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If c1 is omitted, 1 is assumed. If c2 is imitted, 132 is assumed (If this parameter is omitted, the entire line is used (up to a maximum line (length of 132 characters). )compare/ranges A column range lets you specify which portion of a line is to be compared. It is specified in the form c1-c2. If c1 is omitted, 1 is assumed. If c2 is omitted, 132 is assumed. If you enter nothing in response to the column range prompt, then the entire line is used (up to a maximum line length of 132 characters). )compare/parameters depth = an *optional* parameter which specifies the maximum stack depth (size) for (resynchronization (values allowed are 1 to 1000). )compare/depth There is a limit on how far out of synchronization the files should get before it is considered not worth comparing them. The depth value specifies this limit. For a "static" grouping factor, recommended values are from about 10 to 50. Larger values should be used for a "dynamic" grouping factor. )compare/parameters g = an *optional* parameter which specifies a fixed grouping factor if the S ((static) option is selected (values allowed are 1 to 1000). For dynamic (grouping this parameter specifies the minimum grouping factor. )compare/gfactor The "grouping factor" specifies how many lines in succession must be equal for the two files to be put back in synchronization. If a "dynamic" grouping factor is used, then Compare sets the grouping factor as a function of the number of lines currently mismatched (M). Specifically, the dynamic grouping factor G is defined as: )G = Trunc(2.0 * Log(M) + 2.0) (Log is base 10) This definition for matching has the effect of requiring more lines to be the same after larger mismatches than after smaller mismatches before the two files resynchronize. With the S option you specify that you want to use a "static" grouping factor, i.e., you fix the value of G. Recommended values for this case are about 1 to 7. If you are using dynamic grouping, then you must specify the minimum grouping factor. Recommended values here are 2 to 10. )compare/parameters width = an *optional* parameter which specifies the output display width if H (option is being used (88 for console). )compare/width For the H option, a portion of all mismatched lines are displayed side-by-side. You may control the width of this display to see more of the line. Values allowed are 70 (which shows only 27 characters, 15 characters are reserved for line number information) to 132 (which shows 58 characters). Note, the width is fixed at 88 if the listing output is to the console. If you don't use the H option, each group of mismatched lines is shown one above the other (i.e., the group of lines from the first file, then the group from the second file. This is the default mode of the display. )compare/parameters Normally Compare's output is sent to the -CONSOLE, but you may redirect it by using the STDOUT redirection parameter, i.e., >listing, where listing is the name of a file immediately preceeded by a ">". 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Cannot open .text9ԴG|摼!i!\Gw|-<|cJ@f*G,dxGoG/N]`*݇HpFdUٷHpFd gUhoЇ_-<-L)@x_5@&Mdx ռ!c wnqd|_5g~G,dxGoG|og4GlroGd?TxoGھ.dxG8GnELP&& for markerNo help is available in file  FNo help is available.9:.G EN]m^`N }z>0F|}0cJ@rgiC1FRF`Դi"SAFPnE{TA&F9^(3|!ւߑ!摼! 摼!G摼!i摼!*Boo|"+ƶo|dx Ɓmgte-g"B-|ldPdPwdP|-\$ .f`6 .f R2 .g|JB-P*USTOPEN.#XT. Cannot open 9|摼!摼!摼! 摼!G!iߑ!o|+_U_U~STCREAF9Xִ+|! 摼!G摼!i摼!r\G|oxmg,G[dxGonGoٷxmg,G[dxGoGoxxmg,G[dxGoGFvoHk|`B@m0-$ldPB-lHk|mgHk|h00lfLJGfG,dx`2SGG,dxsGdxG,dxs/0k|n.Ikj listing] The "input" and "output" are required parameters. If you omit them, you will be prompted for them. The "output" file may actually specify a pattern and replacement string in the form /pattern/replacement/, where the slashes can also be single (') or (") double quotes. This form you will cause the ! option appear when you are prompted for the options. This option implies that you want to process the include Compiler directives and generate a set of formatted output files with the exact same include structure as the input. With this option the output filenames are generated by editing the input filenames according to pattern and replacement strings. The include Compiler directives will also be appropriately changed. If you forget to enter the /pattern/replacement/ string, or don't use one of the characters /, ", or ', then you