Class SimpleRendezvousAgent

  extended by SimpleRendezvousAgent
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleRendezvousAgent
extends java.lang.Object
implements IAgent

Implementation of IAgent to handle a simple flocking algorithm.


Nested Class Summary
 class SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg
          inner class used for flocking messages
Constructor Summary
SimpleRendezvousAgent(double lfSpeed)
Method Summary
 boolean checkStateValidity(StateBundle state)
          checks that a particular discrete state is valid for this agent
 void getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle discreteState, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback dynCallback, double[] arrLfStateCont, double lfCurrTime, int nIdxStateOffset, java.util.Iterator<CommLink> channelsToSendOn)
           Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
 IAgent makeCopy()
          in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
 void setSpeed(double lfSpeed)
          Set function for parameter to determine speed of convergence to current target.
 StateBundle updateState(ILogicVarBundle statePrev, double[] arrLfStateCont, double lfCurrTime, int nIdxStateOffset, IEnvironment env, java.util.Iterator<CommLink> channelsRecieveFrom)
           Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimpleRendezvousAgent()


public SimpleRendezvousAgent(double lfSpeed)
Method Detail


public void setSpeed(double lfSpeed)
Set function for parameter to determine speed of convergence to current target. Speed of convergence of algorithm depends on this and on frequency of communication rounds


public boolean checkStateValidity(StateBundle state)
Description copied from interface: IAgent
checks that a particular discrete state is valid for this agent

Specified by:
checkStateValidity in interface IAgent


public void getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle discreteState,
                    IDiscreteDynamicsCallback dynCallback,
                    double[] arrLfStateCont,
                    double lfCurrTime,
                    int nIdxStateOffset,
                    java.util.Iterator<CommLink> channelsToSendOn)

Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels. Channels are assumed to be modified by this operation. One weakness of this signature is that it requires programmer discipline not to look at the continuous state of agents other then your neighbors.

Specified by:
getMsgs in interface IAgent
discreteState - discrete component of agent state
arrLfStateCont - global vector of continuous state
nIdxStateOffset - offset into global state vector corresonding to this agent.
channelsToSendOn - Iterator containing objects of type CommLink corresponding to channels to send messages on (neighbor indices can be ascertained from channels).
See Also:
for type handled by iterator


public StateBundle updateState(ILogicVarBundle statePrev,
                               double[] arrLfStateCont,
                               double lfCurrTime,
                               int nIdxStateOffset,
                               IEnvironment env,
                               java.util.Iterator<CommLink> channelsRecieveFrom)

Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).

Specified by:
updateState in interface IAgent
statePrev - previous state (do not modify)
arrLfStateCont - vector of all continuous states (do not modify)
nIdxStateOffset - offset into arrLfStateCont corresponding to start of this agents continuous variables
channelsRecieveFrom - iterator storing CommLink classes corresponding incoming channels
new discrete state of agent
See Also:
for type handled by iterator


public IAgent makeCopy()
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time. If the agent has no internal state, this function can just return "this".

Specified by:
makeCopy in interface IAgent