are doing something else, such as restoring a hard disk from backup diskettes. YesClick Duplicate. Because the Lisa has only one micro diskette drive, it will be necessary for you to switch the original and the backup diskettes when requested by the Lisa. Work now stored on the backup diskette will be erased. No DuplicatePlease insert the backup diskette into the micro diskette drive. If you click Cancel, the backup diskette will not be usable until you erase it. CancelContinuePlease insert the original diskette into the micro diskette drive. If you click Cancel, the backup diskette will not be usable until you erase it. CancelContinueThe backup procedure will be complete in a moment. The Lisa cannot back up a non-Lisa-format diskette. The Lisa is reading from the original micro diskette. The Lisa is writing to the backup diskette. Errors were encountered while reading from the original diskette. The diskette cannot be duplicated. Try repairing the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Disk Backup. Errors were encountered while writing to the backup diskette. Try using a different diskette. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Disk Backup. The Lisa is having technical difficulties with the archive tape. You should:  1) remove the tape, 2) insure the safe switch is off, 3) firmly reinsert the tape, and 4) click Continue. Click Cancel to quit. CancelContinueThe Lisa is having difficulty writing to the archive tape. You should remove the tape and insure that the arrow on the safe switch points away from "SAFE." The backup operation has been cancelled. The Lisa is having difficulty reading the archive tape. The restore operation has been cancelled. This is not a Lisa archive tape. You should remove this tape and replace it with archive tape . Click Cancel to quit. CancelContinueThis is archive tape number . You should remove this tape and replace it with tape number . The archive tapes must be inserted in the same order in which they were created. Click Cancel to quit. CancelContinueThe Lisa is running the new tape to the end and back for improved reliablity. Backing up the  to archive tapes. Restoring the  from archive tape , . This tape is number  of the archive tapes just saved. Replace it with a fresh tape and click Continue. Click Cancel to quit. CancelContinueThe tape drive is unusable. Call a qualified service representative. If you proceed, the disk will be restored to the way it was on . All changes made since then will be lost. CancelProceedThe  has been restored from archive tape. The  has been backed up to archive tape. This is the original diskette. This is the duplicate diskette. This is neither the original nor the duplicate diskette.  is very large. Are you sure that you want it to be made into a stationery pad? CancelMake PadThe Lisa encountered technical difficulties with . The problem has been corrected; however,  is no longer protected. internal hard diskmicro disketteupper diskettelower diskette'disk attached to the parallel connector6disk attached to the lower connector, expansion slot 16disk attached to the upper connector, expansion slot 17disk attached to the inside connector, expansion slot 16disk attached to the lower connector, expansion slot 26disk attached to the upper connector, expansion slot 27disk attached to the inside connector, expansion slot 26disk attached to the lower connector, expansion slot 36disk attached to the upper connector, expansion slot 37disk attached to the inside connector, expansion slot 34disk attached to the 4th connector, expansion slot 14disk attached to the 4th connector, expansion slot 24disk attached to the 4th connector, expansion slot 35There is insufficient disk space on the startup disk.IThe Lisa is having technical difficulties displaying this many documents.The tool appears to be damaged.disk attached to slot#disk attached to serial A connector#disk attached to serial B connector , connector, devicefull backup diskettechanges only backup diskette(Backup of { disk })(Changes since { disk })Click in this  window to display its contents. This  window cannot be displayed at this time because there is not enough room on .  encountered technical difficulties while starting up. You should discard this copy of the tool and replace it with a duplicate from the master tool diskette. To display this window, you should insert a diskette containing the  tool and click in the window.  