still have a chance to use the ! option by explicitly entering it as one of the options. To get further information on this option enter a dummy output filename and type ! on the options prompt. Then ask for help when you are prompted for the /pattern/replacement/. The "rename", "width", "tab", and listing parameters are all optional. You must only specify the "rename" parameter if you intend to use the M option to specify that you have an explicit rename file. The "width" and "tab" parameters are the initial values of the output line width and indenting tab values. They are preset to 80 and 3 respectively unless explicitly specified in your preset options file (called PASMAT.OPTIONS.TEXT). If you desire a listing of Pasmat's output then use the specify a filename immediately preceded by a ">". If you don't do this you can still get a listing by specifying the S option. You will then be prompted for the listing name. Y[Help file updated 12/11/83] )stdin The STDIN file is not used by Pasmat. Since you could only get this help by trying to redirect STDIN to a "bad" file(name), and since you must now either type CLEAR or enter a valid filename, enter -CONSOLE if you wish to continue. )stdout You have attempted to redirect STDOUT to get a listing of what Pasmat generates. Since you could only get this help because there was something wrong with the file(name), you can recover by typing in a correct name or by pressing CLEAR to terminate. Since an explicit redirection of STDOUT implies the S option, you will see S on the options prompt when it comes up. You could then delete the S option to suppress the listing. )pasmat/input Enter the name of the file you wish to format. )pasmat/output Enter the name of the output file for Pasmat. This may be the same as the input file. If you terminate execution by pressing CLEAR, the output file will not be changed if it existed prior to executing Pasmat. )pasmat/listing Since you specified the S option but did not explicitly specify a listing file on the Parameter(s) line (by redirecting STDOUT), you must specify it now. You may still cancel the listing by typing a back-slash ("\"). )pasmat/rename The rename file is controlled by the M option. It is a file containing a list of identifiers and their corresponding new names. Each line in this file contains two identifiers of up to 32 characters each. The first is the identifier to be renamed in the input file. The second is the name which will be used to replace all occurrences of the first identifier in the input when creating the output. There must be at least one space between the two identifiers. Leading and trailing spaces are optional. The case of the first identifier doesn't matter, but the second identifier must be specified exactly how it is to appear in the output. )pasmat/width Specifying the width here has exactly the same effect as the Pasmat {[o=w]} directive embedded in the input. This specifies the maximum output line width If a particular token will not fit in this width, the line will be lengthened fit it, and a message will be displayed at the end of formatting. Note, the width value may be specifed in the Pasmat preset options file (i.e., in PASMAT.OPTIONS.TEXT. )pasmat/tab This specifies the amount of "tab" for each indentation level. Note, the tab value may be specified in the Pasmat preset options file (i.e., in PASMAT.OPTIONS.TEXT). )pasmat/pattern The "!" option indicates that you intend to process the {$i filename} directives in the input file (similar to the I directive). When processing include directives, Pasmat redirects its input from the current input file to the specifed include file. With Pasmat's I option (or directive) there is a *single* output file so the include directives in the output are effectively removed to avoid reporcessing of the include directives by the Compiler (on the assumption that the output is to be eventually compiled). By using the ! option, processing is similar to the I option, except that there is a seperate *output file* generated for every input (include) file producing a set of formatted output files with the exact same include structure as the input. The include directives are also appropriately changed. The names for the output files are derived from the corresponding input filenames by a simple editing operation. The editing is specified by you as a sequence of characters (the "pattern") in the input (and include) filename