Statistics for: Web Site
Last Update: 01 Nov 2008 - 03:41
Reported period:Month Oct 2008
When: Monthly history   Days of month   Days of week   Hours  
Who: Hosts   Full list   Last visit   Unresolved IP Address   Robots/Spiders visitors   Full list   Last visit  
Navigation: Visits duration   File type   Operating Systems   Versions   Unknown   Browsers   Versions   Unknown  
Referrers: Origin   Referring search engines   Referring sites   Search   Search Keyphrases   Search Keywords  
Others: HTTP Status codes   Pages not found   Cluster  

Reported period Month Oct 2008
First visit 01 Oct 2008 - 00:00
Last visit 31 Oct 2008 - 23:59
 Unique visitorsNumber of visitsPagesHitsBandwidth
Viewed traffic *97157
(1.31 visits/visitor)
(8.08 Pages/Visit)
(12.55 Hits/Visit)
229.54 GB
(1881.67 KB/Visit)
Not viewed traffic * 
15368401705170126.95 GB
* Not viewed traffic includes traffic generated by robots, worms, or replies with special HTTP status codes.

Monthly history  
  Unique visitors: 0Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: 0Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: 0Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: 0Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: 0Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: 0Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: 0Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: 16064Number of visits: 20556Pages: 156665Hits: 232245Bandwidth: 22.16 GB Unique visitors: 90448Number of visits: 124516Pages: 907690Hits: 1711619Bandwidth: 174.49 GB Unique visitors: 97157Number of visits: 127911Pages: 1034001Hits: 1606304Bandwidth: 229.54 GB Unique visitors: 335Number of visits: 348Pages: 3304Hits: 4614Bandwidth: 874.73 MB Unique visitors: 0Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0  

MonthUnique visitorsNumber of visitsPagesHitsBandwidth
Jan 200800000
Feb 200800000
Mar 200800000
Apr 200800000
May 200800000
Jun 200800000
Jul 200800000
Aug 2008160642055615666523224522.16 GB
Sep 2008904481245169076901711619174.49 GB
Oct 20089715712791110340011606304229.54 GB
Nov 200833534833044614874.73 MB
Dec 200800000
Total20400427333121016603554782427.04 GB

Days of month  
Number of visits: 4440Pages: 34665Hits: 53519Bandwidth: 7.18 GB Number of visits: 4685Pages: 35147Hits: 52625Bandwidth: 4.88 GB Number of visits: 4506Pages: 42010Hits: 58763Bandwidth: 5.19 GB Number of visits: 3727Pages: 35592Hits: 49976Bandwidth: 4.62 GB Number of visits: 3683Pages: 35342Hits: 49982Bandwidth: 4.86 GB Number of visits: 4408Pages: 32875Hits: 55654Bandwidth: 5.97 GB Number of visits: 4391Pages: 33116Hits: 59319Bandwidth: 7.98 GB Number of visits: 4241Pages: 32797Hits: 51840Bandwidth: 5.51 GB Number of visits: 4389Pages: 41290Hits: 59927Bandwidth: 5.31 GB Number of visits: 3945Pages: 31448Hits: 46247Bandwidth: 6.41 GB Number of visits: 3157Pages: 28497Hits: 40622Bandwidth: 6.40 GB Number of visits: 3503Pages: 30828Hits: 47298Bandwidth: 7.99 GB Number of visits: 4172Pages: 35357Hits: 53778Bandwidth: 8.66 GB Number of visits: 4108Pages: 37267Hits: 66073Bandwidth: 9.83 GB Number of visits: 4081Pages: 35389Hits: 58758Bandwidth: 12.55 GB Number of visits: 3967Pages: 29895Hits: 49809Bandwidth: 7.15 GB Number of visits: 4057Pages: 30984Hits: 47476Bandwidth: 9.02 GB Number of visits: 3428Pages: 29419Hits: 45793Bandwidth: 8.03 GB Number of visits: 3530Pages: 27718Hits: 43106Bandwidth: 9.61 GB Number of visits: 4196Pages: 29802Hits: 47419Bandwidth: 8.09 GB Number of visits: 4632Pages: 30197Hits: 54972Bandwidth: 6.73 GB Number of visits: 4204Pages: 29235Hits: 49443Bandwidth: 7.01 GB Number of visits: 4160Pages: 29930Hits: 48559Bandwidth: 7.50 GB Number of visits: 4092Pages: 31670Hits: 51280Bandwidth: 5.40 GB Number of visits: 3748Pages: 29009Hits: 42576Bandwidth: 8.54 GB Number of visits: 4109Pages: 36240Hits: 52690Bandwidth: 8.48 GB Number of visits: 4802Pages: 41896Hits: 62506Bandwidth: 9.16 GB Number of visits: 4592Pages: 31933Hits: 51773Bandwidth: 7.62 GB Number of visits: 4524Pages: 30492Hits: 48249Bandwidth: 8.22 GB Number of visits: 4382Pages: 37924Hits: 54210Bandwidth: 8.00 GB Number of visits: 4052Pages: 36037Hits: 52062Bandwidth: 7.65 GB  Number of visits: 4126.16Pages: 33354.87Hits: 51816.26Bandwidth: 7.40 GB