failed while displaying this window. The Lisa needs more memory to display this document. Try putting away some of the windows that have been opened since starting up.  is unable to display this document. The document may be damaged. This tool is used to create and edit documents. To use the tool, tear off a piece of  stationery and open it. Click in the window if you want the Lisa to try to display it. The contents of the Clipboard cannot be displayed until a  document is opened. Just a moment, please... This copy of the  tool is not licensed for use on this Lisa. Insert either a diskette that contains a copy made for this machine or the tool master diskette. This document was created by a newer version of . The older version on this Lisa cannot display it. There is either insufficient free space or too many documents on the startup disk. You can make more room on  by discarding some old, outdated documents or by moving some documents to another disk. This document has been used with a much earlier release of the  tool. To view the document on this Lisa, first move the document to a Lisa with a slightly earlier release of the tool to alter the document, then move the document back to this Lisa. This document has been used with an earlier release of the  tool. If you want to view the document, you will need to permit the tool to alter the document's storage format. To use this disk, open a special tool that can read non-Lisa disks.No such tool? Do you want to: Set the disk asideChoose Set Aside from the File/Print menu. RepairChoose Repair from the Housekeeping menu to put a Lisa disk back in order. Work stored on the disk will not be erased. EraseChoose Erase from the Housekeeping menu to erase the disk and reformat it to the standard Lisa format. Work on the disk will be erased. To use this disk, open the special a special tool that can read Macintosh disks. No such tool? Do you want to: Set the disk asideChoose Set Aside from the File/Print menu. RepairChoose Repair from the Housekeeping menu to put a Lisa disk in order. Work stored on the disk will not be erased. EraseChoose Erase from the Housekeeping menu to erase the disk and reformat it to the standard Lisa format. Work on the disk will be erased. TitleSizeModifiedCreatednever backed upxAx x9x x$x x%x x.9 x.% 9,9 A'ADisketteDisk Preferences Wastebasket ClipboardInternal Hard DiskFolderDocument Wastebasket Calculator Preferences ClipboardClock Document Pad Folder PadToolDisketteDisk In Basket Out BasketEnvelopeInternal Hard DiskUntitledDocumentPaperTools Empty FoldersEmpty EnvelopesUnknownFolderDisk Startup diskin(split)is the is a folder.is a folder pad.is the WasteBasket.is the ClipBoard.is the Calculator. is the Clock.is the Preferences tool. tool. document. stationery pad. Free blocks :Total blocks :File system version : Backed up :No information Created : Version : Modified : Piece size :Size :blocks Total size :Piece number : (last piece) Office System software version : Pre-Release Informationcannot be protected.cannot currently be"protected. You must first use the"document before setting a passwordon it. is protected.is unprotected.&To change, enter the current password.Enter the new password.is a#To protect, enter the new password.EnterCancel No Password Protection Stored onDoneEnter Passwordis the startup(old)Lisa serial number :$protected, as it is stored on an old$format disk. Only objects stored on"version 17 disks may be protected."The document must be saved and put away before the protection statecan be changed. folder before setting a passwordis ais theTool LisaWrite LisaGraphLisaCalcLisaDrawLisaList LisaBalls LisaGuide LisaProject LisaTerminal Preferences CalculatorClock%alculatorClocked? ,B B,uNB,Wait BNANC t t s   Stop ,B Wu:uNWN-: -Note ,BfDfDCaution DBACOyPyQxQ P O Cancel OK _O@r+~_ Daisy Wheel Printer: The Lisa could not find the message that should appear here. If you are unable to proceed, contact a qualified service representative, and mention the number . Daisy Wheel Printer: The Lisa is having difficulty accessing the printing information on the startup disk.Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Accessing Disk.If you report this difficulty, mention the number . Daisy Wheel Printer: Insert the next sheet of paper, placing the top of the paper just under the paper bail.Then lift the paper bail for printing near the top of the paper.Click OK when you are ready. Replace the paper bail after the first inch is printed.To terminate printing at this time, click Cancel. Daisy Wheel Printer: If the printer is printing, wait until it stops. Then insert the next sheet of paper. Place the top of the paper just under the paper bail. Click OK when the paper is in place.To terminate printing at this time, click Cancel. Daisy Wheel Printer: The Lisa is about to roll the paper back for printing near the top of the page. If this is the first sheet of the stack, lift the paper bail to prevent jamming.Click OK when you are ready. Replace the paper bail after the first inch is printed.To terminate printing at this time, click Cancel. Daisy Wheel Printer: The Daisy Wheel printer requires a different print wheel, paper or paper feeder from what was used last time. As soon as the appropriate changes have been made click OK.Daisy Wheel Printer: The Lisa is having difficulty printing your document on the Daisy Wheel printer. Make sure the printer is turned on, the cables are connected correctly, the printer covers are securely in place, the printer ribbon has not run out and the READY indicator is not blinking. To cancel printing at this time, click Cancel.d? ,B B,uNB,Wait BNANC t t s   Stop ,B Wu:uNWN-: -Note ,BfDfDCaution DBACOyPyQxQ P O Cancel OK _O'OOOO OThe Lisa could not find the message that should appear here. If you are unable to proceed, contact a qualified service representative, and mention the number .The Lisa is having difficulty accessing the printing information on the startup disk.Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Accessing Disk.If you report this difficulty, mention the number . The Lisa is unable to find the software required to manage the printing process. Check Preferences to make sure accurate information concerning printers and device software has been entered there. If the problem persists, the software is missing or damaged; and you will have to reinstall the Lisa Office System software. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, under Disk Repair. If you report this problem, mention the number . The Lisa is unable to find the software required to manage the printing process. Check Preferences to make sure accurate information concerning printers and device software has been entered there. If the problem persists, the software is missing or damaged; and you will have to reinstall the Lisa Office System software. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, under Disk Repair. If you report this problem, mention the number . The Lisa is unable to find the software required to manage the printing process. Check Preferences to make sure accurate information concerning printers and device software has been entered there. If the problem persists, the software is missing or damaged; and you will have to reinstall the Lisa Office System software. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, under Disk Repair. If you report this problem, mention the number . The Lisa is unable to find the software required to manage the . Check Preferences to make sure accurate information concerning printers and device software has been entered there. If the problem persists, the software is missing or damaged; and you will have to reinstall the Lisa Office System software. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, under Disk Repair. If you report this problem, mention the number . The Lisa is unable to find the software required to manage the printing process. Check Preferences to make sure accurate information concerning printers and device software has been entered there. If the problem persists, the software is missing or damaged; and you will have to reinstall the Lisa Office System software. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, under Disk Repair. If you report this problem, mention the number . d? ,B B,uNB,Wait BNANC t t s   Stop ,B Wu:uNWN-: -Note ,BfDfDCaution DBACOyPyQxQ P O Cancel OK _O'Oi_?/ O O1 The Lisa could not find the message that should appear here. If you are unable to proceed, contact a qualified service representative, and mention the number . The Lisa is having difficulty accessing the printing information on the startup disk.Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Accessing Disk.If you report this difficulty, mention the number . There is not enough room left on the startup disk to finish preparing your document for printing. Please discard some obsolete documents or move some documents to another disk to make more room. Refer to the Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk.The document selected for printing will not be printed because it contains no pages within the requested page range."" is being prepared for printing.To terminate printing now, hold down the Apple key while you type a period.The requested printer for this document is not connected. You may cancel at this time or reformat your document by choosing another printer.CancelChange PrinterThis document cannot be printed because the printer for which it is formatted is not available on this Lisa. Software required for printing is either missing or damaged.You will have to reinstall the Lisa Office System software. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, under Disk Repair. If you report this difficulty, mention the number . Multiple copies of the document cannot be printed because there is not enough space left on the startup disk. You can make more space by discarding obsolete documents or moving some documents to another disk. If you want to do this before printing, click Cancel. If you want one copy only printed at this time click OK.Imagewriter / || DMP ??<?<  lisaparallel HzBg/- S hparallel cableN nJ&W n lisaserial HzBg/- / ?< serial cable´^fHBgf>BgiaInk Jet Printer| DMP ??<?<# lisaparallelparallel cable/><~@Daisy Wheel PrinterP ??<?<! lisaserialel HzBg/- S h serial cableleN nJ&W nH0hPASLIB UNITSTD GRAFUTILUNITHZ STORAGE QUICKDRAHWINT FEDEC FONTMGR EVENTS WINDOWS FOLDERS MENUS FLDUT WMLSTD WMLCRS WMLGROW WMLSB INTERNATALERTMGRUNITFF UNITCS UNITFILEUNITFMT UUNIVERS FMGRUTIL*PMM +PMDECL ,UNITFIGA-SYS1LOCK.UCLASCAL/DBENV ?FIELDEDIGSCRAP IFILERCOMKPRPUBLICLPRSTDINFMPRSTDPRONPRFILEPROPRBUF PPRSPOOL QQUEUES RPREVENTSSPRDLGMGRTPRMGR UBLKIOINTfBLOCKIO gPASHEAP h(pL j *N|NZNNNNN$N N*NHNNNNNVN|4PASLIB1 LWWORK OTHRWORKACTIVATEOPENSEG1INcold NEVER alert WMcold SMcold SUcold "SCROLL &UT 3SYSINIT APMMSeg CWORKSET DGRAFSEG EFEcutCopFFEcold GSBcold HOPENSEG2IPrBtn JMOVERS KPrwork LPrMgr MALRTDIALNOPEN1LW OPr PPrInit QPASIOLIB`SgPASinibMainProg D944sb0uBBk[P EYE&ddixׂpڼ!E<نxTnޯ9[FP GXߺ9QX@QQ~iޣ9տ*.iQJQX &_(h fB` "T$iBm gnJfN~ h' $O" )=g2QXiG,J ~Jf8QX G 4 ^`~ h'$1EXi4 QX ~&_ g6QXiG g$~GX QQ!Ln9[FQiX JViQ h`ޒ9[F _o<0-._ QQQߣ9,.;*. 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M{z@{j{b{Z@yD{R# Poi@ x|Profile@wD{J# Poi@ v|Profile @uD{B# %@ t|Profile@sD{:  Rp @r|Imagewriter / || DMPq@qD{2&  @ p|  Priam DiskD@oD{*' n@n|  Archive Tape1@m  {{|@k  z{"@j""{{显^@@h"f"z{@g'1'1{{普1@e'1'1z{ @d6@6@{{^@@b6@6@zz@aEOEO{{普Nfu@_EO"EOzz@^T^T^{{朔z@\T^T^zz显@ l|Nothing@wXThere is a card in slot , but Preferences has not been informed that it is there. You will not be able to use any device attached to this expansion card until you connect it through Preferences. @i|Imagewriter / || DMPf@ f|Profile[@ c|Nothing[@`|  2 Port CardU@]|  Priam CarddU@ Y|  2 Port CardZ@ZW"W"a{z|v@ [|  Priam Card%@W"!"{z|2Nj@U % %z{~@ *|Console|@@V| Upper ConnectorS@S%%z@ T|Profile|@@Q* 4* 4z{@ N|Profile|@@R| Lower ConnectorRVH@O*4*4z@ P|Profile|@@MW"W"a{~z|@L|Parallel Cable@K""{~z|@J|Imagewriter / || DMPI@I"""",{~z{@H|Ink Jet Printer@G"H"{~z{@F|Imagewriter / || DMP@E % %Oz|@D|Serial B Connector@C%Q%Nz@B|Micro Diskette Drive@A|A@@ % %&zz|@?%%&zv@2|.-Expansion Slot 3 (Priam Card) Lower Connectort 3 j6>|@ =|Profileon@.|Profile) Upper@i@ >|/.Expansion Slot 2 (2 Port Card) Upper Connector @@<* 4F* 4&zf|@;*4%*4&zj@:|Parallel Connector@ 9|Profile @89 CF9 C&zV|@79CP9C&zZ@/Wa#Wa&z:@4H RFH R&zF|朔*@ 5|Profileon@3HR'HR&zJ@#6|/.Expansion Slot 2 (2 Port Card) Lower Connectorv撖` File/PrintSet Aside Everything Set Aside Preferences - Monitor the Printer ... FileQuit 2Debug Enter LisaBug Scramble Draw the Screen Write PM to memory Print PM Me Debug uPref Debug uConfig Print the Form Print the Current Device Tree Print the card list Print the device list Print the driver list Print the process list Print the defered list  my stringsBefore setting the contrast, adjust the brightness on the back of the Lisa until the edges of this box are sharp. my Wordword  `? ,B B,uNB,WAIT BNANC t t s   STOP ,B Wu:uNWN-: -NOTE ,BfDfDCAUTION DBACOyPyQxQ P O Cancel OK 1_O?_HF_U_______2_<_L _#O%?7(_)_*_+_W,_._/_r2D35?J6789:_w;_[<_%=_'u_y_L_O?_U__m__ Preferences could not find the message that should appear here. If you are unable to proceed, contact a qualified service representative, and mention the number . The Lisa is having technical difficulties accessing the startup disk.Put away your documents one at a time or push the Lisa on-off button to save them all.Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Accessing Disk. Do not install any card until the Lisa has been turned off. You are about to disconnect your specified start up device.The next time you turn the Lisa on it will start up from that device. You cannot disconnect the  because one device, or more, is currently attached to that card, as listed in Preferences. The devices attached to the  must be disconnected through Preferences before the card itself can be disconnected. You are missing some software needed to use the . You will not be able to use any device connected to that card until you have reinstalled the missing software and have turned the Lisa off and then on again. There is a card in slot , but Preferences has not been informed that it is there. You will not be able to use any device attached to this expansion card until you connect it through Preferences. Preferences has been told that there is an expansion card in slot , but there is actually no card in this slot. Some of the devices listed in Preferences as being connected are missing the software required to run them. These devices will be noted in Preferences as having "No Device Software". You cannot use these devices until you install the missing software. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 6, Setting Up Your System, under Adding Devices. No more devices can be attached to the Lisa because memory available for this purpose is full. You can make more room in memory by telling Preferences that one device or card, or more, is no longer connected. Please put a micro diskette in the drive. There is no device software on the micro diskette. The new device software on the startup disk has been recognized. Software needed to operate the  is missing. You will need to install the appropriate software before you can use . Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 6, Office System Setup Procedures, under Adding Devices. Before you can continue, you must repair the startup disk and then reinstall the Lisa Office System software, using the Office System 1 micro diskette. If the problem reoccurs, remove your documents from the startup disk, then erase the startup disk and reinstall the Lisa Office System software. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, under Disk Repair. Preferences is copying the software for the . There is not enough room on the startup disk for this device software. You might be able to make more room on the disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. Preferences can't copy the software for the . Your micro diskette might be bad. You can try to repair the diskette. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Disk Problems. Preferences is having trouble reading or writing to the startup disk. You should repair the startup disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, under Disk Repair. Preferences cannot access the information it needs from the micro diskette. Preferences is having an unknown problem connecting the  to that location. You might be able to remedy the situation by restarting the Lisa Office System. If the problem reoccurs, you will have to reinstall the Lisa Office System software. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 6, under Installing the Office System software.  is printing at this time and cannot be removed from Preferences. Wait until printing is complete, and then try again. You will not be able to access documents on this disk until you restart the Lisa Office System. Are you sure you want to remove the software for the ? You have already asked Preferences to disconnect this device the next time the Lisa Office System is started. If this is still what you want, click OK. If you want the  to remain connected, click Cancel. Preferences is searching the micro diskette for device software. The  cannot be attached here because the  is currently in use. You can tell Preferences to disconnect the , but the actual disconnection won't take place until the next time the Lisa Office System is started. You will not be able to connect the  at this location until then. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 6, under Adding Devices. The  is in use and can't be disconnected at this time. You can tell Preferences to disconnect the , but the actual disconnection won't take place until the next time the Lisa Office System is started. You will not be able to connect another device at this location until then. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 6, under Adding Devices. The  cannot be attached to this connector because the  is currently in use. You can tell Preferences to disconnect the , and it will be disconnected the next time the Lisa Office System is started. You will not be able to connect the  at this connector until then. Refer to the Lisa Office System Manual, Chapter 6, under Adding Devices. The  is in use and can't be disconnected at this time. You can tell Preferences to disconnect the , but the actual disconnection won't take place until the next time the Lisa Office System is started. You will not be able to connect another device at this location until then. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 6, under Adding Devices. Preferences is having an unknown problem disconnecting the . You might be able to remedy the situation by restarting the Lisa Office System. If the problem reoccurs, you will have to reinstall the Lisa Office System Software. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Chapter 6, under Installing the Office System software. You cannot remove the software for the  because the  is currently in use. Preferences cannot mount the . Preferences cannot unmount the . You are missing at least one driver file needed to use the . You will not be able to use any device connected to the  until you have reinstalled the missing driver file(s) and restarted Preferences. Some of the devices listed in Preferences as being connected are missing the driver files required to run them. These devices will be noted in Preferences as having "No Device Software". You cannot use these devices until you have installed the missing files and restarted Preferences. At least one driver file needed to operate the  is missing. You will need to install the missing file(s) before you can use . Your startup disk is damaged and should be scavenged. There is not enough room on the startup disk to copy this driver file. Preferences can't copy the driver files for the . Your micro diskette might be bad. You can try to scavenge the diskette. Preferences is having trouble reading or writing to the startup disk. You should scavenge it. Preferences is having an unknown problem connecting the  to that location. You might be able to remedy the situation by rebooting. You have already asked Preferences to remove the  from the list of devices in Parameter Memory. If this is still what you want, click OK. If you want the  to remain in the list, click Cancel. The  cannot be attached here because the  is currently in use. You can remove the  from the list of devices in Parameter Memory now, but it will remain mounted by the Operating System and usable until you reboot. The  is in use and can't be removed at this time. You can remove the  from the list of devices in Parameter Memory now, but it will remain mounted by the Operating System and usable until you reboot. The  cannot be attached to this connector because the  is currently in use. You can remove the  from the list of devices in Parameter Memory now, but it will remain mounted by the Operating System and usable until you reboot. The  is in use and can't be removed at this time. You can remove the  from the list of devices in Parameter Memory now but it will remain mounted by the Operating System and usable until you reboot. Preferences is having an unknown problem removing the  from the list of devices in Parameter Memory. You might be able to remedy the situation by rebooting.   File/PrintSet Aside Everything Set Aside - Save & Put Away - Format for Printer ... Print Current Tape Selection Monitor the Printer ... ZEditUndo Last Change - CutX CopyC PasteV - Clear All Clear Tape FormatFloating Decimal 0. 0.0 0.00 0.000 0.0000 - Rounding of Results No Rounding of Results Automatic Decimal Point Keyed Decimal Point  CustomizeReverse Polish Four Function Adding Machine - Show Tape Hide Tape Advance Tape - Show Registers Hide Registers $MenuBuzzTotal Reset Calculator Clear Last Entry Clear Memory Exchange X with Y Exchange X with Memory Recall from Memory Total Enter  Total % M- M+ Mx M 1x # +- = : X : Y : M   Paste  + - x  T File/PrintSet Aside Everything Set Aside - Monitor the Printer ...  