that are to be replaced by another sequence of characters (the "replacement"). You were being prompted for that when you asked for this help information. You specify the pattern and replacement as /pattern/replacement/, where the slashes can be any character not contained in the pattern and replacement strings. For the main input file and each include file, an output file is generated whose name is the edited version of the corresponding input filename. The {$include filename} directives are also appropriately edited to correspond with the generated output files. The following are a few example editing operations and there associated effect: #""Prefix/" Each output filename is the same as the input filename >except that the names are prefixed with the sequence of >characters Prefix/. #/OldFile/NewFile/ Replace each name containing the string OldFile with >the string NewFile. #/// Prefix each name with the null string, i.e., the output >names are the same as the input names. The result is >effectively an "in-place" formatting of the input. Note, case is ignored and the entire pathname is used when searching for a pattern. )pasmat/options iWڼ!JGo$i cTxGix< D~IT_NAMF9Ս:.i-g.G[dxG d$|GPoG۾0-N]TxJEo:=E`AGz0dxHn7oޅG.dx`G޴ z0dxHno--޼!`܎摼!Eپxmgj}悪ڼ!-BN2-RA@#ERA?Ar0@< FlGdx`GxGEoGn]GHOW_NAMi words]9B<;iBGh o G̹G0 d$|(l gGdx fGnޒRITE_LIF9հ<4GJbg&GonGb^WGJ^g&G\oG^2GJZgtGoGwoGZG8 d$|GdxGv$oG+TZJZfGJm8XoBGLoG0-X d|G.dxGGޣINA;L_k3Unable to rename new identifiers after outputine be processed:&The following include files couldot 1Comment too wide on the following output line(s):/Token too wide on the following output line(s):9;i4F><;`4/c @f\SGF`SF FlޯB4Fn޵RIM_TRAF9Rl0-j]ρH@J@;@j0-j}pIF FlmfJf.0-h}fFRmdh-0-f}fHFRmf/4 &f8mh- 8mf/o@m} FloH2-h"SA}fF}f--5߅}f-p}fKCfڼ!;|h8mh-ˆ FloB2-DfSA}fF}fd-~-5D}f-p}fCfڼ!?-x M- Mc<=F`p3FG6p}fpFHno8\@;@fRm B-B9niRm(nLҹRITE_A F9[F4d,0-j}pI1F9ni;ni(Rm ҹAKE_NEWF9[F-gJm ^-oiB-B$RT_LIF9[F>.i-/g4d0-j}pIFJGm)9GYm(>;@(nPACE &F9qj(BG` d>ho2-h&SA}fF}f-}f-]p}fCfڼ!;|h-g>2-fSA}fF}f-|D}fV-p}fCfڼ!;|fBlBmjB$;m,(;m,*|!B- ;||ޣLUSH_BFF9հ(- 5g$=m3`z}v?0FHHnoޣLUSH_SYF94d$U;0- ?]8)mb+nbQޣINE_OVEF94d$U;8 )m^+n^ޣOM_OVERF9հ6?-LGG\(dxJ.8ifG.o`& .ifGo`GoGoGvR] d|G.dxG܎溑!|!-L/|-L٧|xhBORT &t!processing aborted at inputine Couldot format comment, Tooany indentation levels, Syntax error detected, 9[F modRm0-z}1,F?im,0-,mo;m,` Jm,lBm,ҹNDENT_PF9[F0-z};pF,SmމNDENT&F9q<UbB(k,o@m$8Xlo{ BmJ,fXT8X0FJArf {`TV8X0F A f$T8X]0F|;A8XKT@9@Xg@ ko8o`mg.̥-g"訠i+u=|/$U|-g-5@|L|-5?-8;|/T8X0*F;A8X]9@XRm0-kf*;|-5?-&ti8R]9@R`( mf;||H`-5?-88XlotnޣET_=CHARF9(-g:m`(@z}20FAOz}C3FRH.o`B -5g8m `(z}20=FAz}C=3FRH.(oޣIX_WORDF9[F-of-g2-g$0-(mo@?-iB(B-G޼LOK_COMF9';i -lR<0-(F @o p`j0-(Fmo0-F2,@> JGlBG`8m,0Gl 8m,>A/\ m9_=g^BG m\ m9_=g.0<ρDGmN2-9|@>iXiZ`nl>.鑾nGo>.G 0rGUM_?DIR F9ՙi0-k|n}Ik <8-i0u#k' @WnH0;$NF @N (6~V4 @N (6~V4E͋/6E̋/(ZEˋ/Eʋ/ EV/i뵋/ m+O m-VENj`EMdd/EƋd/Z m+O m-󬪈VEŋB`27odo?>JmOh]=;G*;G,/R m=>i m/gNEod40-6k|nAIk <>|f` m+O@ېi m/iEddnSmBB|| 0-k|nAdIk <4gL mdO m||.E` msO m@SV|\zF֐i `8 m/fRipEdd0Sm0-k|nAIkh ? !dx}Bp? !dxAp? !dxT}p0!/}p? !d}8p? !dx}B_p? !dx|T}p0߼!}p? !d}8p? !dx}Bp? !dxT}p0!/EN-gf}p? !dAp? !dxT}p0߼!}p8? !dAp? !dxT>}p0߼!`d}p? !dAxp? !dxT}p0߼!}p? !dAzp? !dxT}p0߼!/Epk-g4}p? !dA*p? !dxT}Op0߼!`2}p,? !dAp? !dxT>}p0߼!`HE`i|nOz_FORMAN F FFFFFiFFFFFFFFFF F FFFF F FF֔FF9ՙ;i-gtg` -lG,P*0-.`$0- ϐ.JlB`0-*ϰl0-*.BG/0-z}1iFҹYMB=OL_PF9<(B-||EB?- m'f?- m' -gԷ5oߣTRING_CF9a< m\/ m_=0-2z}IFNCAFCGp V ,]=*]`>NCAFCp VO}0Hk|O n}4JDB0  <=߫}~p|C׊|CnޣEhST_RESF97J -cgP mo Iܯ6ܡ=Aw`l"A}40B } HnawoB-mJri-ٔxm|o`.i-ٔxmߴ-hB` -PzYJO"gfgBGc;@=m@` aG0c"A}1Hľn@o-5ٖd UJfB-;m X/;vidUvGdUBBipڼ!Ĕc;@GsF=m7`G"ACFHn7oJ>+n`&E'n|FinޣOOKUP_I F9jB-;|x0-k@}r? 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Argument F9(3|摼!ւ摼!! ߑ!G摼!i摼!*B?oo|"+ƶ|dx uƁmgt-g"B-|dPdPdP|-\f .f`6 .f T .g|JB-P*U~STOPEN.#XT.( Cannot open 9|摼!ւ摼!摼! 摼!G摼!i摼!o|+W_USTCREAF9(+|摼!ւ摼!! ߑ!G摼!i摼!Boo|dO|dx Ɓmgte-g"B-|@dPdPwdP|-\R .f`6 .f R .g|VB-PUSTPUSH.#XT. Cannot open 9ւ|摼!摼! 摼!G摼!i!o3|٫-m5ڨ`LZ3]3m@^@o"+|ٿ_*B-PENFILEF9հւ|!ߑ! 摼!G摼!i摼!o+|ٿ-m5:`@Z+]+mn@^@o|ٮ_:B-JUSH>OPENF9ִ+|! ߑ!G摼!i摼!r\G|o~xmg,UG[dxwGoGo[xmg,Gվ[dxGoGoxVxmg,G[udxGwoGFoHkm|`B@m0-dPB-Hk|mgHk|h00flfLJGfG,`dx`2SGG,dxGdxG,dx/0k|nF.Ik <5gb0k|nNIkj < ni\օG,dxs`$G(dިxyWF0k|n.Ik =D?n]nG^J.)rPGG,dxGNoG? d|G&oG?G d|G.dxGdPdPG|oG[wdxGH/7d|GwoGo|`l=E `4G,dxGdxG,dxHnoƴ0G0y d|GJ.In2ƹETVALUET]  to Valueust be in the range from FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF(FF9[F4;itt+tMt:tjt:ttt:tt:tyޒNITkYSF9[FWi ii?GH>|FWi iui?G]H?HAJA|FETDIGITF9,ٙxg$Cpڅ!i-$/ćCpڼ!i-$<.?BρdH@J@:lBTdĿBTd nBTd ρH@J@*J@P6pBFl 6pB@`PP+dd?