DayNumber of visitsPagesHitsBandwidth
01 Oct 2008444034665535197.18 GB
02 Oct 2008468535147526254.88 GB
03 Oct 2008450642010587635.19 GB
04 Oct 2008372735592499764.62 GB
05 Oct 2008368335342499824.86 GB
06 Oct 2008440832875556545.97 GB
07 Oct 2008439133116593197.98 GB
08 Oct 2008424132797518405.51 GB
09 Oct 2008438941290599275.31 GB
10 Oct 2008394531448462476.41 GB
11 Oct 2008315728497406226.40 GB
12 Oct 2008350330828472987.99 GB
13 Oct 2008417235357537788.66 GB
14 Oct 2008410837267660739.83 GB
15 Oct 20084081353895875812.55 GB
16 Oct 2008396729895498097.15 GB
17 Oct 2008405730984474769.02 GB
18 Oct 2008342829419457938.03 GB
19 Oct 2008353027718431069.61 GB
20 Oct 2008419629802474198.09 GB
21 Oct 2008463230197549726.73 GB
22 Oct 2008420429235494437.01 GB
23 Oct 2008416029930485597.50 GB
24 Oct 2008409231670512805.40 GB
25 Oct 2008374829009425768.54 GB
26 Oct 2008410936240526908.48 GB
27 Oct 2008480241896625069.16 GB
28 Oct 2008459231933517737.62 GB
29 Oct 2008452430492482498.22 GB
30 Oct 2008438237924542108.00 GB
31 Oct 2008405236037520627.65 GB
Average4126.1633354.8751816.267.40 GB
Total12791110340011606304229.54 GB

Days of week  
Pages: 32532Hits: 48269Bandwidth: 7.73 GB Pages: 34982.50Hits: 54839.25Bandwidth: 7.97 GB Pages: 33128.25Hits: 58034.25Bandwidth: 8.04 GB Pages: 32515.60Hits: 52361.80Bandwidth: 8.09 GB Pages: 34837.20Hits: 53026Bandwidth: 6.57 GB Pages: 34429.80Hits: 51165.60Bandwidth: 6.73 GB Pages: 30629.25Hits: 44741.75Bandwidth: 6.90 GB

Sun32532482697.73 GB
Mon34982.5054839.257.97 GB
Tue33128.2558034.258.04 GB
Wed32515.6052361.808.09 GB
Thu34837.20530266.57 GB
Fri34429.8051165.606.73 GB
Sat30629.2544741.756.90 GB

