access(ILogicVarBundle) - Method in interface IStateAccessor
access(ILogicVarBundle) - Method in class StateAccessors.PairFirst
access(ILogicVarBundle) - Method in class StateAccessors.PairSecond
access(ILogicVarBundle) - Method in class StateAccessors.PassThrough
accessAgent() - Method in class SwarmState
accessCtrVec() - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
accessDataWriter() - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2
accessDirVec() - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
accessFirst() - Method in class PairLogicVarBundle
accessMax() - Method in class NdTrivialEnv
accessMin() - Method in class NdTrivialEnv
accessPositions() - Method in class SwarmState
accessSecond() - Method in class PairLogicVarBundle
accessStates() - Method in class SwarmState
accumMsgs(Iterator<CommLink>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class AgentMsgHelpers
Accumulates all the readable messages from a list of channels.
addAgent(double[], int) - Method in class MorphSpecStoredVals
Adds an agent.
addAgentIdxPair(IAgent, int) - Method in class SwitchedCompoundAgent
addCallback(ISimUICallback) - Method in class DataCallbackAggregator
addDrawAgent(IDrawAgent) - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator
addDrawAgent(IDrawAgent) - Method in class DrawStartState
addDrawAgent(IDrawAgent) - Method in interface ISwarmDraw
addDrawAgent(IDrawAgent) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
addDrawAgent(IDrawAgent) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
addDrawAgent(IDrawAgent) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
addDrawAgent(IDrawAgent) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
addEdge(int, double, double) - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip
addEl(ISwarmDraw, ISimUICallback, IProjection, int, int) - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator
addField(IScalarField) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct
addGaussian(double, Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class ScalarFieldSumGauss
addLink(int, int, CommGraph) - Method in class CommGraph
Adds a new link (directed edge) to a graph.
addLink(int, int, CommLink.IChannelData, CommGraph) - Method in class CommGraph
Adds a new link (directed edge) to a graph.
addState(double[], StateBundle[], IAgent, double, CommGraph) - Method in class SynchronousStateQueue
push another simulated state onto the queue, return the difference in (simulation) time between the last frame requested by the drawing engine and the last frame pushed on by the simulator graph must be copied before calling this.
addStateIfEmpty(double[], StateBundle[], IAgent, double, CommGraph) - Method in class SynchronousStateQueue
push another simulated state onto the queue, but only if the queue is empty return the difference in (simulation) time between the last frame requested by the drawing engine and the last frame pushed on by the simulator graph must be copied before calling this.
addTo(DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg) - Method in class DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg
adds addMe to this (destructively
addTo(MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg) - Method in class MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg
adds addMe to this (destructively
addTo(SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg) - Method in class SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg
adds addMe to this (destructively
addTo(AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg) - Method in class SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg
addWriter(DynCallbackTrackLambda2.IExtraDataWriter) - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.ComposeDataWriters
agentFromId(int) - Method in class SwitchedCompoundAgent
AgentMsgHelpers - Class in <Unnamed>
Set of (static) helper routines to make writing agents easier.
AgentMsgHelpers() - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers
AgentMsgHelpers.appendIter<T> - Class in <Unnamed>
AgentMsgHelpers.appendIter(Iterator<T>, Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers.appendIter
AgentMsgHelpers.consIter<T> - Class in <Unnamed>
AgentMsgHelpers.consIter(T, Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers.consIter
AgentMsgHelpers.FindMatching - Class in <Unnamed>
Exists solely for testing purposes
AgentMsgHelpers.FindMatching(int) - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers.FindMatching
AgentMsgHelpers.MsgFilter<T extends IMsg> - Class in <Unnamed>
AgentMsgHelpers.MsgFilter(IFuncObj<T, Boolean>, Collection<T>) - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgFilter
AgentMsgHelpers.MsgIntWrapper - Class in <Unnamed>
Exists solely for testing purposes
AgentMsgHelpers.MsgIntWrapper(int) - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgIntWrapper
AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair<T1 extends IMsg,T2 extends IMsg> - Class in <Unnamed>
AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair() - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair
AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair(T1, T2) - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair
AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair(AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair<T1, T2>) - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair
AgentMsgHelpers.NullMsg - Class in <Unnamed>
Empty message class.
AgentMsgHelpers.NullMsg() - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers.NullMsg
AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg - Class in <Unnamed>
Message class to hold a position in n dimensions
AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg() - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg
AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg(double[], int, int) - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg
AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg(AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg) - Constructor for class AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg
append(IMsg) - Method in class MsgQueue.MsgListNode
Simple append function
applyFunc(IFuncObj<T, Boolean>, Iterator<T>) - Static method in class AgentMsgHelpers
applyLineThickness(Graphics) - Method in class globalsUI
areDimValidQ() - Method in exception BoxBoundary.DimensionMismatchException
arrCpy(double[], double[]) - Static method in class MathUtils
arrDblCpy(double[], int) - Static method in class MathUtils
arrDblCpyRange(double[], int, int) - Static method in class MathUtils
arrDiffDot(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class MathUtils
arrDistSqrd(double[], double[]) - Static method in class MathUtils
arrDot(double[], double[]) - Static method in class MathUtils
arrMults(double[], double) - Static method in class MathUtils
arrSubtrAndStore(double[], double[]) - Static method in class MathUtils
arrToString(double[]) - Static method in class MathUtils


bboxMaxCorner() - Method in class BoxBoundary
gets bounding box max corner
bboxMaxCorner() - Method in interface IBoundary
gets bounding box max corner
bboxMinCorner() - Method in class BoxBoundary
gets bounding box min corner
bboxMinCorner() - Method in interface IBoundary
gets bounding box min corner
BcastStorage - Class in <Unnamed>
BcastStorage() - Constructor for class BcastStorage
BcastStorage(int) - Constructor for class BcastStorage
BcastStorage(BcastStorage) - Constructor for class BcastStorage
BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg - Class in <Unnamed>
BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg() - Constructor for class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg(BcastStorage, int) - Constructor for class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg(BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg) - Constructor for class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound - Class in <Unnamed>
BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound() - Constructor for class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound
BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound(BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound) - Constructor for class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound
BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound(BcastStorage, int, int) - Constructor for class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound
BoolFuncAggregator<TypeIn> - Class in <Unnamed>
Combines two boolean functions into one.
BoolFuncAggregator(IFuncObj<TypeIn, Boolean>, IFuncObj<TypeIn, Boolean>) - Constructor for class BoolFuncAggregator
BoolFuncAggregators - Class in <Unnamed>
BoolFuncAggregators() - Constructor for class BoolFuncAggregators
BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncAnd<TypeIn> - Class in <Unnamed>
Combines two boolean functions into one.
BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncAnd(IFuncObj<TypeIn, Boolean>, IFuncObj<TypeIn, Boolean>) - Constructor for class BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncAnd
BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncNegate<TypeIn> - Class in <Unnamed>
Turns a boolean function object into its negation
BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncNegate(IFuncObj<TypeIn, Boolean>) - Constructor for class BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncNegate
BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncOr<TypeIn> - Class in <Unnamed>
Combines two boolean functions into one.
BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncOr(IFuncObj<TypeIn, Boolean>, IFuncObj<TypeIn, Boolean>) - Constructor for class BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncOr
BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncXor<TypeIn> - Class in <Unnamed>
Combines two boolean functions into one.
BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncXor(IFuncObj<TypeIn, Boolean>, IFuncObj<TypeIn, Boolean>) - Constructor for class BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncXor
BoolFuncNegate<TypeIn> - Class in <Unnamed>
Turns a boolean function object into its negation
BoolFuncNegate(IFuncObj<TypeIn, Boolean>) - Constructor for class BoolFuncNegate
BoolFuncTrue<TypeIn> - Class in <Unnamed>
Boolean function object which always returns True
BoolFuncTrue() - Constructor for class BoolFuncTrue
BoxBoundary - Class in <Unnamed>
An n-dimensional box, the simplest possible boundary environment for robots.
BoxBoundary() - Constructor for class BoxBoundary
Constructor -- box dimensions specified elsewhere
BoxBoundary(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class BoxBoundary
Constructor -- specifies dimensions and extents of box
BoxBoundary.DimensionMismatchException - Exception in <Unnamed>
Indicates that box boundaries were set with mismatched dimensionality.
BoxBoundary.DimensionMismatchException() - Constructor for exception BoxBoundary.DimensionMismatchException
BoxBoundary.DimensionMismatchException(int, int) - Constructor for exception BoxBoundary.DimensionMismatchException
Constructor 2 (preferred) -- which dimensions didn't match


checkRdiskValid(double, double[], int, CommGraph) - Method in class NonInteractiveSim
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class DeployAgent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in interface IAgent
checks that a particular discrete state is valid for this agent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
checks that a particular discrete state is valid for this agent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class MorphAgent
checks that a particular discrete state is valid for this agent.
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class MorphAgentGlbl
checks that a particular discrete state is valid for this agent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class MorphAgentLcl
checks that a particular discrete state is valid for this agent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class MorphAgentTestAlg
checks that a particular discrete state is valid for this agent.
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class MoveCircleAgent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class MoveToCentroidAgent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class RandomAgent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class RandomConstrainedAgent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class SimpleAllAllBcast
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class SimpleRendezvousAgent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class SwitchedCompoundAgent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class TreeDeployAgent
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class TreeDepthAgentDefault
checkStateValidity(StateBundle) - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent
CheckValid() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
checkValidity(int, double[]) - Method in interface IProxGraphOptWrapper
Test function, check whether a vector of positions matches this set of optimization hints.
clearDepTarg() - Method in class TreeConstraintState
clipWith(DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge) - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
Performs clipping between this edge and edgeToIsect
cloneData() - Method in interface CommLink.IChannelData
cloneData() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Arc
cloneData() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
closeness(Vector<Double>) - Method in class GeometryHelpers.Circle
closeness(double[]) - Method in class GeometryHelpers.Circle
closestBoundaryPoint(double[]) - Method in class BoxBoundary
Finds the closest point on the boundary to a given point, or a minimally close point if multiple such points exist.
closestBoundaryPoint(double[]) - Method in interface IBoundary
Finds the closest point on the boundary to a given point, or a minimally close point if multiple such points exist.
closestPt(double[], double[]) - Method in class GeometryHelpers.Circle
closestPt(double[]) - Method in class GeometryHelpers.Circle
CommFuncSimpleSpline - Class in <Unnamed>
CommFuncSimpleSpline() - Constructor for class CommFuncSimpleSpline
CommFuncSimpleSpline(double, double) - Constructor for class CommFuncSimpleSpline
CommGraph - Class in <Unnamed>
Stores the topology of an instantaneous communication graph, as well as the message queues between each pair of robots connected in the graph.
CommGraph() - Constructor for class CommGraph
CommGraph(int) - Constructor for class CommGraph
Creates an empty graph (no edges) on nNumNodes nodes
CommGraph(CommGraph) - Constructor for class CommGraph
Copy constructor -- performs deep copy of graph
CommLink - Class in <Unnamed>
One link (directed edge) in a communication graph.
CommLink() - Constructor for class CommLink
Default constructor, makes this an invalid link
CommLink(CommLink) - Constructor for class CommLink
Copy constructor Use of new MsgQueue hides lazy copy.
CommLink(int, int) - Constructor for class CommLink
Constructor Creates new link from nFrom to nTo makes channel a simple queue
CommLink(int, int, IMsgChannel) - Constructor for class CommLink
Constructor Creates new link from nFrom to nTo, using channelNew as the new message channel
CommLink.IChannelData - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for extra pieces of data to tag channel with.
compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in class CompleteGraph.SortHelper
compare(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) - Method in class MorphTargetAdapter.VecComp
compare(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) - Method in class RandomConnectedInit.VecComp
compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in class RdiskGraph.SortHelper
CompleteGraph - Class in <Unnamed>
Proximity graph function for complete graph.
CompleteGraph() - Constructor for class CompleteGraph
CompleteGraph.SortHelper - Class in <Unnamed>
CompleteGraph.SortHelper(double[], int, int) - Constructor for class CompleteGraph.SortHelper
ConnectMaxSim - Class in <Unnamed>
ConnectMaxSim() - Constructor for class ConnectMaxSim
ConstraintClosestLegalPoint - Class in <Unnamed>
ConstraintClosestLegalPoint() - Constructor for class ConstraintClosestLegalPoint
ConstraintClosestLegalPoint(double, double) - Constructor for class ConstraintClosestLegalPoint
ConstraintClosestLegalPoint(ConstraintClosestLegalPoint) - Constructor for class ConstraintClosestLegalPoint
ConstraintDoNothing - Class in <Unnamed>
ConstraintDoNothing() - Constructor for class ConstraintDoNothing
ConstraintDoNotMove - Class in <Unnamed>
ConstraintDoNotMove() - Constructor for class ConstraintDoNotMove
ConstraintParentChildOther - Class in <Unnamed>
ConstraintParentChildOther() - Constructor for class ConstraintParentChildOther
ConstraintParentChildOther(double) - Constructor for class ConstraintParentChildOther
ConstraintParentChildOther(ConstraintParentChildOther) - Constructor for class ConstraintParentChildOther
ControlFuncDoNothing - Class in <Unnamed>
Control function for agents which don't move.
ControlFuncDoNothing() - Constructor for class ControlFuncDoNothing
ControlFuncDoNothing(int) - Constructor for class ControlFuncDoNothing
ControlFuncDoNothing(ControlFuncDoNothing) - Constructor for class ControlFuncDoNothing
ControlFuncDoNothing.DimensionNotSet - Exception in <Unnamed>
Indicates that box boundaries were set with mismatched dimensionality.
ControlFuncDoNothing.DimensionNotSet() - Constructor for exception ControlFuncDoNothing.DimensionNotSet
ControlFuncMoveDir - Class in <Unnamed>
Control function implementing "move in a direction"
ControlFuncMoveDir() - Constructor for class ControlFuncMoveDir
ControlFuncMoveDir(ControlFuncMoveDir) - Constructor for class ControlFuncMoveDir
ControlFuncMoveDir(double, double) - Constructor for class ControlFuncMoveDir
ControlFuncMoveDir(double[]) - Constructor for class ControlFuncMoveDir
ControlFuncMoveTowards - Class in <Unnamed>
Control function implementing "move towards point"
ControlFuncMoveTowards() - Constructor for class ControlFuncMoveTowards
ControlFuncMoveTowards(ControlFuncMoveTowards) - Constructor for class ControlFuncMoveTowards
ControlFuncMoveTowards(double[], double) - Constructor for class ControlFuncMoveTowards
ControlFuncMoveTowards(double[], double, int) - Constructor for class ControlFuncMoveTowards
ControlFuncMoveTowards(double, double, double) - Constructor for class ControlFuncMoveTowards
ControlFuncRotateAbout - Class in <Unnamed>
Control function implementing "rotate about point"
ControlFuncRotateAbout() - Constructor for class ControlFuncRotateAbout
ControlFuncRotateAbout(ControlFuncRotateAbout) - Constructor for class ControlFuncRotateAbout
ControlFuncRotateAbout(double[], double) - Constructor for class ControlFuncRotateAbout
ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta - Class in <Unnamed>
Control function implementing "rotate about point"
ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta() - Constructor for class ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta
ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta(ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta) - Constructor for class ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta
ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta(double[], double, double) - Constructor for class ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta
convertVals() - Method in class MorphSpecStoredVals
Converts position and parent information into morph spec information.
copyFrom(LogicVarIntLookup) - Method in class LogicVarIntLookup
just a little thing to help out derived classes.
countMovingDataWriter() - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2
createClone() - Method in interface IProxGraphOptWrapper