>dfnޯETTD &McM/DD/YY HH:MM:SSGet_Time Error!!!"9RiPWr^8B.^ )S)S kfor the file. d. equired. This will cause a prompt for the file. * Ring bell at the end of execution. Note: U is ignored if N is specified since the only purpose of U is to allow the pC Don't process USEd unit if the $U name *or* unit name is in input file list. D Delete all underscores in identifiers. The default is to retain underscores. I Do *not* process include files. The default is to process $i Compiler di)stdin StdIn is not used by ProcNames. ProcNames takes its input from its first parameter. Enter -CONSOLE in response to the prompt and then help on the Parameter(s) line. )stdout StdOut can be used by ProcNames to specify its output file. Alternativley, you can specify the output file as an explicit parameter. Enter -CONSOLE in response to the prompt and then help on the Parameter(s) line. )ProcNames/Parameters ProcNames is a utility which takes a Pascal program as input and produces a listing of all its procedure and function names. The names are shown indented as a function of their nesting level. The nesting level and line number information is also shown. ProcNames can be used in conjunction with the Pascal "pretty-printer" Pasmat when that utility is used to format separate include files. For that case Pasmat requires that the initial indenting level be specified. This level is exactly the information provided by ProcNames. The line number information displayed by ProcNames exactly matches that produced by the Pascal cross-reference utility Xref (with *or* without USES being processed), so ProcNames may be used in conjunction with the listing produced by Xref to show just the line numbers of every procedure or function header. The Parameter(s) are as follows: Parameter(s): input output ProcNames reads the its source from "input" and places its output in "output". If the output is omitted, the console is assumed (you may also specify the output file by specifying >filename on the parameters line). )ProcNames/Parameters, ProcNames/FnameList If *all* the parameters are omitted, then ProcNames will prompt for both the input and output files (the output file only if you did not specify >filename on the parameters line). Under these conditions, ProcNames will allow you to specify more than one file as input; where each file is processed separately. On each prompt for an input file enter a filename or /B-o-Em5܎+Hxx-}-}-}m-(}Fo\`m5B>+hJlo.m,m -| x,xXN]x ޣROC:NAMEProcNames/FnameListPROCNAMES.HELP.#XTI nputyile (?): F9:.;Gd|`DWi ii0Af0p*cj2SAC"A p2SACf0p@_Bhiogj0cA  p;h;EnъINDUNAMF9d|>`FWi i0Af0pcjG4SBEA p2SACf0p@_Bhiougj?GSA|C p;hDnIND=THISF9:.G;ibd1j0A  pEưmfb|̆`<0Af4pc1j2SAC"A p2SACf0@p@_Bhiog0A! }!FnETFLOC F9[Fd~j?GSAC pưmf?GSAC}GBFO}#RFF9*([Urd58hB(v}8dOx-o5J_nToooQmg4Bm̔`0A}dr!Fho9AþHˏBm(Jm 2-ʲm)=0-SAC#}JFoJ0-SAC pdPx-0-SAC}D/0FG _ N/0-SAEC} ^^FzvØ0-{SAC p"dOx-ojJ_nAl .f~#Al .OJ.ª .%2ªg .fB(`0AþfNHn(o` `:Ƙ0-SAC&/0*dx *dOx-AþH` L(0-SAC}DJFoF0-5SAC pdPx-0-SAC}/0FG _ NnNTR?Bad object file: hMainProgProcName&/9<("ii5g>{p*k|n}lIk t`.0-F FFFFzFF FFFF<{FFFFFFF9U;i(lib 0--`V<0-0F-B]z}20FSA<G\,^g\}@tECFp V`<}pK - -$)= -)=^`-^`nޒCuANID&F9 `( m'hl̅pր|pd[Rhp}-oԠxpd]hvExmgBU}ڼ!pp0h>hl̅plV|p -ojxbp +g"AbFGHkpboGvpeh5nRIT=EPRO  %_CR0000 9<(|| m;< -G)= ` -Gf.̑-5JG^=gL -Gf` I m)BODY.***ND e xpected in *** BEG expected in 9[F|-5-Hk |nAd4JDB0 <=x -f-i l-Bk|fnAIk JGozt{oGd>z{Q=G nPENOBJFF9հRb}FB-||T - ʴiiXi}0F (k48XU@>z}:0FT0Pc @ f#|G+]"g0T0c @eOT03 AEBSG`Ơ5g0r_G|G_"gT0c @BSG`ܺGnR`$pRilRdx ٿRto`m5ɨv|B-nޒROCESSIINTERFACE expected in 9RU;i&li lMob8Mρl8MρH@J@9@M܎vd _g OpPHklRdx Rt78M 0F>RlMJGl|=GGnޒEXT?BY#+Error reading USES file o9BG;G|`@ oi 2>O@RFHno=GnEXT=T F9 둑JGf`^`Mo>=`zG/hNhod8|`G6pc o2@_BhiogNod:od:od|ρ A|/ nM|G Mox>/T/hOJG=g|od":|`6pc o82@_Bhio:god߁ A|/(hOhBod8h|̔`o=_6pcn_Bhio D:oodD|:od6:>od(:od:odϭ :AA֘|?n5f 1nMX`?M|1@X`8YB`2QD nMY@A Mo>JGO"BFneGINDUNIT+Error reading USES file o9 up!K}c]TxLoilJ_n,oixGiLmߐii|GEAD>#F9G.p!.dixL`6pߡhoꯙl-<8-5g-1gEET5oE<JFnVoQrm{`:o`m5jplrEdx t`*o@Eldx ٻƁnԺSE && sfor Unable to open isot in 9-5-B ̱`G0p·FHn9o-H"F-L- 5-`&3}--m--(K-L gN4--m-(-L)xUxmPը ` (l` nUPU=SE&F9 m;5-Hk|nAN4JDB0 <=/$-5@;FnGޒROCDCL F#$Procedure/Function names for /ʀMainProgToolsPri&9[F iB(ƴi,HFޒIE &&F9s;ib\Go|cJ@oGoGoB-JBm l}J-odx`dxdTn?+x?+xDxAp? !dixdxwdTٙd!Z?fjG?dxGv|v Go|cJ@oGsoGoGEJoG?