Pages: 43016Hits: 67845Bandwidth: 8.16 GB Pages: 43469Hits: 63132Bandwidth: 7.04 GB Pages: 39847Hits: 58158Bandwidth: 6.60 GB Pages: 41112Hits: 57522Bandwidth: 8.28 GB Pages: 40895Hits: 56378Bandwidth: 9.95 GB Pages: 39094Hits: 54231Bandwidth: 7.85 GB Pages: 39817Hits: 55097Bandwidth: 9.66 GB Pages: 41202Hits: 57903Bandwidth: 9.00 GB Pages: 43424Hits: 65353Bandwidth: 9.28 GB Pages: 42577Hits: 68678Bandwidth: 12.48 GB Pages: 43696Hits: 71991Bandwidth: 10.41 GB Pages: 42564Hits: 71573Bandwidth: 7.87 GB Pages: 43942Hits: 73293Bandwidth: 13.09 GB Pages: 45366Hits: 75371Bandwidth: 13.90 GB Pages: 44728Hits: 72998Bandwidth: 10.72 GB Pages: 43623Hits: 70754Bandwidth: 10.27 GB Pages: 45436Hits: 73584Bandwidth: 9.00 GB Pages: 51923Hits: 77633Bandwidth: 9.92 GB Pages: 41739Hits: 66151Bandwidth: 10.18 GB Pages: 40820Hits: 64026Bandwidth: 7.84 GB Pages: 48174Hits: 72274Bandwidth: 10.02 GB Pages: 42027Hits: 72207Bandwidth: 8.03 GB Pages: 43603Hits: 71894Bandwidth: 10.74 GB Pages: 41907Hits: 68258Bandwidth: 9.23 GB
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0:00 - 1:00 am 1:00 - 2:00 am 2:00 - 3:00 am 3:00 - 4:00 am 4:00 - 5:00 am 5:00 - 6:00 am 6:00 - 7:00 am 7:00 - 8:00 am 8:00 - 9:00 am 9:00 - 10:00 am 10:00 - 11:00 am 11:00 - 12:00 am 0:00 - 1:00 pm 1:00 - 2:00 pm 2:00 - 3:00 pm 3:00 - 4:00 pm 4:00 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm 6:00 - 7:00 pm 7:00 - 8:00 pm 8:00 - 9:00 pm 9:00 - 10:00 pm 10:00 - 11:00 pm 11:00 - 12:00 pm

0043016678458.16 GB
0143469631327.04 GB
0239847581586.60 GB
0341112575228.28 GB
0440895563789.95 GB
0539094542317.85 GB
0639817550979.66 GB
0741202579039.00 GB
0843424653539.28 GB
09425776867812.48 GB
10436967199110.41 GB
1142564715737.87 GB
12439427329313.09 GB
13453667537113.90 GB
14447287299810.72 GB
15436237075410.27 GB
1645436735849.00 GB
1751923776339.92 GB
18417396615110.18 GB
1940820640267.84 GB
20481747227410.02 GB
2142027722078.03 GB
22436037189410.74 GB
2341907682589.23 GB

Hosts (Top 10)   -   Full list   -   Last visit   -   Unresolved IP Address  
Hosts : 0 Known, 148832 Unknown (unresolved ip)
97157 Unique visitors
PagesHitsBandwidthLast visit GB31 Oct 2008 - 23:59 MB31 Oct 2008 - 23:17 MB31 Oct 2008 - 20:39 MB14 Oct 2008 - 08:50 MB31 Oct 2008 - 23:59 MB30 Oct 2008 - 20:30 MB31 Oct 2008 - 23:59 MB31 Oct 2008 - 23:29 MB27 Oct 2008 - 16:58 MB07 Oct 2008 - 06:43
Others300766872629220.63 GB 

