Interface ITreeDepAlg

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TreeDepthAgentCycle, TreeDepthAgentDefault

public interface ITreeDepAlg
extends IAgent

Method Summary
 boolean isViableTarget(TreeConstraintState currState, TreeConstraintState stateTarget)
 ITreeDepAlg makeCopy()
          in case the agent has some internal state, this allows synchronized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
Methods inherited from interface IAgent
checkStateValidity, getMsgs, updateState

Method Detail


ITreeDepAlg makeCopy()
Description copied from interface: IAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows synchronized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time. If the agent has no internal state, this function can just return "this".

Specified by:
makeCopy in interface IAgent


boolean isViableTarget(TreeConstraintState currState,
                       TreeConstraintState stateTarget)