ްk>i?k -Jc: ]}JB0F T@}JB0F mdl]}J0JA)=}J]0c @f`}J0cJ@rRml0-l} Az1F<x}J0ck6oxAr? 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Cannot open .text9@G|摼!i摼!\~G|-w<|cJ@f*G,dxGoG/N`*HpFdU}HpFd UhoЇ-<-L@Rx_5@&Tdx ]ڼ!}c nqd|5g~G,dxGoG|og4/GloGd?TxoG.dxG]8Gn]ELP&& for markerNo help is available in file  FNo help is available.9:.G E]ml^`N } z>0F|}J0*cJ@giCJ1FRF`Դi"SA9FPn޾ETA&F9ִ+|摼!ւ摼!摼! !Gߑ!ri\om*P/jB3wFxmgDG,dxGlonG? d|GFILEF9ւ|摼!摼! !Gߑ!i摼!o+|ٯ-jm5:`@Z+]+ml^@Koٳ|٫_:B-KޒUSHOPENF9ִ+|摼! 摼!G!iߑ!r\G|o_xmg,Gվ[dxGoGoVxmg,G[udxGwoGoxxUmg,G[dxGoGFonwdxGw .^: ETFROMUH$[.TEXT] )n` (!n)nInaDDT?OLIS*)Insufficient heap space to save filename.9sQxHڴւ|摼!摼! 摼!G摼!`iBBާ懨-*J5. o-m5oi/-U<----(ٖxmjG? d|GoG|o~~xmg,UG[dxwGoGboGJoGoGv-d5-hJV xmV5g@c @ko20F AfPoEJ_5g*hoEJmދRnTx5jJ+`qi P+Os x,n2ETFNLISF.#XT[.TEXT] ] . 9<',.N\byc>jHk|`B@m0-JdPxB-JHk|mgPHk|h040lfLJGfG,dxs`2SGG,dxGdxG,dx/0k5|n.Ik D!$ǐ^#P#PmF)Listing Enter the name of a file to which you want to place the listing of the units. The default is to the console screen, in which case the display will be stopped when a screenfull has been printed, giving you a chance to view it and then go on. The only way to change listing file in ShowInterface it to rerun the program. )Intrinsic If you desire to use a special intrinsic library for your units, enter it here. This library will be used instead of the default INTRINSIC.LIB for all {$U+} accessed units. You must rerun ShowInterface to change the intrinsic library name. Note, the specification of a special intrinsic library here corresponds to the ? option on the input line prompt of the Compiler. That allows you to use a particular intrinsic library for all the used {$U+} units of a particular compilation. )$Ufilename This prompt indicates whether you want to process a unit in {$U+} mode or {$U-} mode. {$U+} is indicated by entering nothing and just pressing RETURN. {$U-} is indicated by specifying an explicit library or object file. Functionally, this is similar to the following Compiler USES statements: No response to the "$U filename" prompt: USES {$U+} unitname,...; Library or object file name response: USES {$U-} {$U filename} unitname,...; The unitname is specified in response to the next prompt. If you don't understand how {$U+} and {$U-} work in the Compiler, and in this program, this is how it is works: {$U+} indicates that the specified unit is to be searched for in the intrinsic library and, if not found, in whatever $U filename happens to be on hand (?); {$U-} means search for the unit only in the $U filename, never the intrinsic library. Also, for {$U-} the specified filename is accessed as written. If that file can't be accessed, it is retried with a .OBJ extension. Note, if you change your mind after you have already entered a response to this prompt, you will get a chance to correct it after you enter a response for the unit name (it will take anything). )Unit What is expected here is the name of a unit you wish to view. It will be processed in exactly the same manner as the Compiler, and in fact, will show you prior to processing, the equivalent Compiler USES statement. You then get a chance to ok it or not ok it. If not, you will be re-prompted for a $U filename (ask for help on that prompt for more details on USES processing). ) W[Help file updated 03/01/84] hPASLIB UCLASCAL/IOPRIMIT8SHELLCOM9PROGCOMM:STDUNIT XIUMAN ZOBJIO [FILEIO \GRAPHS ^TREES _REFS `PARTS aLISTS bMEMMAN cPASDEFS dBLKIOINTfBLOCKIO gPASHEAP h(:  $@LM4bNN NNNNKN \NNxN NHNNN2`PASLIB1 PASIOLIB`SgPASinibSULib cObjIOLibdMainProg  xF,_NUD x8+OL+NHQxH+_D}-GGzoGhvoGToGEoGGoGvGGwGoGG.oGGoGGZonGGwoGGGoGG(oGGonGGwG~oGGG|.mL,mH -D x,EEPG`.mL,mH -D x,xN],x ޣHOW#that contains the unit.&Any number of units may be processed.Rprocess&a un it in {$U+} or {$U-}ode, and if {$U-}, the object file (orib@rary)Rthe same information as aascal USES statement, i.e., the unit'same, whether toRany unit.&The unit is processed in aanner similar to the Compiler and requiresRShowInterface is a Pascal utility that allows you to view the interface section o(c) Apple Computer, Inc. 1984) - 1.3ShowInterface (Ver 9:.Gd|`DWi ii0Af0pcʘj2SAC"A p2SACf0p @_Bhiogj0AX  p;hD;EnINDUNAMF9հd|`FOWi i0Af0pcjG4SBEA p2SACf0p@d_Bhiogj?GSAC p;hnQINDTHISF9:.;G;ibd1j0oA  pưmfb|`<0!Af4pc1j2SAC"A p2SACf0p@_Bhioug0A }!Fn޲ETFLOC F9[Fdj?GSAC pGưmf?GSAC}BQFO#RFF9*(Urd58hB( v}dONx-oMJ_nToooQmg4Bm$`0%A}rY!FhoAξHBm#Jm 2-m)=0-SAC}JFoJ0-jSAC p"dPx-0-*SAC}/0QFG _ Nw/0-SAC} ^^FzvØ0-SAC pdOx-oJ_nAl .f~Al .OJ.ª .