DataCallbackAggregator - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of callback to accumulate data collection routines
DataCallbackAggregator() - Constructor for class DataCallbackAggregator
DeployAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of IAgent to handle a simple deployment algorithm.
DeployAgent() - Constructor for class DeployAgent
DeployAgent(double) - Constructor for class DeployAgent
DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg - Class in <Unnamed>
inner class used for flocking messages
DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg() - Constructor for class DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg
DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg(double, double) - Constructor for class DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg
DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg(double[]) - Constructor for class DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg
DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg(DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg) - Constructor for class DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg
DeploySim - Class in <Unnamed>
DeploySim() - Constructor for class DeploySim
dimensionCheck(IAgent, double[], StateBundle[]) - Static method in class SanityChecks
Checks that the dimensionality of a continuous state vector, vector of discrete state descriptions, and agent internal state all match up.
directionConstantQ(double, double[], ISensor, IEnvironment, ILogicVarBundle, int) - Method in class ControlFuncDoNothing
directionConstantQ(double, double[], ISensor, IEnvironment, ILogicVarBundle, int) - Method in class ControlFuncMoveDir
directionConstantQ(double, double[], ISensor, IEnvironment, ILogicVarBundle, int) - Method in class ControlFuncMoveTowards
directionConstantQ(double, double[], ISensor, IEnvironment, ILogicVarBundle, int) - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAbout
directionConstantQ(double, double[], ISensor, IEnvironment, ILogicVarBundle, int) - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta
directionConstantQ(double, double[], ISensor, IEnvironment, ILogicVarBundle, int) - Method in interface IControlFunc
dist(double[]) - Method in class GeometryHelpers.Circle
dist(Vector<Double>) - Method in class GeometryHelpers.Circle
DistributedDelaunayClip - Class in <Unnamed>
DistributedDelaunayClip() - Constructor for class DistributedDelaunayClip
DistributedDelaunayClip(double, double) - Constructor for class DistributedDelaunayClip
DistributedDelaunayClip(DistributedDelaunayClip) - Constructor for class DistributedDelaunayClip
DistributedDelaunayClip.Arc - Class in <Unnamed>
DistributedDelaunayClip.Arc(double, double, DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge, boolean) - Constructor for class DistributedDelaunayClip.Arc
DistributedDelaunayClip.Arc(DistributedDelaunayClip.Arc) - Constructor for class DistributedDelaunayClip.Arc
DistributedDelaunayClip.ClipGeom - Interface in <Unnamed>
DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge - Class in <Unnamed>
Holds a (possible infinite, and possibly) empty edge in 2d)
DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge() - Constructor for class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge(double, double) - Constructor for class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge(DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge) - Constructor for class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
distToBoundary(double[], double[]) - Method in class BoxBoundary
Finds distance to boundary along a ray from a start point, returns negative number if outside boundary
distToBoundary(double[], double[]) - Method in interface IBoundary
Finds distance to boundary along a ray from a start point, returns negative number if outside boundary
doCallback(double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, CommGraph, double) - Method in class DataCallbackAggregator
Callback function
doCallback(double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, CommGraph, double) - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator
Callback function From ISimUICallback
doCallback(double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, CommGraph, double) - Method in class DrawStartState
Callback function
doCallback(ILogicVarBundle, double[]) - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2
doCallback(ILogicVarBundle, double[]) - Method in interface IDiscreteDynamicsCallback
doCallback(double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, CommGraph, double) - Method in interface ISimUICallback
Callback function
doCallback(double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, CommGraph, double) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
Callback function
doCallback(double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, CommGraph, double) - Method in class MorphDoneCallback
doCallback(ILogicVarBundle, double[]) - Method in class NullDynamicsCallback
doCallback(double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, CommGraph, double) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
Callback function
doCallback(double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, CommGraph, double) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
Callback function
doCallback(double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, CommGraph, double) - Method in class TrackLambda2
doCallback(double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, CommGraph, double) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
Callback function
doCallback(double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, CommGraph, double) - Method in class TreeCallbackCatchPhase2
doCallback(double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, CommGraph, double) - Method in class TreeCallbackTrackMaxDepth
doFunc(IMsg) - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.FindMatching
doFunc(TypeIn) - Method in class BoolFuncAggregator
doFunc(TypeIn) - Method in class BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncAnd
doFunc(TypeIn) - Method in class BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncNegate
doFunc(TypeIn) - Method in class BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncOr
doFunc(TypeIn) - Method in class BoolFuncAggregators.BoolFuncXor
doFunc(TypeIn) - Method in class BoolFuncNegate
doFunc(TypeIn) - Method in class BoolFuncTrue
doFunc(TypeIn) - Method in interface IFuncObj
doFunc(TreeConstraintState) - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingDepth
doFunc(TreeConstraintState) - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingId
doFunc(TreeConstraintState) - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingRootId
doFunc(TreeConstraintState) - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithParent
doFunc(TreeConstraintState) - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithPropParent
doFunc(TreeConstraintState) - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithTrueVar
doText(Graphics, char[], int, int, int) - Method in class globalsUI
doText(Graphics, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class globalsUI
doText(Graphics, String, int, int, int) - Method in class globalsUI
doText(Graphics, String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class globalsUI
draw(Graphics, IProjection, double[], StateBundle[], CommGraph) - Method in class DrawAgentRadius
draw(Graphics, IProjection, double[], StateBundle[], CommGraph) - Method in class DrawAgentStartState
draw(Graphics, IProjection, double[], StateBundle[], CommGraph) - Method in class DrawConstraintTree
draw(Graphics, IProjection, double[], StateBundle[], CommGraph) - Method in class DrawGraphLightly
draw(Graphics, IProjection, double[], StateBundle[], CommGraph) - Method in class DrawTowards
draw(Graphics, IProjection, double[], StateBundle[], CommGraph) - Method in class DrawVoronoi
draw(IEnvironment, IProjection, Graphics) - Method in class EnvDrawContour
draw(Graphics, IProjection, double[], StateBundle[], CommGraph) - Method in interface IDrawAgent
draw(IEnvironment, IProjection, Graphics) - Method in interface IEnvDraw
DrawAgentRadius - Class in <Unnamed>
DrawAgentRadius(double) - Constructor for class DrawAgentRadius
DrawAgentRadius(double, IStateAccessor) - Constructor for class DrawAgentRadius
DrawAgentStartState - Class in <Unnamed>
DrawAgentStartState() - Constructor for class DrawAgentStartState
DrawAgentStartState(double[]) - Constructor for class DrawAgentStartState
DrawAgentStartState(double[], int) - Constructor for class DrawAgentStartState
DrawConstraintTree - Class in <Unnamed>
DrawConstraintTree() - Constructor for class DrawConstraintTree
DrawConstraintTree(IStateAccessor) - Constructor for class DrawConstraintTree
DrawGraphLightly - Class in <Unnamed>
Oops, only draws r-disk graph
DrawGraphLightly() - Constructor for class DrawGraphLightly
DrawObjectAggregator - Class in <Unnamed>
DrawObjectAggregator() - Constructor for class DrawObjectAggregator
DrawStartState - Class in <Unnamed>
DrawTowards - Class in <Unnamed>
DrawTowards() - Constructor for class DrawTowards
DrawVoronoi - Class in <Unnamed>
DrawVoronoi() - Constructor for class DrawVoronoi
DrawVoronoi(double) - Constructor for class DrawVoronoi
DrawVoronoi(double, IStateAccessor) - Constructor for class DrawVoronoi
dump(Writer) - Method in interface IMorphSpec
dump(Writer) - Method in class MorphSpecCardioid
Make this more then a stub later
dump(Writer) - Method in class MorphSpecCombRect
Make this more then a stub later
dump(Writer) - Method in class MorphSpecFourCombs
Make this more then a stub later
dump(Writer) - Method in class MorphSpecGlblRect
Make this more then a stub later
dump(Writer) - Method in class MorphSpecStoredVals
Make this more then a stub later
duplicateLinks(Iterator<CommLink>) - Static method in class AgentMsgHelpers
DynCallbackTrackLambda2 - Class in <Unnamed>
DynCallbackTrackLambda2() - Constructor for class DynCallbackTrackLambda2
DynCallbackTrackLambda2(String, ICommStrengthFunc, int, double, double) - Constructor for class DynCallbackTrackLambda2
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.ComposeDataWriters - Class in <Unnamed>
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.ComposeDataWriters() - Constructor for class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.ComposeDataWriters
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.CountMovingAgents - Class in <Unnamed>
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.CountMovingAgents(boolean) - Constructor for class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.CountMovingAgents
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.CountMovingAgents() - Constructor for class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.CountMovingAgents
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.IExtraDataWriter - Interface in <Unnamed>
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.NullDataWriter - Class in <Unnamed>
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.NullDataWriter() - Constructor for class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.NullDataWriter
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.TrackAngleWriter - Class in <Unnamed>
Careful, this class currently only handles robots that live in two dimensions!!!
DynCallbackTrackLambda2.TrackAngleWriter() - Constructor for class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.TrackAngleWriter


edgeValid() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
EnvDrawContour - Class in <Unnamed>
EnvDrawContour() - Constructor for class EnvDrawContour
EnvDrawContour(int, int, double) - Constructor for class EnvDrawContour
equals(Object) - Method in class CompleteGraph.SortHelper
equals(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) - Method in class MorphTargetAdapter.VecComp
equals(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) - Method in class RandomConnectedInit.VecComp
equals(Object) - Method in class RdiskGraph.SortHelper
ExpCommStrength - Class in <Unnamed>
ExpCommStrength() - Constructor for class ExpCommStrength
ExpCommStrength(double, double) - Constructor for class ExpCommStrength
ExpCommStrength(ExpCommStrength) - Constructor for class ExpCommStrength


findTail() - Method in class MsgQueue.MsgListNode
Finds the tail of a list
forceUpdate(int, double[], double) - Method in class BcastStorage
forceUpdate(int, double[], double) - Method in interface IPosBcast
from() - Method in class CommLink