Robots/Spiders visitors (Top 10)   -   Full list   -   Last visit  
116 different robots*HitsBandwidthLast visit
Yahoo Slurp301238+118929.46 GB31 Oct 2008 - 23:59
MLBot252621+224.71 GB31 Oct 2008 - 23:58
MSNBot181035+22013.31 GB31 Oct 2008 - 23:56
Unknown robot (identified by 'crawl')105476+4355.62 GB31 Oct 2008 - 23:47
Googlebot101447+573.61 GB31 Oct 2008 - 23:59
MSNBot-media33629+32985.34 GB31 Oct 2008 - 23:59
Nagios2326463.95 MB31 Oct 2008 - 23:50
Unknown robot (identified by 'robot')21208+206344.09 MB31 Oct 2008 - 23:59
Java (Often spam bot)20512+51.58 GB31 Oct 2008 - 23:55
Unknown robot (identified by 'spider')17830+137864.58 MB31 Oct 2008 - 23:49
Others74812+778414.80 GB 
* Robots shown here gave hits or traffic "not viewed" by visitors, so they are not included in other charts. Numbers after + are successful hits on "robots.txt" files.

Visits duration  
Number of visits: 127911 - Average: 177 sNumber of visitsPercent
0s-30s10813284.5 %
30s-2mn55144.3 %
2mn-5mn34542.7 %
5mn-15mn36742.8 %
15mn-30mn24531.9 %
30mn-1h26952.1 %
1h+19891.5 %

File type  
File typeHitsPercentBandwidthPercent
cgiDynamic Html page or Script file66291641.2 %6.63 GB2.8 %
jpgImage31938019.8 %16.70 GB7.2 %
htmlHTML or XML static page18547111.5 %3.85 GB1.6 %
gifImage18424511.4 %1.30 GB0.5 %
mp3Audio file824905.1 %62.33 GB27.1 %
pngImage255821.5 %1.08 GB0.4 %
cssCascading Style Sheet file220101.3 %52.81 MB0 %
htmHTML or XML static page218691.3 %220.55 MB0 %
jsJavaScript file143690.8 %183.05 MB0 %
Unknown122360.7 %184.19 MB0 %
txtText file118180.7 %7.17 GB3.1 %
pdfAdobe Acrobat file89050.5 %1.53 GB0.6 %
xmlHTML or XML static page58480.3 %24.90 MB0 %
zipArchive58290.3 %85.73 GB37.3 %
gzArchive44740.2 %4.55 GB1.9 %
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swfMacromedia Flash Animation40880.2 %327.37 MB0.1 %
wmvVideo file33440.2 %1.17 GB0.5 %
sig 27770.1 %956.57 KB0 %
diz 22130.1 %2.62 MB0 %
readme 19340.1 %2.65 MB0 %
phpDynamic PHP Script file16140.1 %15.58 MB0 %
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Operating Systems (Top 10)   -   Full list/Versions   -   Unknown  
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Unknown77071347.9 %
Windows72815245.3 %
Macintosh738834.5 %
Linux326722 %
Symbian OS2440 %
BSD1740 %
Sun Solaris1660 %
Sony PlayStation Portable1430 %
FreeBSD500 %
WebTV330 %
 Others740 %

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Unknown?69333043.1 %
MS Internet ExplorerNo51891832.3 %
FirefoxNo23680114.7 %
MozillaNo621133.8 %
SafariNo541343.3 %
OperaNo129810.8 %
NetShow Player (media player)No117480.7 %
NetscapeNo96350.5 %
WgetYes28320.1 %
LibWWWNo8690 %
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690727.4 %793897 %
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- http://thinkempty.blogspot.com7971824
- Others19750180327
448744.8 %20667518.3 %
Unknown Origin10580.1 %11620.1 %

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26652 different keyphrasesSearchPercent
free woodworking plans8381.5 %
they re coming to take me away lyrics6191.1 %
ansi sql3670.6 %
rankmaniac3270.6 %
funny farm lyrics3220.6 %
woodworking plans2760.5 %
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interbook2340.4 %
there coming to take me away lyrics2070.3 %
lulu s noodles1910.3 %
Other phrases4885293 %

Search Keywords (Top 10)
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22738 different keywordsSearchPercent
plans50782.6 %
to36871.8 %
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pittsburgh20431 %
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HTTP Status codes  
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