%ªg .fB(`0AþfڨSHn(o` `:Ƙ0-SAC/0*dx t*dOx-AþH<` L0- SAC}JQFoF0-SAMC pdPDx-0-SAC%}/0FG _ NnNTRBad object file:  MainProgShowInte@L9-gB- Go`.mNF"iNFҹTOP&&F9[FRm-gX m+oNGrGoom5jdPwdPdPw;|`^0-ρBH@J@J@fLG.dx0-ώH@J@J@f*G0- d$||G:oGޣOUNTL  linesMore? 9;i4F>w<`4/c @fSGF`SF, FlޯB4FnjޒRIM_TRAF9Rf=0-d]ρH@J@ ;@d0-d}jI0F FfmjJf.0-b}`FRmb-0-`}`FRm`/8L f8mb-8m`/Uo@m FfoL2-DbSA}`F}`d--5}`-]p}`C`ڼ!;|b8mb5- Ff$oB2-`SA}`"F}`-z-5߅}`-p}`C`ļ!?- M-s Mc<=F`pFG6p}`FHnso8\@;@`Rm B-B9niRm`(nҹRzITE_A F9[F4d(0-d}jIF9ni;ni(Rm ҹAKE_NEWF9[F-gJm ^-opiB-B$ҹRT_LI/F9[F>.i-g4dq0-d}jIFLJGm9GYm(;@(nIҹPACE &F9j(BG` ;d:ho72-bSA}`F}`-҅}`-p}`KC`ڼ!;|b-g>2-`SA}`F}`-t}`-p*}`C`ڼ!;|`BfBmdB$;m,(;m,*|!B- ;||!ޣLUSH_BFF9(-v 5g$=m`z}?0F@Hno֣LUSH_SYF9a4d$U;0- ]8)m'\+n\ޣINE_OVEF9հ4d$U;8 )mX+nCXޣOM_OVERF96V?-HGG\(dxJ.ifG*o`& .ifGo`GoGoG܎R] d|~G.dxwG܎ׂ摼!|摼!-L|-L9|x"]ҹBORT &t!processing aborted at inputine Couldot f ormat comment, Tooany indentation levels, Syntax error detected, 9[F mxohRm80-z}1,F?im,0-,mo;m,` Jm,lBm,ҹNxDENT_PF9[F0-z};pF,LSmޣNDENT&F9<UbB(k,˘"o@mމ8Xlo{BmJ,fXT8X0FJAf {³`T8X0F A f$T8XU]0F|;A]8XT@9@XBg@ ko8o`,mg.-g"Ei+u|/$|-*g-5@d||J-50-mT2;|/T8X0F;A8X]9@X)Rm0-kf*;| -5?-qt8RZ]9@R`( mf!;||`-5?-N8XlotanޣET_CHARF9(-;g:m`(z}20FAz}C3FRH.o`B-5g8m`(Cz}20FAOz}C3FRH.oЊޣIX_WORDF9[F-od-g2-g$0-(mo?-iB(B--GLOK_COMF9a';i -f?R<0-(F @o `j0-(Fmo0- F2,@>JGlBG`8m,Gl 8m,>A/Ik <*͐i`O_COMPI FFFFF9[F m+fGiXiJ~` m-fGB`iXi.ߺWITCH_DF9<( m=f iXi m\ m9_=g^@BG m\ m9_=g.0<ρGmN2-|@>iXi`nl>.nHGo>.G 0йGUM_DIR F9ՙvib0-k|n}Ik <8-󦐌i40u#k @WnH0;$N@F @N (6~V4 @N (6~V4ENj/6ZEƋ/(Eŋ/EV/ EË/iŵ/ m+ O m-VE`Edd/[Ed/ m-+O m-VEB`2ٛod?>JmOh]=;G*;G, /R m=>if m/gNEAod40-k|nAI@k <>|` m+O@`Րi m/iE]ddSm7BB||0-k|nAdIk }p0߼!}qp? !d}8|p? !dx|}Bp? !dxT}p0߼!/ENk-gf}p? !dAp? !dxT}Op0߼!}p? !dAp? !dxT}p0߼!`d}Xp? !dAk|nAJIk ixnO_F=ORMAN F FFFFFiFFFFFFFFFF F FFiFF F FFkFF9ՙ;i-gtg`c -fG,*0-.`$0-τ.JlB`0-*ϰl0-*.G/gZ0-(moPiJf m(n*辭Z`.iC5*i*` m(o iYޒۣDJUST_SF9aՙ;i?T,-ftZ{GO,cgd{i`u~}`diP|d*iD~*Jm^2-m=@ mGf i m>[f i4Z{Gfm󦱊?-id\``J m*?- iH`-> m)g-Ed*iD m)fi5Z{G)=Vd)}ihinLzOCK_COF9:.G;iB5 E{)=ب0-m(]m,T0-,mo H?-0-mܼm(o?-BN<-mfR0-(ml 0-ΐm,]T0-8ΐm(T`0-(m,]Tzo;mdta`F0-(m]--- - =g"0-Ґm ,]T.0-Ґm(T;F E{O,cgd{Yi~}`dǐid*i~* mf oi m[f oi E{fm?-i.``N m*?-i`- m)gmDd*itn m)fi\5 E{)=Vd)i>wi~B-B-nTAT_COMF9հB-mmµqGg|i0` ?inOB-< mO- =$x`ę5g"~-g0-(ml0-m(TB0$B-|F!O_COMMEF9[FRm0-z}1iF޹ҹYMBOL_PF9<(B-||EB?- m'f?- m' a-gԷ5o@ޣTRI;NG_CF9< m\ mE_=0-z}IFNCAFCp V ,]=*֫]`ΫNCAFCp  VO}0+n`&'nh|Fin޳OOKUP_IF9ajB-|x0-k@}r ? 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Intrinsic INTRINSIC.LIBIntrinsic.Lib: List file: -consoleListing.#XTFFFFFFFFFFPFiFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF? ,MainProgToolsPri9[F iB(ƴi,HFޒIE &&F9s;ib\Go|cJ@oGoGoB-Bm }-odx`dxdTn?+x?+xDxAp? !dixdxwdTٙdJZ?fjG?dxGv|v腮Go|cJ@oGsoGoGEoG?ްk>i?k -c: ]}B0F T@}B0F md]}0JA)=}]0c @f`}0cJ@rRm0-}Az1F<x}0ck6oxAr? SA!d$x2ISAAnIkW7 <}0c Z~O"oRA}0BJBB)=g:}0c Znf_}"mFI}F`(GgZOZ>|@}FRFB/}B0F0-}z20F}0c 0-}zRpSFo?--_SmZfH|oTioEoQv| 2m5iz`D|GoiouEQZL>v|. Vm5i4/n2ޒETA>S ZstdoutSTDOUT: -consoleFstdinSTD: FF: [? forelp] Parameter(s)FFF9sQxHG|摼!i摼!_B-B-BBooEoQƶʠ6mFooE侨QuƁmB-B-Bm 6}_Cpڼ!PO x,in2NITOLRFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCannot opentdOut.-CONSOLECannot opentdIn.9բ< Ģ<,igGGoGޒݣNDTOOL Tha!t's all folks!9'ri(kzi5,@G+cJ@oA0F Aq)̇Cڼ!-,  )I 9ՠG|摼!;i|-<|-yd|----(cJ@f,o|?  HpFo?  /0F\>`* o|?  HpFo?  ~/0Fƶ>o|dx Ɓm*t/o?  /0F-Y5gnom5gZtRl lf(بGloom5@5gGonG/n?  /0FoinI}STIT&+More? Cannot open .text9ԴG|摼!i!\Gw|-<|cJ@f*G,dxGoG/N]`*݇HpFdUٷHpFd gUhoЇ_-<-L)@x_5@&Mdx ռ!c wnqd|_5g~G,dxGoG|og4GlroGd?TxoGھ.dxG8GnELP&& for markerNo help is available in file  FNo help is available.9:.G EN]m^`N }z>0F|}0cJ@rgiC1FRF`Դi"SAFPnE{TA&F9^(3|!ւߑ!摼! 摼!G摼!i摼!*Boo|"+ƶo|dx Ɓmgte-g"B-|@dPdPwdP|-\$ .f`6 .f R2 .g|迮JB-P*USTOPEN.#XT. Cannot open 9|摼!摼!摼! 摼!G!iߑ!o|+_U_U~STCREAF9Xִ+|! 摼!G摼!i摼!r\G|oxmg,G[dxGonGoٷxmg,G[dxGoGoxxmg,G[dxGoGFvoHk|`B@m0-$dPB-Hk|mgHk|h00lfLJGfG,dx`2SGG,dxsGdxG,dxs/0k|n.Ikj |FWi iui?G]H?HAJA|FETDIGITF9,ٙxg$Cpڅ!i-$/ćCpڼ!i-$<.?BρdH@J@:lBTdĿBTd nBTd ρH@J@*J@P6pBFl 6pB@`PP+dd?>dfnޯETTD &McM/DD/YY HH:MM:SSGet_Time Error!!!3. "6F^9 )D!