generate() - Method in class MorphTargetAdapter
GeometryHelpers - Class in <Unnamed>
Grab bag of helper functions for geometric computation
GeometryHelpers() - Constructor for class GeometryHelpers
GeometryHelpers.Circle - Class in <Unnamed>
GeometryHelpers.Circle() - Constructor for class GeometryHelpers.Circle
GeometryHelpers.Circle(int) - Constructor for class GeometryHelpers.Circle
GeometryHelpers.Circle(double[], double) - Constructor for class GeometryHelpers.Circle
GeometryHelpers.Circle(double[], double[], double) - Constructor for class GeometryHelpers.Circle
getAlgVars() - Method in class TreeAgentState
Gets logic vars specific to this particular algorithm implementing the tree connectivity protocol
getAnnoteType() - Method in interface ITreeAlgAgent
Mike, add some comments here
getAnnoteType() - Method in class TreeDeployAgent
getBcastAlg() - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
getBoolVar(Object) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
getBoolVar(Object) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound
getBoolVar(Object) - Method in class BcastStorage
gets a Boolean (wrapping a boolean) referred to by an object.
getBoolVar(Object) - Method in interface ILogicVarBundle
gets a Boolean (wrapping a boolean) referred to by an object.
getBoolVar(Object) - Method in class LogicVarIntLookup
gets a Boolean (wrapping a boolean) referred to by an object.
getBoolVar(Object) - Method in class PairLogicVarBundle
getBoolVar(Object) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
getBoolVar(Object) - Method in class TreeAgentState
gets a Boolean (wrapping a boolean) referred to by an object.
getBoolVar(Object) - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
getBoolVar(Object) - Method in class VoronoiHolder
getBoundary() - Method in interface IEnvironment
Gets boundary interface
getBoundary() - Method in class NdTrivialEnv
Gets boundary interface
getBoundary() - Method in class SimpleScalarEnvironment
Gets boundary interface
getBoundary() - Method in class TrivialEnvironment
Gets boundary interface
getByAgent(int) - Method in class MorphTargetAdapter.VecFromArray
getByOffset(int) - Method in class MorphTargetAdapter.VecFromArray
getChannelData() - Method in class CommLink
getChannelType() - Method in class CommGraph
getClipAgent() - Method in interface IVoronoiHolder
getClipAgent() - Method in class VoronoiHolder
getClosePtDist() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
getClosePtDistSqrd() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
getClosestPt() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
getColNames() - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.ComposeDataWriters
getColNames() - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.CountMovingAgents
getColNames() - Method in interface DynCallbackTrackLambda2.IExtraDataWriter
getColNames() - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.NullDataWriter
getColNames() - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.TrackAngleWriter
getColor(Integer) - Method in interface IColorMap
getColor(Integer) - Method in class PaperColors
getColor(Integer) - Method in class PaperColors2
getColor(Integer) - Method in class RandomColorMap
getColor(Integer) - Method in class StandardColors
getColorMap() - Static method in class globalsUI
getColValues() - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.ComposeDataWriters
getColValues() - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.CountMovingAgents
getColValues() - Method in interface DynCallbackTrackLambda2.IExtraDataWriter
getColValues() - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.NullDataWriter
getColValues() - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.TrackAngleWriter
getControlFunc() - Method in class StateBundle
getCountMsg(IFuncObj<IMsg, Boolean>, Collection<IMsg>) - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers
getCurrRound() - Method in class TreeAgentState
accessor for current round
getCurrRound() - Method in class TreeConstraintState
accessor for current round
getData() - Method in class MsgQueue.MsgListNode
Accessor method for list element data
getDepTarg() - Method in class TreeConstraintState
getDepthEst() - Method in class TreeAgentState
getDepthEst() - Method in class TreeConstraintState
getDerivs(double, double[], ISensor, IEnvironment, ILogicVarBundle, double[], int) - Method in class ControlFuncDoNothing
Updates arrLfDerivDst with the instantaneous derivatives of the continuous-time component of the agent's state given its current state and sensor readings.
getDerivs(double, double[], ISensor, IEnvironment, ILogicVarBundle, double[], int) - Method in class ControlFuncMoveDir
Updates arrLfDerivDst with the instantaneous derivatives of the continuous-time component of the agent's state given its current state and sensor readings
getDerivs(double, double[], ISensor, IEnvironment, ILogicVarBundle, double[], int) - Method in class ControlFuncMoveTowards
Updates arrLfDerivDst with the instantaneous derivatives of the continuous-time component of the agent's state given its current state and sensor readings
getDerivs(double, double[], ISensor, IEnvironment, ILogicVarBundle, double[], int) - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAbout
Updates arrLfDerivDst with the instantaneous derivatives of the continuous-time component of the agent's state given its current state and sensor readings
getDerivs(double, double[], ISensor, IEnvironment, ILogicVarBundle, double[], int) - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta
Updates arrLfDerivDst with the instantaneous derivatives of the continuous-time component of the agent's state given its current state and sensor readings
getDerivs(double, double[], ISensor, IEnvironment, ILogicVarBundle, double[], int) - Method in interface IControlFunc
Updates arrLfDerivDst with the instantaneous derivatives of the continuous-time component of the agent's state given its current state and sensor readings
getDfsFinished() - Method in class TreeAgentState
getDim() - Method in class BcastStorage
getDim() - Method in interface IPosBcast
getDim1() - Method in exception BoxBoundary.DimensionMismatchException
getDim2() - Method in exception BoxBoundary.DimensionMismatchException
getDimensionality() - Method in interface IEnvironment
dimensionality of space in which environment is embedded
getDimensionality() - Method in class NdTrivialEnv
dimensionality of space in which environment is embedded
getDimensionality() - Method in class SimpleScalarEnvironment
dimensionality of space in which environment is embedded
getDimensionality() - Method in class TrivialEnvironment
dimensionality of space in which environment is embedded
getDist(AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg) - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg
getDistSqrd(AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg) - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg
getEdgeEnd(double) - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
getEdgeEnd(DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge, double) - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip
getEdgeEndClip(double, double) - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
getEdgeInfo(double[], int, int) - Method in interface IEdgeWeightMap
getEdgesFrom(int) - Method in class CommGraph
getEdgeStart(double) - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
getEdgeStart(DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge, double) - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip
getEdgeStartClip(double, double) - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
getEdgesTo(int) - Method in class CommGraph
getEnv() - Method in interface IInitializer
getEnv() - Method in class RandomConnectedInit
getEnv() - Method in class RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN
getEnv() - Method in class RandomInit
getEpsilon() - Method in class ControlFuncMoveTowards
gets "epsilon" (floating point values "epsilon" apart are considered to be equal) Meaningful to numerical simulation, but meaningless to underlying system being modelled.
getEpsilon() - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAbout
gets "epsilon" (floating point values "epsilon" apart are considered to be equal) Meaningful to numerical simulation, but meaningless to underlying system being modelled.
getEpsilon() - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta
gets "epsilon" (floating point values "epsilon" apart are considered to be equal) Meaningful to numerical simulation, but meaningless to underlying system being modelled.
getFieldVal(int, double[]) - Method in interface IEnvironment
Gets a particular field value at a particular location
getFieldVal(int, double[]) - Method in class NdTrivialEnv
Gets a particular field value at a particular location Invalid for this class Figure out how to declare exceptions in interface definitions
getFieldVal(int, double[]) - Method in class SimpleScalarEnvironment
Gets a particular field value at a particular location Invalid for this class Figure out how to declare exceptions in interface definitions
getFieldVal(int, double[]) - Method in class TrivialEnvironment
Gets a particular field value at a particular location Invalid for this class Figure out how to declare exceptions in interface definitions
getFieldVals(double[]) - Method in interface IEnvironment
Gets all field values for a particular location as a vector
getFieldVals(double[]) - Method in class NdTrivialEnv
Gets all field values for a particular location as a vector Invalid for this class Figure out how to declare exceptions in interface definitions
getFieldVals(double[]) - Method in class SimpleScalarEnvironment
Gets all field values for a particular location as a vector Invalid for this class Figure out how to declare exceptions in interface definitions
getFieldVals(double[]) - Method in class TrivialEnvironment
Gets all field values for a particular location as a vector Invalid for this class Figure out how to declare exceptions in interface definitions
getFilteredMsgs(IFuncObj<T, Boolean>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class AgentMsgHelpers
getFinalUv(int) - Method in interface IMorphSpec
getFinalUv(int) - Method in class MorphSpecCardioid
getFinalUv(int) - Method in class MorphSpecCombRect
getFinalUv(int) - Method in class MorphSpecFourCombs
getFinalUv(int) - Method in class MorphSpecGlblRect
getFinalUv(int) - Method in class MorphSpecStoredVals
getFirstVisit() - Method in class TreeAgentState
getFont() - Method in interface IColorMap
Returns null if this implementation doesn't supply a font
getFont() - Method in class PaperColors
Returns null if this implementation doesn't supply a font
getFont() - Method in class PaperColors2
Returns null if this implementation doesn't supply a font
getFont() - Method in class RandomColorMap
Returns null if this implementation doesn't supply a font
getFont() - Method in class StandardColors
Returns null if this implementation doesn't supply a font
getGrad(double) - Method in class CommFuncSimpleSpline
getGrad(double) - Method in class ExpCommStrength
getGrad(double) - Method in interface ICommStrengthFunc
getGrad(double) - Method in class SigmoidStrengthFun
getGradient(int, double[]) - Method in interface IEnvironment
Gradient at a particular location for a given field
getGradient(int, double[], double[]) - Method in interface IEnvironment
Gradient at a particular location for a given field
getGradient(double[]) - Method in interface IScalarField
Gradient at a particular location for field
getGradient(double[], double[]) - Method in interface IScalarField
Gradient at a particular location for field
getGradient(int, double[]) - Method in class NdTrivialEnv
Gradient at a particular location for a given field
getGradient(int, double[], double[]) - Method in class NdTrivialEnv
Gradient at a particular location for a given field
getGradient(double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldSumGauss
Gradient at a particular location
getGradient(double[], double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldSumGauss
Gradient at a particular location
getGradient(double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
Gradient at a particular location
getGradient(double[], double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
Gradient at a particular location
getGradient(double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv
Gradient at a particular location
getGradient(double[], double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv
Gradient at a particular location
getGradient(double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct
Gradient at a particular location
getGradient(double[], double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct
Gradient at a particular location
getGradient(int, double[]) - Method in class SimpleScalarEnvironment
Gradient at a particular location for a given field
getGradient(int, double[], double[]) - Method in class SimpleScalarEnvironment
Gradient at a particular location for a given field
getGradient(int, double[]) - Method in class TrivialEnvironment
Gradient at a particular location for a given field
getGradient(int, double[], double[]) - Method in class TrivialEnvironment
Gradient at a particular location for a given field
getGraph(int, double[], IProxGraphOptWrapper, CommGraph, IEnvironment) - Method in class CompleteGraph
Proximity graph function: maps finite collects of points in R^d onto graphs.
getGraph(int, double[], IProxGraphOptWrapper, CommGraph, IEnvironment) - Method in interface IProxGraph
Proximity graph function: maps finite collects of points in R^d onto graphs.
getGraph(int, double[], IProxGraphOptWrapper, CommGraph, IEnvironment) - Method in class NaiveDelaunay
getGraph(int, double[], IProxGraphOptWrapper, CommGraph, IEnvironment) - Method in class RdiskGraph
Proximity graph function: maps finite collects of points in R^d onto graphs.
getGraph(int, double[], IProxGraphOptWrapper, CommGraph, IEnvironment) - Method in class RlimitedDelaunay
getGraph() - Method in class SwarmState
getHeading() - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg
getHeading() - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
getHeading() - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg
getHeading() - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
getHeadingDelta(double, double) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
getHeadingDelta(double, double) - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
getId(int) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
getId(int) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound
getId() - Method in class BcastStorage
Gets unique Id of this agent
getId() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
getId() - Method in interface ILogicVarBundle
Gets unique Id of this agent
getId(int) - Method in interface IPosBcast.IPosBcastMsg
getId() - Method in class LogicVarIntLookup
Gets unique Id of this agent
getId() - Method in class PairLogicVarBundle
getId() - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
getId() - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
Gets unique Id of this agent
getId() - Method in class TreeAgentState
getId() - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
Gets unique Id of this agent
getId() - Method in class VoronoiHolder
getIncreaseDepth() - Method in class TreeConstraintState
getInfo(TreeConstraintState) - Static method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo
getIniPos() - Method in class NonInteractiveSim
getInit() - Method in class NonInteractiveSim
getInitContState() - Method in interface IInitializer
Initial continuous state vector
getInitContState() - Method in class RandomConnectedInit
Initial continuous state vector
getInitContState() - Method in class RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN
Initial continuous state vector
getInitContState() - Method in class RandomInit
Initial continuous state vector
getInitDiscreteState() - Method in interface IInitializer
convenient to have this...
getInitDiscreteState() - Method in class RandomConnectedInit
convenient to have this...
getInitDiscreteState() - Method in class RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN
convenient to have this...
getInitDiscreteState() - Method in class RandomInit
convenient to have this...
getInstance() - Static method in class globalsUI
getInstance() - Static method in class NullDynamicsCallback
getIntVar(Object) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
getIntVar(Object) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound
getIntVar(Object) - Method in class BcastStorage
gets an Integer (wrapping an int) referred to by an object.
getIntVar(Object) - Method in interface ILogicVarBundle
gets an Integer (wrapping an int) referred to by an object.
getIntVar(Object) - Method in class LogicVarIntLookup
gets an Integer (wrapping an int) referred to by an object.
getIntVar(Object) - Method in class PairLogicVarBundle
getIntVar(Object) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
getIntVar(Object) - Method in class TreeAgentState
gets an Integer (wrapping an int) referred to by an object.
getIntVar(Object) - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
getIntVar(Object) - Method in class VoronoiHolder
getIsect(DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge) - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
Finds length along this edge at which it intersects edgeToIsect.
getLastBoundTime(int) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
getLastLambdaLowBound(int) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
getLastMatBounds(int) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
getLastObject() - Method in class DataCallbackAggregator
In case we need more info then true/false from doCallback
getLastObject() - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator
From ISimUICallback.
getLastObject() - Method in class DrawStartState
In case we need more info then true/false from doCallback
getLastObject() - Method in interface ISimUICallback
In case we need more info then true/false from doCallback
getLastObject() - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
In case we need more info then true/false from doCallback
getLastObject() - Method in class MorphDoneCallback
In case we need more info then true/false from doCallback
getLastObject() - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
In case we need more info then true/false from doCallback
getLastObject() - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
In case we need more info then true/false from doCallback
getLastObject() - Method in class TrackLambda2
getLastObject() - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
In case we need more info then true/false from doCallback
getLastObject() - Method in class TreeCallbackCatchPhase2
In case we need more info then true/false from doCallback
getLastObject() - Method in class TreeCallbackTrackMaxDepth
In case we need more info then true/false from doCallback
getLastTime(int) - Method in class BcastStorage
getLastTime(int) - Method in interface IPosBcast
Gets the time when the position estimate for nAgent was last valid
getLastVelBounds(int) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
getLastVisit() - Method in class TreeAgentState
getLeastRecent(SwarmState) - Method in class SynchronousStateQueue
gets a copy of the least recent state in the queue, returns lclCache if the timestamp of lclCache matches that of the least recent state.
getLineThick() - Method in interface IColorMap
getLineThick() - Method in class PaperColors
getLineThick() - Method in class PaperColors2
getLineThick() - Method in class RandomColorMap
getLineThick() - Method in class StandardColors
getLineThickness() - Method in class globalsUI
getLoc() - Method in class TreeMsg
Gets origin for parent frame
getMatrixBounds(IPosBcast, double) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
temporarily making this public.
getMaxColor() - Method in interface IColorMap
getMaxColor() - Method in class PaperColors
getMaxColor() - Method in class PaperColors2
getMaxColor() - Method in class RandomColorMap
getMaxColor() - Method in class StandardColors
getMaxDepth() - Method in interface IMorphSpec
* Gets the maximum depth over all agents
getMaxDepth() - Method in class MorphSpecCardioid
getMaxDepth() - Method in class MorphSpecCombRect
getMaxDepth() - Method in class MorphSpecFourCombs
getMaxDepth() - Method in class MorphSpecGlblRect
getMaxDepth() - Method in class MorphSpecStoredVals
getMsg() - Method in class BcastStorage
getMsg() - Method in interface IPosBcast
not neccessarily const, could modify state
getMsg(TVars, int) - Method in interface ISimpAgent
Gets one individual IMsg to send to one specific agent.
getMsg(TreeConstraintState, int) - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo
getMsg1() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair
getMsg2() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair
getMsgAddition(Type) - Method in class TreeConstraintState
getMsgAnnotation(ILogicVarBundle, double[], int) - Method in interface ITreeAlgAgent
gets the message to annotate the TreeConstraintState recieved by neighbors in TreeConstraintAgent algorithm
getMsgAnnotation(ILogicVarBundle, double[], int) - Method in class TreeDeployAgent
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class DeployAgent
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in interface IAgent
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class MorphAgent
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class MorphAgentGlbl
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class MorphAgentLcl
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class MorphAgentTestAlg
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class MoveCircleAgent
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class MoveToCentroidAgent
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class RandomAgent
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class RandomConstrainedAgent
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class SimpleAllAllBcast
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class SimpleRendezvousAgent
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class SwitchedCompoundAgent
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class TreeDeployAgent
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class TreeDepthAgentDefault
I don't think we need this for this class.
getMsgs(ILogicVarBundle, IDiscreteDynamicsCallback, double[], double, int, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent
Given the state of an agent, and the channels it can send messages on, push the next set of messages onto the appropriate channels.
getMyColorMap() - Method in class globalsUI
getNext() - Method in class MsgQueue.MsgListNode
Accessor method for list next element.
getNextRoundAndFiringSchedule(double, int, Set<Integer>) - Method in interface ICommunicationScheduler
Gets the time of the next communication round, populates setActiveAgents with the indices of those agents which are active on this round.
getNextRoundAndFiringSchedule(double, int, Set<Integer>) - Method in class SynchronousScheduler
Gets the time of the next communication round, populates setActiveAgents with the indices of those agents which are active on this round.
getNextRoundTime(double) - Method in interface ICommunicationScheduler
Gets the time of the next communication round.
getNextRoundTime(double) - Method in class SynchronousScheduler
Gets the time of the next communication round.
getNextState(Iterator<IEigenTracker>, Iterator<IEdgeWeightMap.IEdgeInfo>) - Method in interface IEigenTracker
getNumAgents() - Method in class BcastStorage
Gets number of agents in swarm
getNumAgents() - Method in interface IInitializer
getNumAgents() - Method in interface IPosBcast
Gets number of agents in swarm
getNumAgents() - Method in interface NonInteractiveSim.IAgentInit
getNumAgents() - Method in class RandomConnectedInit
getNumAgents() - Method in class RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN
getNumAgents() - Method in class RandomInit
getNumAgents() - Method in class SimEvalLambdaGame.InitLambdaMax
getNumChildren(int) - Method in interface IMorphSpec
getNumChildren(int) - Method in class MorphSpecCardioid
getNumChildren(int) - Method in class MorphSpecCombRect
getNumChildren(int) - Method in class MorphSpecFourCombs
getNumChildren(int) - Method in class MorphSpecGlblRect
getNumChildren(int) - Method in class MorphSpecStoredVals
getNumDesc() - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
getNumDimensions() - Method in class BoxBoundary
Mostly just a safety check, since the environment should have this anyway
getNumDimensions() - Method in interface IBoundary
Mostly just a safety check, since the environment should have this anyway
getNumEntries() - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
getNumEntries() - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound
getNumEntries() - Method in interface IPosBcast.IPosBcastMsg
getNumScalars() - Method in interface IEnvironment
number of scalar fields over environment
getNumScalars() - Method in class NdTrivialEnv
number of scalar fields over environment
getNumScalars() - Method in class SimpleScalarEnvironment
number of scalar fields over environment
getNumScalars() - Method in class TrivialEnvironment
number of scalar fields over environment
getNumStateVars() - Method in class ControlFuncDoNothing
returns dimensionality of the state vector corresponding to one agent
getNumStateVars() - Method in class ControlFuncMoveDir
returns dimensionality of the state vector corresponding to one agent
getNumStateVars() - Method in class ControlFuncMoveTowards
returns dimensionality of the state vector corresponding to one agent
getNumStateVars() - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAbout
returns dimensionality of the state vector corresponding to one agent
getNumStateVars() - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta
returns dimensionality of the state vector corresponding to one agent
getNumStateVars() - Method in interface IControlFunc
returns dimensionality of the state vector corresponding to one agent
getParDepLess() - Method in class TreeAgentState
getParDepLess() - Method in class TreeConstraintState
getParentDir() - Method in class TreeMsg
Gets one basis vector for parent frame
getParentId() - Method in class TreeAgentState
getParentId() - Method in class TreeConstraintState
getParentProp() - Method in class TreeAgentState
getParentProp() - Method in class TreeConstraintState
getParentsPar() - Method in class TreeAgentState
getPerpDir() - Method in class TreeMsg
Gets one basis vector for parent frame
getPhase1Targ(double) - Method in class TreeMsg
getPhase2Targ(double[], int, double) - Method in class TreeMsg
getPos(int) - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg
getPos(int) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
getPos(int) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound
getPos(int) - Method in class BcastStorage
getPos(int) - Method in interface IPosBcast
Gets the most recent known position of agent nAgent
getPos(int) - Method in interface IPosBcast.IPosBcastMsg
getPosArrCpy() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg
getPrefComp(TreeConstraintState) - Method in interface ITreeAlgAgent
gets a comparator for sorting ITreeAlgAgent nodes by preference
getPrefComp(TreeConstraintState) - Method in class TreeDeployAgent
gets a comparator for sorting ITreeAlgAgent nodes by preference
getPt() - Method in class DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg
getPt() - Method in class MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg
getPt() - Method in class SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg
getRootId() - Method in class TreeConstraintState
getRotCenter() - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAbout
Use of getRotCenter is highly discouraged -- intend to deprecate
getRotCenter() - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta
Use of getRotCenter is highly discouraged -- intend to deprecate
getScreenComp(int, double[], int) - Method in interface IProjection
Finds the ith component in screen coordinates of a vector indicated by the portion of the array arrLfState starting at nIdxOff;
getScreenComp(int, double[], int) - Method in class ProjectionSimpleStretch
Finds the ith component in screen coordinates of a vector indicated by the portion of the array arrLfState starting at nIdxOff;
getScreenComp(int, double[], int) - Method in class ProjectionXlateWrapper
Finds the ith component in screen coordinates of a vector indicated by the portion of the array arrLfState starting at nIdxOff; Fails if nIdxOff >= 2, or if wrapped projection is null.
getSize() - Method in class CommGraph
getStart() - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
getState() - Method in class TreeMsg
Gets logic var component of message
getStrength(double) - Method in class CommFuncSimpleSpline
getStrength(double) - Method in class ExpCommStrength
getStrength(double) - Method in interface ICommStrengthFunc
getStrength(double) - Method in class SigmoidStrengthFun
getTargDepth() - Method in class TreeAgentState
getTargetDepth() - Method in class TreeAgentState
returns depth for tree topology storage
getTargNChildren() - Method in class TreeAgentState
getTextColor(Integer) - Method in interface IColorMap
getTextColor(Integer) - Method in class PaperColors
getTextColor(Integer) - Method in class PaperColors2
getTextColor(Integer) - Method in class RandomColorMap
getTextColor(Integer) - Method in class StandardColors
getTime(int) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
getTime(int) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound
getTime(int) - Method in interface IPosBcast.IPosBcastMsg
getTime() - Method in class SwarmState
getTopoDepth(int) - Method in interface IMorphSpec
getTopoDepth(int) - Method in class MorphSpecCardioid
getTopoDepth(int) - Method in class MorphSpecCombRect
getTopoDepth(int) - Method in class MorphSpecFourCombs
getTopoDepth(int) - Method in class MorphSpecGlblRect
getTopoDepth(int) - Method in class MorphSpecStoredVals
getTopoFirstVisit(int) - Method in interface IMorphSpec
getTopoFirstVisit(int) - Method in class MorphSpecCardioid
getTopoFirstVisit(int) - Method in class MorphSpecCombRect
getTopoFirstVisit(int) - Method in class MorphSpecFourCombs
getTopoFirstVisit(int) - Method in class MorphSpecGlblRect
getTopoFirstVisit(int) - Method in class MorphSpecStoredVals
getTopoLastVisit(int) - Method in interface IMorphSpec
getTopoLastVisit(int) - Method in class MorphSpecCardioid
getTopoLastVisit(int) - Method in class MorphSpecCombRect
getTopoLastVisit(int) - Method in class MorphSpecFourCombs
getTopoLastVisit(int) - Method in class MorphSpecGlblRect
getTopoLastVisit(int) - Method in class MorphSpecStoredVals
getTowards() - Method in class ControlFuncMoveTowards
Use of getTowards is highly discouraged -- intend to deprecate
getVal(double[]) - Method in interface IScalarField
getVal(double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldSumGauss
getVal(double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
getVal(double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv
getVal(double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct
getVars(int) - Method in interface NonInteractiveSim.IAgentInit
getVars(int) - Method in class SimEvalLambdaGame.InitLambdaMax
getVars() - Method in class StateBundle
getVel() - Method in class ControlFuncMoveDir
getVel() - Method in class ControlFuncMoveTowards
getVelCopy() - Method in class ControlFuncMoveDir
getWeight() - Method in interface IEdgeWeightMap.IEdgeInfo
getWeightDeriv() - Method in interface IEdgeWeightMap.IEdgeInfo
getWrapped() - Method in interface IVoronoiHolder
getWrapped() - Method in class VoronoiHolder
getWrappedAgent() - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
globalsUI - Class in <Unnamed>
Holds globals for user interface properties, such as "color scheme".
globalsUI() - Constructor for class globalsUI
grabLastFrame() - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator


handleChild(SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo) - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
handleParent(SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo) - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
hasNext() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.appendIter
hasNext() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.consIter
hasNext() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgFilter
hasNext() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip
haveAllInfo() - Method in class BcastStorage
Returns true if the information on each agent is valid, false otherwise
haveAllInfo() - Method in interface IPosBcast
Returns true if the information on each agent is valid, false otherwise
haveInfo(int) - Method in class BcastStorage
haveInfo(int) - Method in interface IPosBcast
Returns true if the information on this agent is valid, false otherwise
height() - Method in interface IProjection
height() - Method in class ProjectionSimpleStretch
height() - Method in class ProjectionXlateWrapper


IAgent - Interface in <Unnamed>
IAgent is the interface for robotic agents executing a distributed control law.
IAreaIntegrator - Interface in <Unnamed>
IBcastAlg - Interface in <Unnamed>
IBoundary - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for boundaries environments for robots.
IColorMap - Interface in <Unnamed>
Originally a class to hold the colormap -- now holds other graphics properties, like line thickness.
ICommStrengthFunc - Interface in <Unnamed>
ICommunicationScheduler - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for Communication round scheduling.
IControlFunc - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for control functions.
IDiscreteDynamicsCallback - Interface in <Unnamed>
IDrawAgent - Interface in <Unnamed>
IEdgeWeightMap - Interface in <Unnamed>
IEdgeWeightMap.IEdgeInfo - Interface in <Unnamed>
IEigenTracker - Interface in <Unnamed>
IEnvDraw - Interface in <Unnamed>
IEnvironment - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for environments for robots.
IFuncObj<TypeIn,TypeOut> - Interface in <Unnamed>
Generic interface for function objects
IInitializer - Interface in <Unnamed>
IInitializer is the interface for routines to create initial configurations of robotic networks.
ILogicVarBundle - Interface in <Unnamed>
ILogicVarBundle is the interface for the discrete component of robotic agent state.
IMorphSpec - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for specifying per-agent information neccessary to perform formation morphing
IMsg - Interface in <Unnamed>
IMsg is the interface for messages sent by robotic agents across a network.
IMsgChannel - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for message channels.
incrDesc(int) - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
incrRound() - Method in class TreeAgentState
Increment round counter (e.g which round of the algorithm we're on) This is essential for correct negotiation of constraint tree topology re-arrangements
incrRound() - Method in class TreeConstraintState
Increment round counter (e.g which round of the algorithm we're on) This is essential for correct negotiation of constraint tree topology re-arrangements
init() - Method in class ConnectMaxSim
init() - Method in class DeploySim
init() - Method in class LambdaDragRandAgents
init() - Method in class LambdaTestFlock
init() - Method in class LambdaTestMax
init() - Method in class LambdaTestRendezvous
init() - Method in class LambdaTestSim
init() - Method in class MorphSim
init() - Method in class MorphSimFromFile
init() - Method in class MorphSimGlbl
init() - Method in class RunSim
init() - Method in class TreeDeploySim
init() - Method in class TreeDeploySimFF
initializeVars(double, double) - Method in class NdTrivialEnv
initializeVars(double, double, boolean) - Method in class SimpleScalarEnvironment
initializeVars(double[], double[], boolean) - Method in class SimpleScalarEnvironment
initializeVars(double, double) - Method in class TrivialEnvironment
insertBoolVar(Object, boolean) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
insertBoolVar(Object, boolean) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound
insertBoolVar(Object, boolean) - Method in class BcastStorage
inserts an boolean value (see getBoolVar).
insertBoolVar(Object, boolean) - Method in interface ILogicVarBundle
inserts an boolean value (see getBoolVar).
insertBoolVar(Object, boolean) - Method in class LogicVarIntLookup
inserts an boolean value (see getBoolVar).
insertBoolVar(Object, boolean) - Method in class PairLogicVarBundle
insertBoolVar(Object, boolean) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
insertBoolVar(Object, boolean) - Method in class TreeAgentState
inserts an boolean value (see getBoolVar).
insertBoolVar(Object, boolean) - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
insertBoolVar(Object, boolean) - Method in class VoronoiHolder
insertExistLink(CommLink) - Method in class CommGraph
Insert an exsting CommLink into this graph.
insertIntVar(Object, int) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
insertIntVar(Object, int) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound
insertIntVar(Object, int) - Method in class BcastStorage
inserts an integer value (see getIntvar).
insertIntVar(Object, int) - Method in interface ILogicVarBundle
inserts an integer value (see getIntvar).
insertIntVar(Object, int) - Method in class LogicVarIntLookup
inserts an integer value (see getIntvar).
insertIntVar(Object, int) - Method in class PairLogicVarBundle
insertIntVar(Object, int) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
insertIntVar(Object, int) - Method in class TreeAgentState
inserts an integer value (see TreeAgentState.getIntVar(java.lang.Object)).
insertIntVar(Object, int) - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
insertIntVar(Object, int) - Method in class VoronoiHolder
integrateClippedTriangle(double[], double[], double[], double, double[]) - Method in interface IAreaIntegrator
integrateClippedTriangle(double[], double[], double[], double, double[]) - Method in class NumericalAreaIntegrator
integrateTriangle(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in interface IAreaIntegrator
integrateTriangle(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class NumericalAreaIntegrator
integrateUntil(double, double, double[], double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, ISimUICallback, ISimUICallback) - Method in interface INumericalIntegrator
Assumes that time does not step over an agent state change event.
integrateUntil(double, double, double[], double[], IAgent, StateBundle[], ISensor[], IEnvironment, ISimUICallback, ISimUICallback) - Method in class Rk4Naive
Assumes that time does not step over an agent state change event.
integrateWedge(double[], double[], double) - Method in interface IAreaIntegrator
integrateWedge(double[], double[], double) - Method in class NumericalAreaIntegrator
integrateWedgeOffCenter(double[], double[], double[], double) - Method in interface IAreaIntegrator
integrateWedgeOffCenter(double[], double[], double[], double) - Method in class NumericalAreaIntegrator
INumericalIntegrator - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for numerical integrator.
IPosBcast - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for all-to-all broadcast algorithms
IPosBcast.IPosBcastMsg - Interface in <Unnamed>
IProjection - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for things mapping sim coordinates to screen coordinates
IProxGraph - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for proximity graph functions.
IProxGraphOptWrapper - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface to wrap optimization helpers for proximity graph functions (see IProxGraph).
isAgentCompatible(IAgent) - Method in interface IInitializer
isAgentCompatible(IAgent) - Method in class RandomConnectedInit
isAgentCompatible(IAgent) - Method in class RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN
isAgentCompatible(IAgent) - Method in class RandomInit
isAncest(TreeAgentState) - Method in class TreeAgentState
IScalarField - Interface in <Unnamed>
isDesc(TreeConstraintState) - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
isDesc(SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo) - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
isectPts2d(GeometryHelpers.Circle, double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class GeometryHelpers.Circle
Fails gracelessly if all dimensions are not "2"
isEndFinite() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
ISensor - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for sensors with non-fixed dimensionality.
ISimpAgent<TMsg extends IMsg,TVars extends ILogicVarBundle> - Interface in <Unnamed>
IAgent was too cumbersome -- this requires functions which do equivalent things but with simpler signatures.
ISimUICallback - Interface in <Unnamed>
Interface for callbacks to UI routines (drawing and other)
isMonotonic() - Method in class CommFuncSimpleSpline
isMonotonic() - Method in class ExpCommStrength
isMonotonic() - Method in interface ICommStrengthFunc
isMonotonic() - Method in class SigmoidStrengthFun
isPointInside(double[]) - Method in class BoxBoundary
Inside / outside query.
isPointInside(double[]) - Method in interface IBoundary
Inside / outside query.
isStartFinite() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
IStateAccessor - Interface in <Unnamed>
isViableTarget(TreeConstraintState, TreeConstraintState) - Method in interface ITreeDepAlg
isViableTarget(TreeConstraintState, TreeConstraintState) - Method in class TreeDepthAgentCycle
isViableTarget(TreeConstraintState, TreeConstraintState) - Method in class TreeDepthAgentDefault
ISwarmDraw - Interface in <Unnamed>
iterator() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip
ITreeAlgAgent - Interface in <Unnamed>
ITreeDepAlg - Interface in <Unnamed>
ITreeMotionConstraint - Interface in <Unnamed>
Implements things like "Suzuki Yamashita" or the tree following algorithm from our CDC paper or that Notarstefano 2nd-order stuff.
IVoronoiHolder - Interface in <Unnamed>


LambdaConstraintAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
LambdaConstraintAgent() - Constructor for class LambdaConstraintAgent
LambdaConstraintAgent(IAgent, double) - Constructor for class LambdaConstraintAgent
LambdaConstraintAgent(IAgent, double, double, ICommStrengthFunc) - Constructor for class LambdaConstraintAgent
LambdaConstraintAgent(double) - Constructor for class LambdaConstraintAgent
LambdaConstraintAgent(double, ICommStrengthFunc) - Constructor for class LambdaConstraintAgent
LambdaConstraintAgent(LambdaConstraintAgent) - Constructor for class LambdaConstraintAgent
LambdaDragRandAgents - Class in <Unnamed>
LambdaDragRandAgents() - Constructor for class LambdaDragRandAgents
LambdaMaxDraw - Class in <Unnamed>
LambdaTestFlock - Class in <Unnamed>
LambdaTestFlock() - Constructor for class LambdaTestFlock
LambdaTestMax - Class in <Unnamed>
LambdaTestMax() - Constructor for class LambdaTestMax
LambdaTestRendezvous - Class in <Unnamed>
LambdaTestRendezvous() - Constructor for class LambdaTestRendezvous
LambdaTestSim - Class in <Unnamed>
LambdaTestSim() - Constructor for class LambdaTestSim
left() - Method in interface IProjection
left() - Method in class ProjectionSimpleStretch
left() - Method in class ProjectionXlateWrapper
linCombine(double, double[], double, double[], double[]) - Static method in class MathUtils
load(Reader) - Method in interface IMorphSpec
load(Reader) - Method in class MorphSpecCardioid
Make this more then a stub later
load(Reader) - Method in class MorphSpecCombRect
Make this more then a stub later
load(Reader) - Method in class MorphSpecFourCombs
Make this more then a stub later
load(Reader) - Method in class MorphSpecGlblRect
Make this more then a stub later
load(Reader) - Method in class MorphSpecStoredVals
Make this more then a stub later
LogicVarIntLookup - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of ILogicVarBundle that just wraps an int map.
LogicVarIntLookup() - Constructor for class LogicVarIntLookup
LogicVarIntLookup(LogicVarIntLookup) - Constructor for class LogicVarIntLookup


m_arrLfPositions - Variable in class CompleteGraph.SortHelper
m_arrLfPositions - Variable in class RdiskGraph.SortHelper
m_nDim - Variable in class CompleteGraph.SortHelper
m_nDim - Variable in class RdiskGraph.SortHelper
m_nSortOff - Variable in class CompleteGraph.SortHelper
m_nSortOff - Variable in class RdiskGraph.SortHelper
m_nVal - Variable in class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgIntWrapper
main(String[]) - Static method in class SimEvalLambdaGame
main(String[]) - Static method in class SimEvalMorphGlbl
main(String[]) - Static method in class TestSet
main(String[]) - Static method in class TestSuite
makeCopy() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgIntWrapper
makeCopy() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair
makeCopy() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.NullMsg
makeCopy() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg
makeCopy() - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
makeCopy() - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsgCompound
makeCopy() - Method in class BcastStorage
makeCopy() - Method in class CommFuncSimpleSpline
makeCopy() - Method in class ConstraintClosestLegalPoint
makeCopy() - Method in class ConstraintDoNothing
makeCopy() - Method in class ConstraintDoNotMove
makeCopy() - Method in class ConstraintParentChildOther
makeCopy() - Method in class ControlFuncDoNothing
clones this object (similar to "clone" supported by IClonable interface).
makeCopy() - Method in class ControlFuncMoveDir
clones this object (similar to "clone" supported by IClonable interface).
makeCopy() - Method in class ControlFuncMoveTowards
clones this object (similar to "clone" supported by IClonable interface).
makeCopy() - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAbout
clones this object (similar to "clone" supported by IClonable interface).
makeCopy() - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta
clones this object (similar to "clone" supported by IClonable interface).
makeCopy() - Method in class DeployAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg
makeCopy() - Method in class ExpCommStrength
makeCopy() - Method in interface IAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows synchronized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in interface IBcastAlg
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in interface ICommStrengthFunc
makeCopy() - Method in interface IControlFunc
clones this object (similar to "clone" supported by IClonable interface).
makeCopy() - Method in interface IEnvironment
makeCopy() - Method in interface ILogicVarBundle
makes a copy and returns it
makeCopy() - Method in interface IMsg
makeCopy() - Method in interface IMsgChannel
clone this channel.
makeCopy() - Method in interface IScalarField
makeCopy() - Method in interface ITreeAlgAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows synchronized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in interface ITreeDepAlg
makeCopy() - Method in interface ITreeMotionConstraint
makeCopy() - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class LogicVarIntLookup
makes a copy and returns it
makeCopy() - Method in class MorphAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class MorphAgentGlbl
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class MorphAgentLcl
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class MorphAgentTestAlg
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class MoveCircleAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class MoveToCentroidAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg
makeCopy() - Method in class MsgQueue
clone function for IMsgChannel interface.
makeCopy() - Method in class NdTrivialEnv
makeCopy() - Method in class PairLogicVarBundle
makeCopy() - Method in class RandomAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class RandomConstrainedAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class ScalarFieldSumGauss
makeCopy() - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
makeCopy() - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv
makeCopy() - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct
makeCopy() - Method in class SigmoidStrengthFun
makeCopy() - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
makeCopy() - Method in class SimpleAllAllBcast
makeCopy() - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg
makeCopy() - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
makes a copy and returns it
makeCopy() - Method in class SimpleRendezvousAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg
makeCopy() - Method in class SimpleScalarEnvironment
makeCopy() - Method in class SwitchedCompoundAgent
makeCopy() - Method in class TreeAgentState
makes a copy and returns it
makeCopy() - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent
makeCopy() - Method in class TreeConstraintState
makes a copy and returns it
makeCopy() - Method in class TreeDeployAgent
makeCopy() - Method in class TreeDepthAgentCycle
makeCopy() - Method in class TreeDepthAgentDefault
makeCopy() - Method in class TreeMsg
makeCopy() - Method in class TrivialEnvironment
makeCopy() - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows syncrhonized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
makeCopy() - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg
makeCopy() - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
makes a copy and returns it
makeCopy() - Method in class VoronoiHolder
makeLazyCopy() - Method in interface IMsgChannel
clone this channel, assuming source will cease to be modified
makeLazyCopy() - Method in class MsgQueue
Clone function for IMsgChannel interface : Note the Lisp-like lazy internal copy semantics: This reflects the design intent of modelling discrete state transitions inspired by the functional paradigm, while modeling continuous-time state using the array-based programming paradigm (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Array-based_programming)
makeSymmetric(Matrix) - Static method in class MathUtils
Helper function to force a matrix to be symmetric in the simplest possible way (just copy (i,j) onto (j,i).
MathUtils - Class in <Unnamed>
MathUtils() - Constructor for class MathUtils
maxDerivRange(double, double) - Method in class CommFuncSimpleSpline
maxDerivRange(double, double) - Method in class ExpCommStrength
maxDerivRange(double, double) - Method in interface ICommStrengthFunc
maxDerivRange(double, double) - Method in class SigmoidStrengthFun
maxStrengthRange(double, double) - Method in class CommFuncSimpleSpline
maxStrengthRange(double, double) - Method in class ExpCommStrength
maxStrengthRange(double, double) - Method in interface ICommStrengthFunc
maxStrengthRange(double, double) - Method in class SigmoidStrengthFun
minDerivRange(double, double) - Method in class CommFuncSimpleSpline
minDerivRange(double, double) - Method in class ExpCommStrength
minDerivRange(double, double) - Method in interface ICommStrengthFunc
minDerivRange(double, double) - Method in class SigmoidStrengthFun
minStrengthRange(double, double) - Method in class CommFuncSimpleSpline
minStrengthRange(double, double) - Method in class ExpCommStrength
minStrengthRange(double, double) - Method in interface ICommStrengthFunc
minStrengthRange(double, double) - Method in class SigmoidStrengthFun
modifyFunc(IControlFunc, double[], int, TreeConstraintState, Iterator<TreeConstraintState>, Iterator<TreeConstraintState>) - Method in class ConstraintClosestLegalPoint
modifyFunc(IControlFunc, double[], int, TreeConstraintState, Iterator<TreeConstraintState>, Iterator<TreeConstraintState>) - Method in class ConstraintDoNothing
modifyFunc(IControlFunc, double[], int, TreeConstraintState, Iterator<TreeConstraintState>, Iterator<TreeConstraintState>) - Method in class ConstraintDoNotMove
modifyFunc(IControlFunc, double[], int, TreeConstraintState, Iterator<TreeConstraintState>, Iterator<TreeConstraintState>) - Method in class ConstraintParentChildOther
modifyFunc(IControlFunc, double[], int, TreeConstraintState, Iterator<TreeConstraintState>, Iterator<TreeConstraintState>) - Method in interface ITreeMotionConstraint
MorphAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of IAgent for formation morphing algorithm.
MorphAgent() - Constructor for class MorphAgent
MorphAgent(double) - Constructor for class MorphAgent
MorphAgent(MorphAgent) - Constructor for class MorphAgent
MorphAgentGlbl - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of "Move in global frame" formation morphing algorithm rewritten (nearly) from scratch to represent state of the algorithm circa February 2007.
MorphAgentGlbl() - Constructor for class MorphAgentGlbl
MorphAgentGlbl(double) - Constructor for class MorphAgentGlbl
MorphAgentGlbl(MorphAgentGlbl) - Constructor for class MorphAgentGlbl
MorphAgentLcl - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of "Move in local frame" formation morphing algorithm rewritten (nearly) from scratch to represent state of the algorithm circa February 2007.
MorphAgentLcl() - Constructor for class MorphAgentLcl
MorphAgentLcl(double) - Constructor for class MorphAgentLcl
MorphAgentLcl(MorphAgentLcl) - Constructor for class MorphAgentLcl
MorphAgentTestAlg - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of IAgent for formation morphing algorithm.
MorphAgentTestAlg() - Constructor for class MorphAgentTestAlg
MorphAgentTestAlg(double) - Constructor for class MorphAgentTestAlg
MorphAgentTestAlg(MorphAgentTestAlg) - Constructor for class MorphAgentTestAlg
MorphDoneCallback - Class in <Unnamed>
This callback is specific to TreeAgentState and has no UI dependencies, so it is included here.
MorphDoneCallback() - Constructor for class MorphDoneCallback
MorphDoneCallback(IMorphSpec) - Constructor for class MorphDoneCallback
MorphSim - Class in <Unnamed>
MorphSim() - Constructor for class MorphSim
MorphsimFileUtils - Class in <Unnamed>
MorphsimFileUtils() - Constructor for class MorphsimFileUtils
MorphSimFromFile - Class in <Unnamed>
MorphSimFromFile() - Constructor for class MorphSimFromFile
MorphSimGlbl - Class in <Unnamed>
MorphSimGlbl() - Constructor for class MorphSimGlbl
MorphSpecCardioid - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementat ion of interface for specifying per-agent information neccessary to perform formation morphing to morph to a rectangle with a "comb" topology.
MorphSpecCardioid() - Constructor for class MorphSpecCardioid
defaults for the first demo
MorphSpecCardioid(double) - Constructor for class MorphSpecCardioid
MorphSpecCombRect - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementat ion of interface for specifying per-agent information neccessary to perform formation morphing to morph to a rectangle with a "comb" topology.
MorphSpecCombRect() - Constructor for class MorphSpecCombRect
defaults for the first demo
MorphSpecCombRect(int, double) - Constructor for class MorphSpecCombRect
MorphSpecFourCombs - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementat ion of interface for specifying per-agent information neccessary to perform formation morphing to morph to a rectangle with a "comb" topology.
MorphSpecFourCombs() - Constructor for class MorphSpecFourCombs
defaults for the first demo
MorphSpecFourCombs(int, double) - Constructor for class MorphSpecFourCombs
MorphSpecGlblRect - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementat ion of interface for specifying per-agent information neccessary to perform formation morphing to morph to a rectangle with a "comb" topology.
MorphSpecGlblRect() - Constructor for class MorphSpecGlblRect
defaults for the first demo
MorphSpecGlblRect(int, double) - Constructor for class MorphSpecGlblRect
MorphSpecStoredVals - Class in <Unnamed>
Storage class for per-agent information neccessary to perform formation morphing.
MorphSpecStoredVals() - Constructor for class MorphSpecStoredVals
MorphSpecStoredVals(int) - Constructor for class MorphSpecStoredVals
MorphTargetAdapter - Class in <Unnamed>
Allows an IInitializer to generate a specification of a target configuration suitable for formation morphing algorithms.
MorphTargetAdapter() - Constructor for class MorphTargetAdapter
MorphTargetAdapter(IInitializer) - Constructor for class MorphTargetAdapter
MorphTargetAdapter(IInitializer, double) - Constructor for class MorphTargetAdapter
MorphTargetAdapter.VecComp - Class in <Unnamed>
MorphTargetAdapter.VecComp() - Constructor for class MorphTargetAdapter.VecComp
MorphTargetAdapter.VecFromArray - Class in <Unnamed>
MorphTargetAdapter.VecFromArray(double[], int) - Constructor for class MorphTargetAdapter.VecFromArray
MoveCircleAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of IAgent to move randomly, but not decrease inter-robot distances once they drop below some threshold
MoveCircleAgent() - Constructor for class MoveCircleAgent
MoveCircleAgent(double) - Constructor for class MoveCircleAgent
MoveCircleAgent(MoveCircleAgent) - Constructor for class MoveCircleAgent
moveEl(int, int, int) - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator
MoveToCentroidAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of "move to centroid of r-limited delaunay cell" algorithm.
MoveToCentroidAgent() - Constructor for class MoveToCentroidAgent
MoveToCentroidAgent(double) - Constructor for class MoveToCentroidAgent
MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg - Class in <Unnamed>
inner class used for flocking messages
MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg() - Constructor for class MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg
MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg(double, double) - Constructor for class MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg
MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg(double[]) - Constructor for class MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg
MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg(MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg) - Constructor for class MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg
MsgQueue - Class in <Unnamed>
MsgQueue is a channel for messages sent by robotic agents across a network.
MsgQueue() - Constructor for class MsgQueue
MsgQueue(MsgQueue) - Constructor for class MsgQueue
Constructor : correct.
MsgQueue.MsgListNode - Class in <Unnamed>
Subclass to implement linked list of messages.
MsgQueue.MsgListNode() - Constructor for class MsgQueue.MsgListNode
Constructor: This variant creates an empty list
MsgQueue.MsgListNode(IMsg, MsgQueue.MsgListNode) - Constructor for class MsgQueue.MsgListNode
Constructor: Preferred version
MsgQueue.MsgListNode(MsgQueue.MsgListNode) - Constructor for class MsgQueue.MsgListNode
Clone list Constructor


