Statistics for: Web Site
Last Update: 01 Nov 2009 - 00:21
Reported period:Month Oct 2009
When: Monthly history   Days of month   Days of week   Hours  
Who: Hosts   Full list   Last visit   Unresolved IP Address   Robots/Spiders visitors   Full list   Last visit  
Navigation: Visits duration   File type   Operating Systems   Versions   Unknown   Browsers   Versions   Unknown  
Referrers: Origin   Referring search engines   Referring sites   Search   Search Keyphrases   Search Keywords  
Others: HTTP Status codes   Pages not found   Cluster  

Reported period Month Oct 2009
First visit 01 Oct 2009 - 00:00
Last visit 31 Oct 2009 - 23:53
 Unique visitorsNumber of visitsPagesHitsBandwidth
Viewed traffic *186614
(1.26 visits/visitor)
(2.12 Pages/Visit)
(5.19 Hits/Visit)
327.06 GB
(1449.14 KB/Visit)
Not viewed traffic * 
49209355134487257.52 GB
* Not viewed traffic includes traffic generated by robots, worms, or replies with special HTTP status codes.

Monthly history  
  Unique visitors: 125051Number of visits: 151093Pages: 496472Hits: 917883Bandwidth: 164.60 GB Unique visitors: 234490Number of visits: 285596Pages: 636164Hits: 1375405Bandwidth: 468.81 GB Unique visitors: 251948Number of visits: 319423Pages: 885143Hits: 2144734Bandwidth: 385.49 GB Unique visitors: 157502Number of visits: 198504Pages: 427377Hits: 1248087Bandwidth: 233.24 GB Unique visitors: 142285Number of visits: 172232Pages: 376446Hits: 867865Bandwidth: 195.14 GB Unique visitors: 269955Number of visits: 318042Pages: 573175Hits: 1398510Bandwidth: 244.45 GB Unique visitors: 172810Number of visits: 208898Pages: 380001Hits: 1110057Bandwidth: 248.70 GB Unique visitors: 183794Number of visits: 220758Pages: 576550Hits: 1285380Bandwidth: 262.74 GB Unique visitors: 168960Number of visits: 210930Pages: 488794Hits: 1254231Bandwidth: 296.34 GB Unique visitors: 186614Number of visits: 236654Pages: 503595Hits: 1229374Bandwidth: 327.06 GB Unique visitors: 33Number of visits: 33Pages: 47Hits: 103Bandwidth: 5.20 MB Unique visitors: 0Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0  

MonthUnique visitorsNumber of visitsPagesHitsBandwidth
Jan 2009125051151093496472917883164.60 GB
Feb 20092344902855966361641375405468.81 GB
Mar 20092519483194238851432144734385.49 GB
Apr 20091575021985044273771248087233.24 GB
May 2009142285172232376446867865195.14 GB
Jun 20092699553180425731751398510244.45 GB
Jul 20091728102088983800011110057248.70 GB
Aug 20091837942207585765501285380262.74 GB
Sep 20091689602109304887941254231296.34 GB
Oct 20091866142366545035951229374327.06 GB
Nov 20093333471035.20 MB
Dec 200900000
Total189344223221635343764128316292826.57 GB

Days of month  
Number of visits: 5298Pages: 12502Hits: 32076Bandwidth: 8.65 GB Number of visits: 6327Pages: 12457Hits: 35319Bandwidth: 10.79 GB Number of visits: 5519Pages: 11227Hits: 27894Bandwidth: 9.84 GB Number of visits: 5666Pages: 11846Hits: 29678Bandwidth: 9.62 GB Number of visits: 7376Pages: 11696Hits: 34355Bandwidth: 14.21 GB Number of visits: 9080Pages: 16716Hits: 46440Bandwidth: 13.15 GB Number of visits: 9033Pages: 16573Hits: 46240Bandwidth: 11.97 GB Number of visits: 7861Pages: 14638Hits: 40714Bandwidth: 11.43 GB Number of visits: 7465Pages: 17146Hits: 38811Bandwidth: 10.75 GB Number of visits: 6259Pages: 14677Hits: 34505Bandwidth: 9.81 GB Number of visits: 7042Pages: 13690Hits: 34556Bandwidth: 8.27 GB Number of visits: 9063Pages: 18616Hits: 48840Bandwidth: 10.06 GB Number of visits: 9053Pages: 45748Hits: 70900Bandwidth: 12.04 GB Number of visits: 8941Pages: 17349Hits: 45008Bandwidth: 10.81 GB Number of visits: 8591Pages: 15852Hits: 43748Bandwidth: 9.58 GB Number of visits: 7702Pages: 15199Hits: 36823Bandwidth: 9.40 GB Number of visits: 6212Pages: 13377Hits: 30759Bandwidth: 8.42 GB Number of visits: 6540Pages: 13139Hits: 33529Bandwidth: 8.27 GB Number of visits: 8917Pages: 17520Hits: 42718Bandwidth: 10.00 GB Number of visits: 9053Pages: 17809Hits: 44708Bandwidth: 10.62 GB Number of visits: 8438Pages: 15135Hits: 42183Bandwidth: 12.63 GB Number of visits: 7904Pages: 18172Hits: 42411Bandwidth: 10.44 GB Number of visits: 7419Pages: 16186Hits: 37463Bandwidth: 10.09 GB Number of visits: 6642Pages: 12429Hits: 29514Bandwidth: 10.36 GB Number of visits: 7336Pages: 13621Hits: 32643Bandwidth: 10.02 GB Number of visits: 8711Pages: 15137Hits: 38862Bandwidth: 11.58 GB Number of visits: 8411Pages: 16492Hits: 44018Bandwidth: 14.77 GB Number of visits: 8777Pages: 20574Hits: 45880Bandwidth: 10.83 GB Number of visits: 7965Pages: 18118Hits: 50725Bandwidth: 9.81 GB Number of visits: 7123Pages: 14422Hits: 35313Bandwidth: 9.29 GB Number of visits: 6930Pages: 15532Hits: 32741Bandwidth: 9.55 GB  Number of visits: 7634.00Pages: 16245.00Hits: 39657.23Bandwidth: 10.55 GB