$ǐ^frrease correct the name. )tools/translit Translit maps its input (StdIn) on a chararacter-by-character basis, and writes the translated version to its output (StdOut). Parameter(s): stdout The defaults for both StdIn and StdOut are the console. APPLE-C must be used to indicate the end-of-file when StdIn is the console. )tools/translit,tools/src In the simplest case, each character in the src par)stdin This program uses StdIn for its input file. The default for StdIn is -CONSOLE. Please specify the name of the file you want to process. )stdout This program generates its output to StdOut. The default for StdOut is -CONSOLE. Please specify the name of your output file. )tools/copy Copy is used to copy its input (from StdIn) to its output (StdOut). It has one optional parameter: Parameter(s): stdout [LineRange,...] The defaults for both StdIn and StdOut are the console. APPLE-C must be used to indicate the end-of-file when StdIn is the console. )tools/copy,tools/linerange The optional LineRange parameter specifies what portion of StdIn you wish to copy to StdOut. The LineRange is a list of ranges separated by commas or spaces. Each range has the form of a single line number, or a pair of line numbers separated by a "-". In the latter case either one of the line numbers may be omitted. If the first number is omitted, line 1 is assumed. If the second number is omitted, the end of file is assumed. )tools/charcount CharCount counts the number of characters in its input (StdIn) and writes the total to its output (StdOut). Parameter(s): stdout The defaults for both StdIn and StdOut are the console. APPLE-C must be used to indicate the end-of-file when StdIn is the console. All characters are counted. This includes the RETURN and DLE characters. )tools/wordcount WordCount counts the number of words in its input (StdIn) and writes the total to its output (StdOut). A "word" is considered as a sequence of characters not containing a blank or any control characters (e.g., RETURNs and DLEs). Parameter(s): stdout The defaults for both StdIn and StdOut are the console. APPLE-C must be used to indicate the end-of-file when StdIn is the console. )tools/linecount LineCount counts the number of lines in its input (StdIn) and writes the total to its output (StdOut). Parameter(s): stdout The defaults for both StdIn and StdOut are the console. APPLE-C must be used to indicate the end-of-file when StdIn is the console. )tools/lwccount LWCcount counts the number of lines, words, and characters in its input (StdIn) and writes the totals as three lines to its output (StdOut). Parameter(s): stdout The defaults for both StdIn and StdOut are the console. APPLE-C must be used to indicate the end-of-file when StdIn is the console. The three lines written to StdOut are written with the number of lines on line 1, the number of words on line 2, and the number of characters on line 3. (1. Number of lines (2. Number of words (3. Number of characters )tools/concat Concat takes a list of filename parameters separated by either commas or spaces: Parameter(s): filename [,...] >stdout Each file is copied to the output (StdOut). The files are processed in the same order as specified in the list. In the case of one input file, Concat behaves exactly like the Copy tool. )tools/concat_files The indicated file could not be opened. Please correct the name. )tools/translit Translit maps its input (StdIn) on a chararacter-by-character basis, and writes the translated version to its output (StdOut). Parameter(s): stdout The defaults for both StdIn and StdOut are the console. APPLE-C must be used to indicate the end-of-file when StdIn is the console. )tools/translit,tools/src In the simplest case, each character in the src parameter is translated to the corresponding character in the dest parameter; all other characters are copied as-is. Both the src and dest may contain substrings of the form c1-c2 as a shorthand for all the characters in the range from c1 to c2. Both c1 and c2 must be digits or they must both be letters of the same case. If dest is omitted, then all characters specified in the src will be deleted. If dest is shorter than src, all characters in src that would map beyond the last character in dest are mapped to the last character of dest; moreover, adjacent instances of such characters in the input are represented by a single instance of the last character in dest. Thus if the src is 0-9 and the dest just a 9, then Translit will convert each string of digits in the input to the single digit, 9, when it writes the output. If src is preceded by a ^, then *all but* the characters represented in the src are used as the source string, i.e., they are all deleted if dest is omitted, or they will be collapsed to the last character in dest. Examples: #To convert upper case to lower: &Parameter(s): A-Z a-z stdout #To