NaiveDelaunay - Class in <Unnamed>
Proximity graph function for r-limited-disk voronoi graph.
NaiveDelaunay() - Constructor for class NaiveDelaunay
NdTrivialEnv - Class in <Unnamed>
n dimensional box with no scalar fields of a fixed (at construction time) size
NdTrivialEnv() - Constructor for class NdTrivialEnv
NdTrivialEnv(double, double) - Constructor for class NdTrivialEnv
NdTrivialEnv(NdTrivialEnv) - Constructor for class NdTrivialEnv
NdTrivialEnv(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class NdTrivialEnv
nDuplicateLinks(Iterator<T>, int) - Static method in class AgentMsgHelpers
next() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.appendIter
next() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.consIter
next() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgFilter
next() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip
nextColorMap() - Method in class globalsUI
NonInteractiveSim - Class in <Unnamed>
NonInteractiveSim() - Constructor for class NonInteractiveSim
NonInteractiveSim(ISimUICallback) - Constructor for class NonInteractiveSim
NonInteractiveSim.IAgentInit - Interface in <Unnamed>
normalize(double[]) - Static method in class MathUtils
NullDynamicsCallback - Class in <Unnamed>
NullDynamicsCallback() - Constructor for class NullDynamicsCallback
NumericalAreaIntegrator - Class in <Unnamed>
NumericalAreaIntegrator() - Constructor for class NumericalAreaIntegrator
NumericalAreaIntegrator(IScalarField) - Constructor for class NumericalAreaIntegrator
NumericalAreaIntegrator(IScalarField, double) - Constructor for class NumericalAreaIntegrator
NumericalAreaIntegrator(NumericalAreaIntegrator) - Constructor for class NumericalAreaIntegrator


overridesLineThickness() - Method in interface IColorMap
overridesLineThickness() - Method in class PaperColors
overridesLineThickness() - Method in class PaperColors2
overridesLineThickness() - Method in class RandomColorMap
overridesLineThickness() - Method in class StandardColors


paint(Graphics) - Method in class ConnectMaxSim
paint(Graphics) - Method in class DeploySim
paint(Graphics) - Method in class DrawStartState
paint(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaDragRandAgents
paint(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
paint(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaTestFlock
paint(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaTestMax
paint(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaTestRendezvous
paint(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaTestSim
paint(Graphics) - Method in class MorphSim
paint(Graphics) - Method in class MorphSimFromFile
paint(Graphics) - Method in class MorphSimGlbl
paint(Graphics) - Method in class RunSim
paint(Graphics) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
paint(Graphics) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
paint(Graphics) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
paint(Graphics) - Method in class TreeDeploySim
paint(Graphics) - Method in class TreeDeploySimFF
PairLogicVarBundle - Class in <Unnamed>
This class is a little weird.
PairLogicVarBundle() - Constructor for class PairLogicVarBundle
PairLogicVarBundle(ILogicVarBundle, ILogicVarBundle) - Constructor for class PairLogicVarBundle
PaperColors - Class in <Unnamed>
an attempt at a color scheme that looks good in papers, rather than on-screen.
PaperColors() - Constructor for class PaperColors
PaperColors2 - Class in <Unnamed>
An alternative attempt at a set of colors for screenshots to embed in papers
PaperColors2() - Constructor for class PaperColors2
percentMovingDataWriter() - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2
populate(double, int) - Method in class SynchronousScheduler
internal function to populate scheduler params Used mostly be constructors
ProjectionSimpleStretch - Class in <Unnamed>
stretches sim coordinates to screen coordinates
ProjectionSimpleStretch(int, int, IEnvironment) - Constructor for class ProjectionSimpleStretch
ensures that the environment env gets displayed on a panel of nWidth by nHeight
ProjectionXlateWrapper - Class in <Unnamed>
Adapter to take one interface of type IProjection and make a IProjection which maps its inputs to a translation of the results of the wrapped IProjection on the same inputs
ptInCirc(Vector<Double>) - Method in class GeometryHelpers.Circle
ptInCirc(double[]) - Method in class GeometryHelpers.Circle


queue() - Method in class CommLink
Accessor for message queue, use to access send and recieve methods.


rad() - Method in class GeometryHelpers.Circle
RandomAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of IAgent to handle a "move randomly" algorithm.
RandomAgent() - Constructor for class RandomAgent
RandomAgent(double) - Constructor for class RandomAgent
RandomColorMap - Class in <Unnamed>
A quick hack just for fun -- randomly chooses the colors of all the display items.
RandomColorMap() - Constructor for class RandomColorMap
RandomConnectedInit - Class in <Unnamed>
Creates a random flock of robots in an n-dimensional box
RandomConnectedInit(int, int, double) - Constructor for class RandomConnectedInit
constructor specifying number of agents and dimensionality in which they live.
RandomConnectedInit(int, double[], double) - Constructor for class RandomConnectedInit
constructor specifying number of agents, the dimensionality in which they live, and the size of the containing box along each dimension.
RandomConnectedInit(int, double[], double[], double) - Constructor for class RandomConnectedInit
constructor specifying number of agents, the dimensionality in which they live, and the size of the containing box along each dimension.
RandomConnectedInit.VecComp - Class in <Unnamed>
RandomConnectedInit.VecComp() - Constructor for class RandomConnectedInit.VecComp
RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN - Class in <Unnamed>
Creates a random flock of robots in an n-dimensional box
RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN(int, int, double) - Constructor for class RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN
constructor specifying number of agents and dimensionality in which they live.
RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN(int, double[], double) - Constructor for class RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN
constructor specifying number of agents, the dimensionality in which they live, and the size of the containing box along each dimension.
RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN(int, double[], double[], double) - Constructor for class RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN
constructor specifying number of agents, the dimensionality in which they live, and the size of the containing box along each dimension.
RandomConstrainedAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of IAgent to move randomly, but not decrease inter-robot distances once they drop below some threshold
RandomConstrainedAgent() - Constructor for class RandomConstrainedAgent
RandomConstrainedAgent(double) - Constructor for class RandomConstrainedAgent
RandomConstrainedAgent(RandomConstrainedAgent) - Constructor for class RandomConstrainedAgent
RandomInit - Class in <Unnamed>
Creates a random flock of robots in an n-dimensional box
RandomInit(int, int) - Constructor for class RandomInit
constructor specifying number of agents and dimensionality in which they live.
RandomInit(int, double[]) - Constructor for class RandomInit
constructor specifying number of agents, the dimensionality in which they live, and the size of the containing box along each dimension.
rayToCircle(double[], double[], double[], double) - Static method in class GeometryHelpers
RdiskGraph - Class in <Unnamed>
Proximity graph function for r-disk graph.
RdiskGraph(double) - Constructor for class RdiskGraph
preferred constructor
RdiskGraph() - Constructor for class RdiskGraph
RdiskGraph.SortHelper - Class in <Unnamed>
RdiskGraph.SortHelper(double[], int, int) - Constructor for class RdiskGraph.SortHelper
readMsg() - Method in interface IMsgChannel
Read a message, alter state of this channel instance.
readMsg() - Method in class MsgQueue
Read a message, alter state of this queue States of queues which share data are not altered.
realTimeToSimTime(Date) - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator
Added for interface completeness, probably should not be called from this adapter
realTimeToSimTime(Date) - Method in class DrawStartState
realTimeToSimTime(Date) - Method in interface ISwarmDraw
realTimeToSimTime(Date) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
realTimeToSimTime(Date) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
realTimeToSimTime(Date) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
realTimeToSimTime(Date) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class ConnectMaxSim
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class DeploySim
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class DrawStartState
This code should be fixed to be more readable Currently it is copied from TreeAlgDraw, but with the "adding to the state queue" and "removing from the state queue" disabled
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in interface ISwarmDraw
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaDragRandAgents
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaTestFlock
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaTestMax
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaTestRendezvous
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaTestSim
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class MorphSim
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class MorphSimFromFile
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class MorphSimGlbl
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class RunSim
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class TreeDeploySim
reDraw(Graphics) - Method in class TreeDeploySimFF
registerColorMap(IColorMap) - Method in class globalsUI
remove() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.appendIter
No clue what this method does -- leaving blank for now.
remove() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.consIter
No clue what this method does -- leaving blank for now.
remove() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.MsgFilter
remove() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip
removeBefore(double) - Method in class SynchronousStateQueue
removes all elements on the queue corresonding to times less then lfTime, unless doing so empties queue, in which case it leaves the last element.
removeVar(Object) - Method in class BcastStorage.BcastStorageMsg
Removes any values indexed by refObject
removeVar(Object) - Method in class BcastStorage
Removes any values indexed by refObject
removeVar(Object) - Method in interface ILogicVarBundle
Removes any values indexed by refObject
removeVar(Object) - Method in class LogicVarIntLookup
Removes any values indexed by refObject
removeVar(Object) - Method in class PairLogicVarBundle
Removes any values indexed by refObject
removeVar(Object) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
Removes any values indexed by refObject
removeVar(Object) - Method in class TreeAgentState
Removes any values indexed by refObject
removeVar(Object) - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
Removes any values indexed by refObject
removeVar(Object) - Method in class VoronoiHolder
Removes any values indexed by refObject
reset(int, int) - Method in class BcastStorage
resetDepthEst() - Method in class TreeAgentState
resetDepthEst() - Method in class TreeConstraintState
resetSize(int, int) - Method in class DeploySim
resetSize(int, int) - Method in class LambdaDragRandAgents
resetSize(int, int) - Method in class LambdaTestFlock
resetSize(int, int) - Method in class LambdaTestMax
resetSize(int, int) - Method in class LambdaTestRendezvous
resetSize(int, int) - Method in class LambdaTestSim
resetSize(int, int) - Method in class MorphSimGlbl
resetSize(int, int) - Method in class RunSim
resetSize(int, int) - Method in class TreeDeploySim
resetSize(int, int) - Method in class TreeDeploySimFF
resetState() - Method in interface IInitializer
resetState() - Method in class RandomConnectedInit
resetState() - Method in class RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN
resetState() - Method in class RandomInit
resize(int, int) - Method in interface IProjection
resize(int, int) - Method in class ProjectionSimpleStretch
resize(int, int) - Method in class ProjectionXlateWrapper
Rk4Naive - Class in <Unnamed>
Naive implementation of RK4 (4th order Runge Kutta integration) for handling continuous-time components of distributed control simulation.
Rk4Naive() - Constructor for class Rk4Naive
Rk4Naive(double) - Constructor for class Rk4Naive
RlimitedDelaunay - Class in <Unnamed>
Proximity graph function for r-limited-disk voronoi graph.
RlimitedDelaunay() - Constructor for class RlimitedDelaunay
Initializes disk radius to 1.0
RlimitedDelaunay(double) - Constructor for class RlimitedDelaunay
ROUND_ATTACH - Static variable in class TreeAgentState
faked enum for differentiating rounds
ROUND_ATTACH - Static variable in class TreeConstraintState
faked enum for differentiating rounds
ROUND_PROPOSE_NEW - Static variable in class TreeAgentState
faked enum for differentiating rounds
ROUND_PROPOSE_NEW - Static variable in class TreeConstraintState
faked enum for differentiating rounds
ROUND_SET_PARLESS - Static variable in class TreeAgentState
faked enum for differentiating rounds
ROUND_SET_PARLESS - Static variable in class TreeConstraintState
faked enum for differentiating rounds
ROUND_UPDATE_DEPTH - Static variable in class TreeAgentState
faked enum for differentiating rounds
ROUND_UPDATE_DEPTH - Static variable in class TreeConstraintState
faked enum for differentiating rounds
run() - Method in class ConnectMaxSim
run() - Method in class DeploySim
run() - Method in class LambdaDragRandAgents
run() - Method in class LambdaTestFlock
run() - Method in class LambdaTestMax
run() - Method in class LambdaTestRendezvous
run() - Method in class LambdaTestSim
run() - Method in class MorphSim
run() - Method in class MorphSimFromFile
run() - Method in class MorphSimGlbl
run() - Method in class RunSim
run() - Method in class TreeDeploySim
run() - Method in class TreeDeploySimFF
runOn(NonInteractiveSim.IAgentInit) - Static method in class SimEvalLambdaGame
runOn(int) - Static method in class SimEvalMorphGlbl
runSim(ISimUICallback, double) - Method in class NonInteractiveSim
RunSim - Class in <Unnamed>
RunSim() - Constructor for class RunSim