DayNumber of visitsPagesHitsBandwidth
01 Oct 2009529812502320768.65 GB
02 Oct 20096327124573531910.79 GB
03 Oct 2009551911227278949.84 GB
04 Oct 2009566611846296789.62 GB
05 Oct 20097376116963435514.21 GB
06 Oct 20099080167164644013.15 GB
07 Oct 20099033165734624011.97 GB
08 Oct 20097861146384071411.43 GB
09 Oct 20097465171463881110.75 GB
10 Oct 2009625914677345059.81 GB
11 Oct 2009704213690345568.27 GB
12 Oct 20099063186164884010.06 GB
13 Oct 20099053457487090012.04 GB
14 Oct 20098941173494500810.81 GB
15 Oct 2009859115852437489.58 GB
16 Oct 2009770215199368239.40 GB
17 Oct 2009621213377307598.42 GB
18 Oct 2009654013139335298.27 GB
19 Oct 20098917175204271810.00 GB
20 Oct 20099053178094470810.62 GB
21 Oct 20098438151354218312.63 GB
22 Oct 20097904181724241110.44 GB
23 Oct 20097419161863746310.09 GB
24 Oct 20096642124292951410.36 GB
25 Oct 20097336136213264310.02 GB
26 Oct 20098711151373886211.58 GB
27 Oct 20098411164924401814.77 GB
28 Oct 20098777205744588010.83 GB
29 Oct 2009796518118507259.81 GB
30 Oct 2009712314422353139.29 GB
31 Oct 2009693015532327419.55 GB
Average7634.0016245.0039657.2310.55 GB
Total2366545035951229374327.06 GB

Days of week  
Pages: 13074Hits: 32601.50Bandwidth: 9.04 GB Pages: 15742.25Hits: 41193.75Bandwidth: 11.46 GB Pages: 24191.25Hits: 51516.50Bandwidth: 12.64 GB Pages: 17407.75Hits: 44827.75Bandwidth: 11.56 GB Pages: 15856.40Hits: 41934.80Bandwidth: 9.98 GB Pages: 15082Hits: 36745.80Bandwidth: 10.06 GB Pages: 13448.40Hits: 31082.60Bandwidth: 9.60 GB

Sun1307432601.509.04 GB
Mon15742.2541193.7511.46 GB
Tue24191.2551516.5012.64 GB
Wed17407.7544827.7511.56 GB
Thu15856.4041934.809.98 GB
Fri1508236745.8010.06 GB
Sat13448.4031082.609.60 GB

Pages: 15822Hits: 38044Bandwidth: 9.67 GB Pages: 15788Hits: 37587Bandwidth: 8.59 GB Pages: 14595Hits: 34845Bandwidth: 9.26 GB Pages: 14402Hits: 33062Bandwidth: 8.88 GB Pages: 16076Hits: 36893Bandwidth: 9.15 GB Pages: 16545Hits: 37203Bandwidth: 9.99 GB Pages: 17104Hits: 38520Bandwidth: 10.64 GB Pages: 16789Hits: 39793Bandwidth: 13.19 GB Pages: 17036Hits: 46025Bandwidth: 14.93 GB Pages: 20502Hits: 58287Bandwidth: 15.71 GB Pages: 19388Hits: 60962Bandwidth: 15.21 GB Pages: 30586Hits: 69540Bandwidth: 16.58 GB Pages: 35828Hits: 75081Bandwidth: 14.89 GB Pages: 21932Hits: 61444Bandwidth: 18.72 GB Pages: 25106Hits: 64561Bandwidth: 18.92 GB Pages: 26065Hits: 68217Bandwidth: 16.46 GB Pages: 27248Hits: 65006Bandwidth: 15.59 GB Pages: 28116Hits: 62782Bandwidth: 15.88 GB Pages: 23848Hits: 55793Bandwidth: 16.71 GB Pages: 21186Hits: 51930Bandwidth: 15.63 GB Pages: 20661Hits: 51092Bandwidth: 13.23 GB Pages: 21651Hits: 51679Bandwidth: 14.26 GB Pages: 20076Hits: 48606Bandwidth: 14.81 GB Pages: 17245Hits: 42422Bandwidth: 10.17 GB
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0:00 - 1:00 am 1:00 - 2:00 am 2:00 - 3:00 am 3:00 - 4:00 am 4:00 - 5:00 am 5:00 - 6:00 am 6:00 - 7:00 am 7:00 - 8:00 am 8:00 - 9:00 am 9:00 - 10:00 am 10:00 - 11:00 am 11:00 - 12:00 am 0:00 - 1:00 pm 1:00 - 2:00 pm 2:00 - 3:00 pm 3:00 - 4:00 pm 4:00 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm 6:00 - 7:00 pm 7:00 - 8:00 pm 8:00 - 9:00 pm 9:00 - 10:00 pm 10:00 - 11:00 pm 11:00 - 12:00 pm

