Class TreeCallbackCatchPhase2

  extended by TreeCallbackCatchPhase2
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TreeCallbackCatchPhase2
extends java.lang.Object
implements ISimUICallback

This callback is specific to TreeAgentState and has no UI dependencies, so it is included here. It should not be used with any agent state other then TreeAgentState

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean doCallback(double[] arrLfState, IAgent agent, StateBundle[] arrStates, ISensor[] arrSensors, IEnvironment env, CommGraph graph, double lfSimTime)
          Callback function
 java.lang.Object getLastObject()
          In case we need more info then true/false from doCallback
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TreeCallbackCatchPhase2()
Method Detail


public boolean doCallback(double[] arrLfState,
                          IAgent agent,
                          StateBundle[] arrStates,
                          ISensor[] arrSensors,
                          IEnvironment env,
                          CommGraph graph,
                          double lfSimTime)
Description copied from interface: ISimUICallback
Callback function

Specified by:
doCallback in interface ISimUICallback
arrLfState - state vector (initially initial state, overwritten with final state)
agent - agent mapping (currently only support for homogenous swarms )
arrStates - non-position components of state of each agent (logic vars and control function)
arrSensors - array of sensor interfaces.
env - environment
graph - new communication graph (if an update is needed pass null otherwise)
lfSimTime - current simulated time
true if something unusual has happened


public java.lang.Object getLastObject()
In case we need more info then true/false from doCallback

Specified by:
getLastObject in interface ISimUICallback
arbitrary object (meaning depends on derived class)