SanityChecks - Class in <Unnamed>
Just a series of simple checks to prevent stupid mismatches.
SanityChecks() - Constructor for class SanityChecks
ScalarFieldSumGauss - Class in <Unnamed>
ScalarFieldSumGauss() - Constructor for class ScalarFieldSumGauss
ScalarFieldSumGauss(int) - Constructor for class ScalarFieldSumGauss
ScalarFieldSumGauss(ScalarFieldSumGauss) - Constructor for class ScalarFieldSumGauss
ScalarFieldSumGauss.DimException - Exception in <Unnamed>
ScalarFieldSumGauss.DimException() - Constructor for exception ScalarFieldSumGauss.DimException
ScalarFieldUtils - Class in <Unnamed>
ScalarFieldUtils() - Constructor for class ScalarFieldUtils
ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField - Class in <Unnamed>
ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField() - Constructor for class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField(double) - Constructor for class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField(double, double, int, double) - Constructor for class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField(ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField) - Constructor for class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv - Class in <Unnamed>
ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv() - Constructor for class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv
ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv(IEnvironment, int) - Constructor for class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv
ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv(ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv) - Constructor for class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldFromEnv
ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct - Class in <Unnamed>
ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct() - Constructor for class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct
ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct(IScalarField) - Constructor for class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct
ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct(IScalarField, IScalarField) - Constructor for class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct
ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct(ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct) - Constructor for class ScalarFieldUtils.ScalarFieldProduct
scale(double) - Method in class DeployAgent.SimpFlockMsg
scale(double) - Method in class MoveToCentroidAgent.SimpFlockMsg
scale(double) - Method in class SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg
scaleProjection(int, int) - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator
scaleProjection(int, int) - Method in class DrawStartState
scaleProjection(int, int) - Method in interface IProjection
scaleProjection(int, int) - Method in interface ISwarmDraw
scaleProjection(int, int) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
scaleProjection(int, int) - Method in class ProjectionSimpleStretch
scaleProjection(int, int) - Method in class ProjectionXlateWrapper
scaleProjection(int, int) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
scaleProjection(int, int) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
scaleProjection(int, int) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
scaleRadius(double) - Method in interface IProjection
Simple scale function for 2d circles etc.
scaleRadius(double) - Method in class ProjectionSimpleStretch
Simple scale function for 2d circles etc.
scaleRadius(double) - Method in class ProjectionXlateWrapper
Simple scale function for 2d circles etc.
scaleVector(double[], int) - Method in interface IProjection
Scales (possibly including rotation and flip) a vector, without applying global translation
scaleVector(double[], int) - Method in class ProjectionSimpleStretch
Scales (possibly including rotation and flip) a vector, without applying global translation
scaleVector(double[], int) - Method in class ProjectionXlateWrapper
Scales (possibly including rotation and flip) a vector, without applying global translation
sendMsg(IMsg) - Method in interface IMsgChannel
Post message to channel
sendMsg(IMsg) - Method in class MsgQueue
Add a message to the back of the queue
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception ScalarFieldSumGauss.DimException
set(int, int, IBoundary) - Method in class ProjectionSimpleStretch
ensures that the boundary bound gets displayed on a panel of nWidth by nHeight
setAgent(IAgent) - Method in class NonInteractiveSim
setAlgVars(ILogicVarBundle) - Method in class TreeAgentState
Sets logic vars specific to this particular algorithm implementing the tree connectivity protocol
setAreaEps(double) - Method in class NumericalAreaIntegrator
setBcastAlg(IBcastAlg) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
setChannelData(CommLink.IChannelData) - Method in class CommLink
setChannelType(IMsgChannel) - Method in class CommGraph
Changes the default channel type for new links new channels are all of the same type as channelToClone
setClockwise(boolean) - Method in class MoveCircleAgent
setConnectRad(double) - Method in class MorphTargetAdapter
setControlFunc(IControlFunc) - Method in class StateBundle
setCtrVec(double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
setDataWriter(DynCallbackTrackLambda2.IExtraDataWriter) - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2
setDefaultIniControlFunc(IControlFunc) - Method in interface IInitializer
Default initial control func (implementation may ignore)
setDefaultIniControlFunc(IControlFunc) - Method in class RandomConnectedInit
setDefaultIniControlFunc(IControlFunc) - Method in class RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN
setDefaultIniControlFunc(IControlFunc) - Method in class RandomInit
setDefaultIniVars(ILogicVarBundle) - Method in interface IInitializer
Default initial logic var state (implementation may ignore)
setDefaultIniVars(ILogicVarBundle) - Method in class RandomConnectedInit
setDefaultIniVars(ILogicVarBundle) - Method in class RandomConnectedInitOfAtLeastN
setDefaultIniVars(ILogicVarBundle) - Method in class RandomInit
setDepAgent(ITreeDepAlg) - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent
setDepTarg(int) - Method in class TreeConstraintState
setDepthEst(int) - Method in class TreeAgentState
Not the preferred way to do this
setDepthEst(int) - Method in class TreeConstraintState
Not the preferred way to do this
setDfsFinished(boolean) - Method in class TreeAgentState
setDirVec(double[]) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
setDrawAllLinks(boolean) - Method in class DrawStartState
setDrawAllLinks(boolean) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
setDrawAllLinks(boolean) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
setDrawAllLinks(boolean) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
setDrawAllLinks(boolean) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
setDrawVoronoi(boolean) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
setDynamicEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class DrawStartState
does nothing in this implementation
setDynamicEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
does nothing in this implementation
setDynamicEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
does nothing in this implementation
setDynamicEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
does nothing in this implementation
setDynamicEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
does nothing in this implementation
setEnv(IEnvironment) - Method in class NonInteractiveSim
setEnvDraw(IEnvDraw) - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator
setEnvDraw(IEnvDraw) - Method in class DrawStartState
set class for drawing the environment
setEnvDraw(IEnvDraw) - Method in interface ISwarmDraw
setEnvDraw(IEnvDraw) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
setEnvDraw(IEnvDraw) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
setEnvDraw(IEnvDraw) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
setEnvDraw(IEnvDraw) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
setEpsilon(double) - Method in class ControlFuncMoveTowards
sets "epsilon" (floating point values "epsilon" apart are considered to be equal) Meaningful to numerical simulation, but meaningless to underlying system being modelled.
setEpsilon(double) - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAbout
sets "epsilon" (floating point values "epsilon" apart are considered to be equal) Meaningful to numerical simulation, but meaningless to underlying system being modelled.
setEpsilon(double) - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta
sets "epsilon" (floating point values "epsilon" apart are considered to be equal) Meaningful to numerical simulation, but meaningless to underlying system being modelled.
setFirst(ILogicVarBundle) - Method in class PairLogicVarBundle
setFromCenterAndExtents(double[], double[]) - Method in class BoxBoundary
Sets box boundaries from center and box extents.
setFromClosestPt() - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
setFromMinMax(double[], double[]) - Method in class BoxBoundary
Sets box boundaries from min and max coordinates
setGlobalFrameMode(boolean) - Method in class MorphAgent
setHeading(double) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
setHeading(double) - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
setHeadingRage(double) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent
Sets rate of convergence of heading
setId(int) - Method in class BcastStorage
setId(int) - Method in class DistributedDelaunayClip.Edge
setId(int) - Method in interface ILogicVarBundle
Sets unique Id of this agent
setId(int) - Method in class LogicVarIntLookup
Sets unique Id of this agent
setId(int) - Method in class PairLogicVarBundle
setId(int) - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
setId(int) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
Sets unique Id of this agent
setId(int) - Method in class TreeAgentState
setId(int) - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
Sets unique Id of this agent
setId(int) - Method in class VoronoiHolder
setIncreaseDepth(boolean) - Method in class TreeConstraintState
setInitializer(IInitializer) - Method in class MorphTargetAdapter
setLabel(String) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
setLambdaBounds(double, double) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
Sets lambda_+ and lambda_-
setLambdaIncrease(double) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
setLineThickness(int) - Method in class globalsUI
setLogicData(StateBundle[]) - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.ComposeDataWriters
setLogicData(StateBundle[]) - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.CountMovingAgents
setLogicData(StateBundle[]) - Method in interface DynCallbackTrackLambda2.IExtraDataWriter
setLogicData(StateBundle[]) - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.NullDataWriter
setLogicData(StateBundle[]) - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.TrackAngleWriter
setLowerBoundRad(double) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
setMinRad(double) - Method in class MoveCircleAgent
setMinRad(double) - Method in class RandomConnectedInit
setMinRad(double) - Method in class RandomConstrainedAgent
setMotionConstraint(ITreeMotionConstraint) - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent
setMotionParams(double, double, double) - Method in class MorphAgent
setMotionParams(double, double, double) - Method in class MorphAgentGlbl
setMotionParams(double, double, double) - Method in class MorphAgentLcl
setMotionParams(double, double, double) - Method in class MorphAgentTestAlg
setMsgAddition(Type, IMsg) - Method in class TreeConstraintState
setNumDesc(int) - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
setNumDimensions(int) - Method in interface IEdgeWeightMap
setOffset(double) - Method in class ScalarFieldUtils.LinearScalarField
setParDepLess(boolean) - Method in class TreeAgentState
setParDepLess(TreeAgentState) - Method in class TreeAgentState
setParDepLess(boolean) - Method in class TreeConstraintState
setParDepLess(TreeConstraintState) - Method in class TreeConstraintState
setParentId(int) - Method in class TreeAgentState
setParentId(int) - Method in class TreeConstraintState
setParentProp(int) - Method in class TreeAgentState
setParentProp(int) - Method in class TreeConstraintState
setParentsPar(int) - Method in class TreeAgentState
setPosArr(double[], int, int) - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers.PosMsg
setPosData(double[]) - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.ComposeDataWriters
setPosData(double[]) - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.CountMovingAgents
setPosData(double[]) - Method in interface DynCallbackTrackLambda2.IExtraDataWriter
setPosData(double[]) - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.NullDataWriter
setPosData(double[]) - Method in class DynCallbackTrackLambda2.TrackAngleWriter
setProjection(IProjection) - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator
Pass in a projection class to handle mapping points to screen coords.
setProjection(IProjection) - Method in class DrawStartState
Pass in a projection class to handle mapping points to screen coords.
setProjection(IProjection) - Method in interface ISwarmDraw
Pass in a projection class to handle mapping points to screen coords.
setProjection(IProjection) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
Pass in a projection class to handle mapping points to screen coords.
setProjection(IProjection) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
Pass in a projection class to handle mapping points to screen coords.
setProjection(IProjection) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
Pass in a projection class to handle mapping points to screen coords.
setProjection(IProjection) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
Pass in a projection class to handle mapping points to screen coords.
setProjectParams(boolean, double, double) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
sets parameters for projecting on to good motion.
setRootId(int) - Method in class TreeConstraintState
setRotCenter(double[]) - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAbout
sets a new point to move towards, possibly re-assigning control function dimension (some care must be taken by programmer here)
setRotCenter(double[]) - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta
sets a new point to move towards, possibly re-assigning control function dimension (some care must be taken by programmer here)
setSampFreq(int) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
setScalarField(IScalarField) - Method in class NumericalAreaIntegrator
setScheduleAndGraph(double, IProxGraph) - Method in class NonInteractiveSim
setSecond(ILogicVarBundle) - Method in class PairLogicVarBundle
setShapeDesc(IMorphSpec) - Method in class MorphAgent
Override the default shape description (useful if switching between global and local algorithm modes)
setShapeDesc(IMorphSpec) - Method in class MorphAgentGlbl
Override the default shape description
setShapeDesc(IMorphSpec) - Method in class MorphAgentLcl
Override the default shape description
setSize(int) - Method in class MorphSpecStoredVals
Sets number of agents.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class DeployAgent
Set function for parameter to determine speed of convergence to current target.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class MoveCircleAgent
Set function for parameter to determine speed of convergence to current target.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class MoveToCentroidAgent
Set function for parameter to determine speed of convergence to current target.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class RandomAgent
Set function for parameter to determine speed of convergence to current target.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class RandomConstrainedAgent
Set function for parameter to determine speed of convergence to current target.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent
Set function for parameter to determine speed of robots
setSpeed(double) - Method in class SimpleRendezvousAgent
Set function for parameter to determine speed of convergence to current target.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent
Set function for parameter to determine speed of robots
setStart(int) - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
setStartPositions(double[]) - Method in class DrawAgentStartState
setStaticEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class DrawStartState
does nothing in this implementation
setStaticEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
does nothing in this implementation
setStaticEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
does nothing in this implementation
setStaticEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
does nothing in this implementation
setStaticEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
does nothing in this implementation
setStrengthFunc(ICommStrengthFunc) - Method in class TrackLambda2
setTargetConfig(int, int, int, int) - Method in class TreeAgentState
Sets discrete (topological) component of target config info for this state
setTargetDepth(int) - Method in class TreeAgentState
setTowards(double[]) - Method in class ControlFuncMoveTowards
sets a new point to move towards, possibly re-assigning control function dimension (some care must be taken by programmer here)
setTracePts(IEnvironment) - Method in class EnvDrawContour
setTrackParams(int, double) - Method in class TrackLambda2
setTreeAlgAgent(ITreeAlgAgent) - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent
setupSim() - Method in class NonInteractiveSim
setVars(double, double) - Method in class ExpCommStrength
setVars(ILogicVarBundle) - Method in class StateBundle
setVel(double[]) - Method in class ControlFuncMoveDir
sets a new point to move towards, possibly re-assigning control function dimension (some care must be taken by programmer here)
setVel(double) - Method in class ControlFuncMoveTowards
setVel(double) - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAbout
setVel(double) - Method in class ControlFuncRotateAboutByTheta
setWrapped(T) - Method in class VoronoiHolder
setWrappedAgent(IAgent) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
SigmoidStrengthFun - Class in <Unnamed>
SigmoidStrengthFun() - Constructor for class SigmoidStrengthFun
SigmoidStrengthFun(double, double) - Constructor for class SigmoidStrengthFun
SigmoidStrengthFun(SigmoidStrengthFun) - Constructor for class SigmoidStrengthFun
SimEvalLambdaGame - Class in <Unnamed>
SimEvalLambdaGame() - Constructor for class SimEvalLambdaGame
SimEvalLambdaGame.InitLambdaMax - Class in <Unnamed>
SimEvalLambdaGame.InitLambdaMax(int) - Constructor for class SimEvalLambdaGame.InitLambdaMax
SimEvalMorphGlbl - Class in <Unnamed>
SimEvalMorphGlbl() - Constructor for class SimEvalMorphGlbl
SimpAgentTreeTopo - Class in <Unnamed>
SimpAgentTreeTopo() - Constructor for class SimpAgentTreeTopo
SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo - Class in <Unnamed>
Some design needs to happen here.
SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo() - Constructor for class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo(SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo) - Constructor for class SimpAgentTreeTopo.TreeTopoInfo
SimpleAllAllBcast - Class in <Unnamed>
SimpleAllAllBcast() - Constructor for class SimpleAllAllBcast
SimpleAllAllBcast(SimpleAllAllBcast) - Constructor for class SimpleAllAllBcast
SimpleFlockingAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of IAgent to handle a simple flocking algorithm.
SimpleFlockingAgent() - Constructor for class SimpleFlockingAgent
SimpleFlockingAgent(double) - Constructor for class SimpleFlockingAgent
SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg - Class in <Unnamed>
inner class used for flocking messages
SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg() - Constructor for class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg
SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg(double) - Constructor for class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg
SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg(SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg) - Constructor for class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg
SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg(SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState) - Constructor for class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg
SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState - Class in <Unnamed>
inner class used for flocking state
SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState() - Constructor for class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState(double) - Constructor for class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState(SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState) - Constructor for class SimpleFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
SimpleRendezvousAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of IAgent to handle a simple flocking algorithm.
SimpleRendezvousAgent() - Constructor for class SimpleRendezvousAgent
SimpleRendezvousAgent(double) - Constructor for class SimpleRendezvousAgent
SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg - Class in <Unnamed>
inner class used for flocking messages
SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg() - Constructor for class SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg
SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg(double, double) - Constructor for class SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg
SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg(double[]) - Constructor for class SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg
SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg(SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg) - Constructor for class SimpleRendezvousAgent.SimpFlockMsg
SimpleScalarEnvironment - Class in <Unnamed>
2d box with no scalar fields of a fixed (at construction time) width and height
SimpleScalarEnvironment() - Constructor for class SimpleScalarEnvironment
SimpleScalarEnvironment(double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class SimpleScalarEnvironment
SimpleScalarEnvironment(double[], double[], boolean) - Constructor for class SimpleScalarEnvironment
SimpleScalarEnvironment(SimpleScalarEnvironment) - Constructor for class SimpleScalarEnvironment
SimpleSwarmDraw - Class in <Unnamed>
simTimeToRealTime(double) - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator
Added for interface completeness, probably should not be called from this adapter
simTimeToRealTime(double) - Method in class DrawStartState
simTimeToRealTime(double) - Method in interface ISwarmDraw
simTimeToRealTime(double) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
simTimeToRealTime(double) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
simTimeToRealTime(double) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
simTimeToRealTime(double) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw
StandardColors - Class in <Unnamed>
The default color map -- what all sims used before the colormap interface was implemented.
StandardColors() - Constructor for class StandardColors
start() - Method in class ConnectMaxSim
start() - Method in class DeploySim
start() - Method in class LambdaDragRandAgents
start() - Method in class LambdaTestFlock
start() - Method in class LambdaTestMax
start() - Method in class LambdaTestRendezvous
start() - Method in class LambdaTestSim
start() - Method in class MorphSim
start() - Method in class MorphSimFromFile
start() - Method in class MorphSimGlbl
start() - Method in class RunSim
start() - Method in class TreeDeploySim
start() - Method in class TreeDeploySimFF
StateAccessors - Class in <Unnamed>
StateAccessors() - Constructor for class StateAccessors
StateAccessors.PairFirst - Class in <Unnamed>
StateAccessors.PairFirst() - Constructor for class StateAccessors.PairFirst
StateAccessors.PairSecond - Class in <Unnamed>
StateAccessors.PairSecond() - Constructor for class StateAccessors.PairSecond
StateAccessors.PassThrough - Class in <Unnamed>
StateAccessors.PassThrough() - Constructor for class StateAccessors.PassThrough
StateBundle - Class in <Unnamed>
Wrapper to hold the logic variables and the control function that get updated at each communication round.
StateBundle() - Constructor for class StateBundle
StateBundle(StateBundle) - Constructor for class StateBundle
copy constructor
StateBundle(ILogicVarBundle, IControlFunc) - Constructor for class StateBundle
constructor with parameters.
stateCheck(IAgent, StateBundle[]) - Static method in class SanityChecks
checks that the agent knows how to handle each state in the state array (and that the states are not null)
stateNext(TVars, Collection<TMsg>) - Method in interface ISimpAgent
Given a collection of messages, calculates the next state of the logic variables for this agent.
stateNext(TreeConstraintState, Collection<TreeConstraintState>) - Method in class SimpAgentTreeTopo
stop() - Method in class ConnectMaxSim
stop() - Method in class DeploySim
stop() - Method in class LambdaDragRandAgents
stop() - Method in class LambdaTestFlock
stop() - Method in class LambdaTestMax
stop() - Method in class LambdaTestRendezvous
stop() - Method in class LambdaTestSim
stop() - Method in class MorphSim
stop() - Method in class MorphSimFromFile
stop() - Method in class MorphSimGlbl
stop() - Method in class RunSim
stop() - Method in class TreeDeploySim
stop() - Method in class TreeDeploySimFF
SwarmPathDraw - Class in <Unnamed>
SwarmState - Class in <Unnamed>
Class for storing a snapshot of the global state of the swarm.
SwarmState() - Constructor for class SwarmState
SwarmState(double[], StateBundle[], IAgent, double, CommGraph) - Constructor for class SwarmState
SwarmState(SwarmState) - Constructor for class SwarmState
Copy constructor.
SwitchedCompoundAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
Takes pairs of agent and integer index and swtiches which agent to use based on index.
SwitchedCompoundAgent(IAgent) - Constructor for class SwitchedCompoundAgent
SwitchedCompoundAgent(SwitchedCompoundAgent) - Constructor for class SwitchedCompoundAgent
switchToMap(int) - Method in class globalsUI
SynchronousScheduler - Class in <Unnamed>
Scheduler for synchronous communication round scheduling.
SynchronousScheduler(double, int) - Constructor for class SynchronousScheduler
SynchronousScheduler() - Constructor for class SynchronousScheduler
Constructor -- can we eliminate the no-argument constructor?
SynchronousStateQueue - Class in <Unnamed>
Allows global state snapshots to be passed between threads, thus giving safe communication between graphics and simulation components
SynchronousStateQueue() - Constructor for class SynchronousStateQueue