replace all punctuation with spaces: &Parameter(s): ^a-zA-Z ~ stdout Note, the tilde ~ character is an escape or literalizing convention used on the Parameter(s) line, meaning it passes the character that follows it as-is. As a special case the sequence ~n represents a RETURN character. )tools/find Search reads its input (StdIn) one line at a time and writes to its output (StdOut) all lines that match a patterns specified as a parameter: Parameter(s): stdout APPLE-C must be used to indicate the end-of-file when StdIn is the console. )tools/find,tools/pattern A pattern is a concatenation of the following elements: #c literal character c #? any character except RETURN #% beginning of line #$ end of line #[...] character class (any one of these characters) #[^...] negated character class (all but these characters) #* closure (zero or more occurrences of previous pattern) #~c escaped (leteralizing) character (c taken as-is, ~n means RETURN) The special meaning characters in a text pattern are lost when escaped, inside of [...] (except for ~), or for: #% not at beginning of the [...] #$ not at the end #* at the beginning A character class consists of zero or more of the following elements, surrounded by [ and ]: #c literal character c, including [ #c1-c2 range of characters (digits, upper or lower case letters) #^ negated character class if at the beginning, i.e., [^...] #~c escaped character Special meaning of characters class is lost when escaped or for: #^ not at the beginning #- at the beginning or end An escaped character consists of the character ~ immediately followed by a single character: #~c c (including ~~) #~n RETURN Examples: #To write all lines to StdOut from StdIn which contain lines ending with a Pascal #keyword or identifier: &Parameter(s): stdout #To match anything between parentheses (not necessarily balanced): &Parameter(s): stdout ) Y[Help file updated 4/27/84] t hPASLIB UCLASCAL/IOPRIMIT8SHELLCOM9PROGCOMM:STDUNIT XBLKIOINTfBLOCKIO gPASHEAP hZ.V(VD|@N4NNHNPASLIB1 PASIOLIB`SgPASinibSULib cMainProg <9[F"iŒFTOP&&FxyF,_NUM x8+O+NQxHt+_Mom5Bmi?k -c: ]}B0F T@}B0F md0]}0JA)=}]0c @f`}0cJ@rRm00-0}iz1F<x}0ck6oxAr? 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TD(. nBP.6rP"#"##%"/Nۂ . 8. %bcLbLjLjJ'̢. L ^jC Don't process USEd unit if the $U name *or* unit name is in input file list. D Delete all underscores in identifiers. The default is to retain underscores. I Do *not* process include files. The default is to process $i Compiler di)stdin StdIn is not used by Xref. Xref takes its input from its first parameter. Enter -CONSOLE in response to the prompt and then help on the Parameter(s) line. )stdout StdOut is not used by Xref. Xref places its output to the file specified by the second parameter. Enter -CONSOLE in response to the prompt and then help on the Parameter(s) line. )Xref/Parameters Xref is a utility which scans a Pascal source program and displays all references to variables. Each variable is listed in alphabetical order, followed by the line numbers on which the variables appear. Line numbers can refer to the entire source file, or be relative to the individual include files and units. Each variable reference indicates whether the variable is defined (*), assigned to (=), or just simply named. When includes are processed by Xref, each line number displayed will be the position within its respective include file, and an additional key (number) will be shown indicating which include file the line number refers to. A list of each include file processed and its associated key is displayed prior to the cross-reference listing. USES declarations can also be processed by Xref. These are treated exactly like includes, except the line numbers count the lines of a unit's interface section. The compiler $U+/$U- directive is also processed and has the same effect on Xref as it does on the Compiler. The Parameter(s) are as follows: Parameter(s): input output width Xref reads the its source from "input" and places its output listing in "output". The "width" affects the maximum output width of the cross-reference listing. It can be a value from 40 to 132. )Xref/Parameters, Xref/FnameList If *all* the parameters are omitted, then Xref will prompt for the files and the width. Under these conditions, Xref will allow you to treat a whole set of files as a single input (each input is then treated like an include file). 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