Class Summary |
AgentMsgHelpers |
Set of (static) helper routines to make writing agents easier. |
AgentMsgHelpers.appendIter<T> |
AgentMsgHelpers.consIter<T> |
AgentMsgHelpers.MsgFilter<T extends IMsg> |
AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair<T1 extends IMsg,T2 extends IMsg> |
AgentMsgHelpers.NullMsg |
Empty message class. |
AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg |
Message class to hold a position in n dimensions |
BcastStorage |
BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg |
BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound |
BoolFuncAggregator<TypeIn> |
Combines two boolean functions into one. |
BoolFuncAggregators |
BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncAnd<TypeIn> |
Combines two boolean functions into one. |
BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncNegate<TypeIn> |
Turns a boolean function object into its negation |
BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncOr<TypeIn> |
Combines two boolean functions into one. |
BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncXor<TypeIn> |
Combines two boolean functions into one. |
BoolFuncNegate<TypeIn> |
Turns a boolean function object into its negation |
BoolFuncTrue<TypeIn> |
Boolean function object which always returns True |
BoxBoundary |
An n-dimensional box, the simplest possible boundary environment for robots. |
CommFuncSimpleSpline |
CommGraph |
Stores the topology of an instantaneous communication graph, as well
as the message queues between each pair of robots connected in the graph. |
CommLink |
One link (directed edge) in a communication graph. |
CompleteGraph |
Proximity graph function for complete graph. |
ConnectMaxSim |
ConstraintClosestLegalPoint |
ConstraintDoNothing |
ConstraintDoNotMove |
ConstraintParentChildOther |
ControlFuncDoNothing |
Control function for agents which don't move. |
ControlFuncMoveDir |
Control function implementing "move in a direction" |
ControlFuncMoveTowards |
Control function implementing "move towards point" |
ControlFuncRotateAbout |
Control function implementing "rotate about point" |
ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta |
Control function implementing "rotate about point" |
DataCallbackAggregator |
Implementation of callback to accumulate data collection routines |
DeployAgent |
Implementation of IAgent to handle a simple deployment algorithm. |
DeploySim |
DistributedDelaunayClip |
DrawAgentRadius |
DrawAgentStartState |
DrawConstraintTree |
DrawGraphLightly |
Oops, only draws r-disk graph |
DrawObjectAggregator |
DrawStartState |
DrawTowards |
DrawVoronoi |
DynCallbackTrackLambda2 |
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.ComposeDataWriters |
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.CountMovingAgents |
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.NullDataWriter |
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.TrackAngleWriter |
Careful, this class currently only handles robots that live
in two dimensions!!! |
EnvDrawContour |
ExpCommStrength |
GeometryHelpers |
Grab bag of helper functions for geometric computation |
GeometryHelpers.Circle |
globalsUI |
Holds globals for user interface properties, such as "color scheme". |
LambdaConstraintAgent |
LambdaDragRandAgents |
LambdaMaxDraw |
LambdaTestFlock |
LambdaTestMax |
LambdaTestRendezvous |
LambdaTestSim |
LogicVarIntLookup |
Implementation of ILogicVarBundle that just wraps an int map. |
MathUtils |
MorphAgent |
Implementation of IAgent for formation morphing algorithm. |
MorphAgentGlbl |
Implementation of "Move in global frame" formation morphing algorithm
rewritten (nearly) from scratch to represent state of the algorithm circa
February 2007. |
MorphAgentLcl |
Implementation of "Move in local frame" formation morphing algorithm
rewritten (nearly) from scratch to represent state of the algorithm circa
February 2007. |
MorphAgentTestAlg |
Implementation of IAgent for formation morphing algorithm. |
MorphDoneCallback |
This callback is specific to TreeAgentState
and has no UI dependencies, so it is included here. |
MorphSim |
MorphsimFileUtils |
MorphSimFromFile |
MorphSimGlbl |
MorphSpecCardioid |
Implementat ion of
interface for specifying per-agent information neccessary to
perform formation morphing to morph to a rectangle with a
"comb" topology. |
MorphSpecCombRect |
Implementat ion of
interface for specifying per-agent information neccessary to
perform formation morphing to morph to a rectangle with a
"comb" topology. |
MorphSpecFourCombs |
Implementat ion of
interface for specifying per-agent information neccessary to
perform formation morphing to morph to a rectangle with a
"comb" topology. |
MorphSpecGlblRect |
Implementat ion of
interface for specifying per-agent information neccessary to
perform formation morphing to morph to a rectangle with a
"comb" topology. |
MorphSpecStoredVals |
Storage class for per-agent information neccessary to perform formation
morphing. |
MorphTargetAdapter |
Allows an IInitializer to generate a specification of a