testCircleCode() - Static method in class GeometryHelpers
testFilters() - Method in class AgentMsgHelpers
Exists solely for testing purposes
testNumericAreaInt() - Static method in class TestSuite
TestSet - Class in <Unnamed>
Just a silly test program to make sure java.util.Set works the way I would expect.
TestSet() - Constructor for class TestSet
TestSuite - Class in <Unnamed>
TestSuite() - Constructor for class TestSuite
to() - Method in class CommLink
top() - Method in interface IProjection
top() - Method in class ProjectionSimpleStretch
top() - Method in class ProjectionXlateWrapper
TrackLambda2 - Class in <Unnamed>
TrackLambda2() - Constructor for class TrackLambda2
TreeAgentState - Class in <Unnamed>
Discrete state for tree re-arrangement agent
TreeAgentState(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class TreeAgentState
TreeAgentState(int, boolean) - Constructor for class TreeAgentState
Sets depth estimate to zero.
TreeAgentState() - Constructor for class TreeAgentState
Sets depth estimate to zero, parentId to -1, and m_bDfsFinished to false
TreeAgentState(TreeAgentState) - Constructor for class TreeAgentState
Copy constructor - copies everything target information copied as well (valid if valid in src)
TreeAlgDraw - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeCallbackCatchPhase2 - Class in <Unnamed>
This callback is specific to TreeAgentState and has no UI dependencies, so it is included here.
TreeCallbackCatchPhase2() - Constructor for class TreeCallbackCatchPhase2
TreeCallbackTrackMaxDepth - Class in <Unnamed>
This callback is specific to TreeAgentState and has no UI dependencies.
TreeCallbackTrackMaxDepth() - Constructor for class TreeCallbackTrackMaxDepth
TreeConstraintAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeConstraintAgent() - Constructor for class TreeConstraintAgent
TreeConstraintAgent(ITreeAlgAgent, double) - Constructor for class TreeConstraintAgent
TreeConstraintAgent(TreeConstraintAgent) - Constructor for class TreeConstraintAgent
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingDepth - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingDepth(int) - Constructor for class TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingDepth
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingId - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingId(int) - Constructor for class TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingId
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingRootId - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingRootId(int) - Constructor for class TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgMatchingRootId
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithParent - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithParent(int) - Constructor for class TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithParent
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithPropParent - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithPropParent(int) - Constructor for class TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithPropParent
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithTrueVar - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithTrueVar(int) - Constructor for class TreeConstraintAgent.SelectMsgWithTrueVar
TreeConstraintState - Class in <Unnamed>
Discrete state for tree re-arrangement agent
TreeConstraintState(int, int) - Constructor for class TreeConstraintState
TreeConstraintState(int) - Constructor for class TreeConstraintState
Sets depth estimate to zero.
TreeConstraintState() - Constructor for class TreeConstraintState
Sets depth estimate to zero, parentId to -1, and m_bDfsFinished to false
TreeConstraintState(TreeConstraintState) - Constructor for class TreeConstraintState
Copy constructor - copies everything target information copied as well (valid if valid in src)
TreeDeployAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeDeployAgent() - Constructor for class TreeDeployAgent
TreeDeployAgent(double) - Constructor for class TreeDeployAgent
TreeDeployAgent(double, double) - Constructor for class TreeDeployAgent
TreeDeployAgent(TreeDeployAgent) - Constructor for class TreeDeployAgent
TreeDeploySim - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeDeploySim() - Constructor for class TreeDeploySim
TreeDeploySimFF - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeDeploySimFF() - Constructor for class TreeDeploySimFF
TreeDepthAgentCycle - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeDepthAgentCycle() - Constructor for class TreeDepthAgentCycle
TreeDepthAgentDefault - Class in <Unnamed>
TreeDepthAgentDefault() - Constructor for class TreeDepthAgentDefault
TreeMsg - Class in <Unnamed>
Messages sent by agents following tree connectivity protocol.
TreeMsg() - Constructor for class TreeMsg
TreeMsg(TreeMsg) - Constructor for class TreeMsg
TreeMsg(TreeAgentState, double[], int) - Constructor for class TreeMsg
TrivialEnvironment - Class in <Unnamed>
2d box with no scalar fields of a fixed (at construction time) width and height
TrivialEnvironment() - Constructor for class TrivialEnvironment
TrivialEnvironment(double, double) - Constructor for class TrivialEnvironment
trivSetupNagents(int, double, double, IControlFunc, ILogicVarBundle) - Method in class NonInteractiveSim


unitTest() - Method in class NumericalAreaIntegrator
update(Graphics) - Method in class ConnectMaxSim
update(Graphics) - Method in class DeploySim
update(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaDragRandAgents
update(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaTestFlock
update(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaTestMax
update(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaTestRendezvous
update(Graphics) - Method in class LambdaTestSim
update(Graphics) - Method in class MorphSim
update(Graphics) - Method in class MorphSimFromFile
update(Graphics) - Method in class MorphSimGlbl
update(Graphics) - Method in class RunSim
update(Graphics) - Method in class TreeDeploySim
update(Graphics) - Method in class TreeDeploySimFF
updateDepthEst(TreeAgentState) - Method in class TreeAgentState
updateDepthEst(TreeConstraintState, int) - Method in class TreeConstraintState
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class DeployAgent
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in interface IAgent
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class LambdaConstraintAgent
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class MorphAgent
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class MorphAgentGlbl
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class MorphAgentLcl
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class MorphAgentTestAlg
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class MoveCircleAgent
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class MoveToCentroidAgent
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class RandomAgent
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class RandomConstrainedAgent
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class SimpleAllAllBcast
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class SimpleFlockingAgent
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class SimpleRendezvousAgent
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class SwitchedCompoundAgent
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class TreeConstraintAgent
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class TreeDeployAgent
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class TreeDepthAgentCycle
This we do need to over-ride
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class TreeDepthAgentDefault
This we do need to over-ride
updateState(ILogicVarBundle, double[], double, int, IEnvironment, Iterator<CommLink>) - Method in class VicsekFlockingAgent
Given the previous state of an agent, and the channels to recieve messages from, recieve messages (destructively) and return new state (non-destructively).
uvToWorld(double[], int) - Method in class TreeMsg


validQ() - Method in class CommLink
VicsekFlockingAgent - Class in <Unnamed>
Implementation of IAgent to handle a simple flocking algorithm.
VicsekFlockingAgent() - Constructor for class VicsekFlockingAgent
VicsekFlockingAgent(double) - Constructor for class VicsekFlockingAgent
VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg - Class in <Unnamed>
inner class used for flocking messages
VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg() - Constructor for class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg
VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg(double) - Constructor for class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg
VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg(VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg) - Constructor for class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg
VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg(VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState) - Constructor for class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockMsg
VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState - Class in <Unnamed>
inner class used for flocking state
VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState() - Constructor for class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState(double) - Constructor for class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState(VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState) - Constructor for class VicsekFlockingAgent.SimpFlockState
VoronoiHolder<T extends ILogicVarBundle> - Class in <Unnamed>
VoronoiHolder() - Constructor for class VoronoiHolder
VoronoiHolder(T) - Constructor for class VoronoiHolder
VoronoiHolder(T, DistributedDelaunayClip) - Constructor for class VoronoiHolder
VoronoiHolder(VoronoiHolder<T>) - Constructor for class VoronoiHolder


width() - Method in interface IProjection
width() - Method in class ProjectionSimpleStretch
width() - Method in class ProjectionXlateWrapper
worldToUv(double[], int) - Method in class TreeMsg


xlateProjection(int, int) - Method in class DrawObjectAggregator
xlateProjection(int, int) - Method in class DrawStartState
xlateProjection(int, int) - Method in interface IProjection
xlateProjection(int, int) - Method in interface ISwarmDraw
xlateProjection(int, int) - Method in class LambdaMaxDraw
xlateProjection(int, int) - Method in class ProjectionSimpleStretch
xlateProjection(int, int) - Method in class ProjectionXlateWrapper
xlateProjection(int, int) - Method in class SimpleSwarmDraw
xlateProjection(int, int) - Method in class SwarmPathDraw
xlateProjection(int, int) - Method in class TreeAlgDraw


zipMsgs(Iterator<T1>, Iterator<T2>, Collection<AgentMsgHelpers.MsgPair<T1, T2>>) - Static method in class AgentMsgHelpers