Class RdiskGraph

  extended by RdiskGraph
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RdiskGraph
extends java.lang.Object
implements IProxGraph

Proximity graph function for r-disk graph.


Nested Class Summary
 class RdiskGraph.SortHelper
Constructor Summary
RdiskGraph(double lfRadius)
          preferred constructor
Method Summary
 CommGraph getGraph(int nDimension, double[] arrPoints, IProxGraphOptWrapper optHelper, CommGraph prevGraph, IEnvironment env)
          Proximity graph function: maps finite collects of points in R^d onto graphs.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RdiskGraph(double lfRadius)
preferred constructor

lfRadius - puts the "r" in "r-disk graph"


public RdiskGraph()
Method Detail


public CommGraph getGraph(int nDimension,
                          double[] arrPoints,
                          IProxGraphOptWrapper optHelper,
                          CommGraph prevGraph,
                          IEnvironment env)
Proximity graph function: maps finite collects of points in R^d onto graphs. Copies communication channels from previous graph, if available. Does not know about agent discrete state or other internal state vars. Assumes that the first d entries in the dimension array correspond to point 0, the next d to point 1, the next d to point 2 etc. Must be able to work without an optimization helper passed in. (this version is completely unoptimized -- fix later)

Specified by:
getGraph in interface IProxGraph
nDimension - the dimensionality the points live in, is this a graph in r^2, r^3, etc?
arrPoints - position vector
optHelper - optimization helper, assumed to be modified (be sure to duplicate before passing in) modification of this parameter is a way of returning a helper value.
prevGraph - copy message queues (including unread messages) from prevGraph if possible. Most not be null!
env - current environment.
new graph corresponding to this set of points in space.