target configuration suitable for formation morphing algorithms. |
MoveCircleAgent |
Implementation of IAgent to move randomly, but not decrease inter-robot distances
once they drop below some threshold |
MoveToCentroidAgent |
Implementation of "move to centroid of r-limited delaunay cell"
algorithm. |
MsgQueue |
MsgQueue is a channel for messages sent by
robotic agents across a network. |
NaiveDelaunay |
Proximity graph function for r-limited-disk voronoi graph. |
NdTrivialEnv |
n dimensional box with no scalar fields of a fixed (at construction time)
size |
NonInteractiveSim |
NullDynamicsCallback |
NumericalAreaIntegrator |
PairLogicVarBundle |
This class is a little weird. |
PaperColors |
an attempt at a color scheme that looks good in papers, rather than
on-screen. |
PaperColors2 |
An alternative attempt at a set of colors for screenshots to embed in papers |
ProjectionSimpleStretch |
stretches sim coordinates to screen coordinates |
ProjectionXlateWrapper |
Adapter to take one interface of type IProjection and make a
IProjection which maps its inputs to a translation of the results
of the wrapped IProjection on the same inputs |
RandomAgent |
Implementation of IAgent to handle a "move randomly" algorithm. |
RandomColorMap |
A quick hack just for fun -- randomly chooses the colors of all the display items. |
RandomConnectedInit |
Creates a random flock of robots in an n-dimensional box |
RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN |
Creates a random flock of robots in an n-dimensional box |
RandomConstrainedAgent |
Implementation of IAgent to move randomly, but not decrease inter-robot distances
once they drop below some threshold |
RandomInit |
Creates a random flock of robots in an n-dimensional box |
RdiskGraph |
Proximity graph function for r-disk graph. |
Rk4Naive |
Naive implementation of RK4 (4th order Runge Kutta integration)
for handling continuous-time components of distributed control
simulation. |
RlimitedDelaunay |
Proximity graph function for r-limited-disk voronoi graph. |
RunSim |
SanityChecks |
Just a series of simple checks to prevent stupid mismatches. |
ScalarFieldSumGauss |
ScalarFieldUtils |
ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField |
ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv |
ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct |
SigmoidStrengthFun |
SimEvalLambdaGame |
SimEvalLambdaGame.InitLambdaMax |
SimEvalMorphGlbl |
SimpAgentTreeTopo |
SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo |
Some design needs to happen here. |
SimpleAllAllBcast |
SimpleFlockingAgent |
Implementation of IAgent to handle a simple flocking algorithm. |
SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState |
inner class used for flocking state |
SimpleRendezvousAgent |
Implementation of IAgent to handle a simple flocking algorithm. |
SimpleScalarEnvironment |
2d box with no scalar fields of a fixed (at construction time)
width and height |
SimpleSwarmDraw |
StandardColors |
The default color map -- what all sims used before the colormap interface was
implemented. |
StateAccessors |
StateAccessors.PairFirst |
StateAccessors.PairSecond |
StateAccessors.PassThrough |
StateBundle |
Wrapper to hold the logic variables and the control function
that get updated at each communication round. |
SwarmPathDraw |
SwarmState |
Class for storing a snapshot of the global state of the swarm. |
SwitchedCompoundAgent |
Takes pairs of agent and integer index and swtiches which agent to use
based on index. |
SynchronousScheduler |
Scheduler for synchronous communication round scheduling. |
SynchronousStateQueue |
Allows global state snapshots to be passed between threads,
thus giving safe communication between graphics and simulation components |
TestSet |
Just a silly test program to make sure java.util.Set works the
way I would expect. |
TestSuite |
TrackLambda2 |
TreeAgentState |
Discrete state for tree re-arrangement agent |
TreeAlgDraw |
TreeCallbackCatchPhase2 |
This callback is specific to TreeAgentState
and has no UI dependencies, so it is included here. |
TreeCallbackTrackMaxDepth |
This callback is specific to TreeAgentState
and has no UI dependencies. |
TreeConstraintAgent |
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingDepth |
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingId |
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithParent |
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithPropParent |
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithTrueVar |
TreeConstraintState |
Discrete state for tree re-arrangement agent |
TreeDeployAgent |
TreeDeploySim |
TreeDeploySimFF |
TreeDepthAgentCycle |
TreeDepthAgentDefault |
TreeMsg |
Messages sent by agents following tree connectivity protocol. |
TrivialEnvironment |
2d box with no scalar fields of a fixed (at construction time)
width and height |
VicsekFlockingAgent |
Implementation of IAgent to handle a simple flocking algorithm. |
VoronoiHolder<T extends ILogicVarBundle> |