0015822380449.67 GB
0115788375878.59 GB
0214595348459.26 GB
0314402330628.88 GB
0416076368939.15 GB
0516545372039.99 GB
06171043852010.64 GB
07167893979313.19 GB
08170364602514.93 GB
09205025828715.71 GB
10193886096215.21 GB
11305866954016.58 GB
12358287508114.89 GB
13219326144418.72 GB
14251066456118.92 GB
15260656821716.46 GB
16272486500615.59 GB
17281166278215.88 GB
18238485579316.71 GB
19211865193015.63 GB
20206615109213.23 GB
21216515167914.26 GB
22200764860614.81 GB
23172454242210.17 GB

Hosts (Top 10)   -   Full list   -   Last visit   -   Unresolved IP Address  
Hosts : 0 Known, 350439 Unknown (unresolved ip)
186614 Unique visitors
PagesHitsBandwidthLast visit MB23 Oct 2009 - 15:21 MB31 Oct 2009 - 23:26 MB31 Oct 2009 - 23:23 MB31 Oct 2009 - 22:44 MB31 Oct 2009 - 23:44 MB31 Oct 2009 - 23:24 MB31 Oct 2009 - 22:54 MB31 Oct 2009 - 23:48 MB31 Oct 2009 - 23:34 MB31 Oct 2009 - 23:31
Others4068351132613326.17 GB 

Robots/Spiders visitors (Top 10)   -   Full list   -   Last visit  
105 different robots*HitsBandwidthLast visit
Load Balancing Server148233912.32 GB31 Oct 2009 - 23:59
MSNBot756817+234916.33 GB31 Oct 2009 - 23:59
Googlebot751064+52101.99 GB31 Oct 2009 - 23:59
Unknown robot (identified by 'crawl')179283+301619.80 GB31 Oct 2009 - 23:38
Unknown robot (identified by 'robot')122986+1162.75 GB31 Oct 2009 - 23:59
Yahoo Slurp120750+29112.18 GB31 Oct 2009 - 23:59
MLBot102712+471.30 GB31 Oct 2009 - 23:50
FAST Enterprise Crawler60308+301.58 GB31 Oct 2009 - 23:58
HTTrack off-line browser35473+66.13 GB31 Oct 2009 - 23:07
Java (Often spam bot)25418+113.60 GB31 Oct 2009 - 23:29
Others98649+87817.87 GB 
* Robots shown here gave hits or traffic "not viewed" by visitors, so they are not included in other charts. Numbers after + are successful hits on "robots.txt" files.

Visits duration  
Number of visits: 236654 - Average: 124 sNumber of visitsPercent
0s-30s21264289.8 %
30s-2mn72683 %
2mn-5mn38601.6 %
5mn-15mn42211.7 %
15mn-30mn26601.1 %
30mn-1h32631.3 %
1h+27461.1 %

File type  
File typeHitsPercentBandwidthPercent
jpgImage52739442.8 %34.72 GB10.6 %
htmlHTML or XML static page26262621.3 %3.37 GB1 %
mp3Audio file14739511.9 %145.84 GB44.5 %
gifImage1201089.7 %1.79 GB0.5 %
pngImage457143.7 %1.94 GB0.5 %
htmHTML or XML static page165211.3 %118.48 MB0 %
pdfAdobe Acrobat file161921.3 %3.78 GB1.1 %
cssCascading Style Sheet file152501.2 %44.57 MB0 %
phpDynamic PHP Script file111070.9 %315.20 MB0 %
jsJavaScript file95880.7 %150.53 MB0 %
txtText file88410.7 %5.61 GB1.7 %
jpegImage55530.4 %134.73 MB0 %
mid 48660.3 %2.90 MB0 %
sig 44030.3 %1.68 MB0 %
aviVideo file36800.2 %7.91 GB2.4 %
cgiDynamic Html page or Script file34030.2 %32.68 MB0 %
zipArchive31980.2 %67.72 GB20.7 %
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rouble 22660.1 %7.08 MB0 %
diz 17170.1 %3.99 MB0 %
pptDocument15360.1 %960.15 MB0.2 %
swfMacromedia Flash Animation14460.1 %323.58 MB0 %
debPackage13510.1 %765.17 MB0.2 %
docDocument11690 %181.98 MB0 %
mpgVideo file10320 %1.53 GB0.4 %
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