Menu2BuzzReverse Polish Calculator Four Function Calculator Adding Machine /xAx x9x x$x x%x x.9 x.% 9,9 A'A A-A A.A AA AA Set Aside Memory Error Infinity -Infinity Overflow Strip TracingClear All Flags Trace Events Trace Program Flag set PxHz TheHeap Debugging Program Show Bounding Boxes Show Entry Only Show data registers Show Memory Hide Memory Show Status Msgs . menuSummarytype choose a File/Print menu item choose an Edit menu item choose a Format menu item #choose a Customize Layout menu item choose the MenuBuzz menu item choose a File/Print menu item choose a Tracing menu item choose a menuSummary menu item scroll the tape ? ,B B,uNB,Wait BNANC t t s   Stop ,B Wu:uNWN-: -Note ,BfDfDCaution DBACOyPyQxQ P O Cancel OK _OydCoveG@2fG@?gChCoqiG@ejG@kG5lOmO6nC;oC/pC3qC&rOfvOUAy_rz_{OiThe Calculator could not find the message that should appear here. If you are unable to proceed, contact a qualified service representative, and mention the number . The Calculator is having technical difficulties accessing the disk that contains the Calculator tool.Put away your documents one at a time or push the on-off button to save them all.If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A,, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Accessing Disk. The Apple-key combination you just typed is not associated with an available menu item at this time. You cannot edit what is on the Clipboard. You cannot type more than  characters for a number. The Calculator could not recognize the character you just typed. Retype the character using the number keys only. To continue, clear the Calculator. Press the CE/C key or choose Clear All from the Edit menu. The selection is protected. To edit it, first choose Unprotect from the Protect menu. You have set the format to . Therefore, you cannot type more than  digits to the left of the decimal point. Before you , select at least one character. You cannot paste at the selected location because the Clipboard does not have a number on it at this time. To paste, first cut or copy a number to the Clipboard. The Calculator cannot undo the last operation. The Calculator cannot scroll the tape horizontally. You cannot resize the Calculator window. You cannot select any numbers on the tape. You did not click on a button. You cannot paste at the selected location because the result would exceed  characters. Before you , select the tape or the displayed number. The Calculator cannot remember how you customized it. The Calculator will be customized as a . The Calculator can no longer record your entries on the tape because there is not enough room left on the disk that contains the Calculator. You may be able to make more room on this disk. Refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Insufficient Room on Disk. QH0hPASLIB UNITSTD GRAFUTILUNITHZ STORAGE QUICKDRAHWINT FEDEC FONTMGR EVENTS WINDOWS FOLDERS MENUS FLDUT WMLSTD WMLCRS WMLGROW WMLSB INTERNATALERTMGRUNITFF UNITCS UNITFILEUNITFMT UUNIVERS FMGRUTIL*PMM +PMDECL ,UNITFIGA-SYS1LOCK.UCLASCAL/DBENV ?FIELDEDIGSCRAP IFILERCOMKPRPUBLICLPRSTDINFMPRSTDPRONPRFILEPROPRBUF PPRSPOOL QQUEUES RPREVENTSSPRDLGMGRTPRMGR UBLKIOINTfBLOCKIO gPASHEAP h|r(^`! 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If you are unable to proceed, contact a qualified service representative, and mention the number . The Lisa is having technical difficulties accessing the startup disk. Put away your documents one at a time or push the Lisa on-off button to save them all. If the problem recurs, refer to the Lisa Office System manual, Appendix A, Office System Error Messages, under Difficulty Accessing Disk. The hour must be a number between 0 and 23. The last keystroke was discarded. The hour must be a number between 1 and 12. The last keystroke was discarded. The minute must be a number between 0 and 59. The last keystroke was discarded. The am/pm setting is limited to am and pm. The last keystroke was discarded. The month must be a number between 1 and 12. The last keystroke was discarded. The day must be a number between 1 and 28, 29, 30, or 31, depending on the month. The last keystroke was discarded. The year must be a number between 81 and 95. The last keystroke was discarded. The Tab and Enter keys will advance the selection to the next field. The Backspace key will move the selection to the preceding field. The Return key will move the selection to the hour field. The last keystroke was discarded. 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