Interface ITreeAlgAgent

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public interface ITreeAlgAgent
extends IAgent

Method Summary
 java.lang.reflect.Type getAnnoteType()
          Mike, add some comments here
 IMsg getMsgAnnotation(ILogicVarBundle vars, double[] arrLfState, int nIdx)
          gets the message to annotate the TreeConstraintState recieved by neighbors in TreeConstraintAgent algorithm
 java.util.Comparator<TreeConstraintState> getPrefComp(TreeConstraintState agentSorting)
          gets a comparator for sorting ITreeAlgAgent nodes by preference
 ITreeAlgAgent makeCopy()
          in case the agent has some internal state, this allows synchronized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time.
Methods inherited from interface IAgent
checkStateValidity, getMsgs, updateState

Method Detail


IMsg getMsgAnnotation(ILogicVarBundle vars,
                      double[] arrLfState,
                      int nIdx)
gets the message to annotate the TreeConstraintState recieved by neighbors in TreeConstraintAgent algorithm

vars - logic state of this agent.
arrLfState - position of whole swarm (requires programmer discipline to only access current robot's position)
nIdx - index of current robot.
something deriving form IMsg must be what this agent's getPrefComp is expecting.


java.util.Comparator<TreeConstraintState> getPrefComp(TreeConstraintState agentSorting)
gets a comparator for sorting ITreeAlgAgent nodes by preference



java.lang.reflect.Type getAnnoteType()
Mike, add some comments here



ITreeAlgAgent makeCopy()
in case the agent has some internal state, this allows synchronized wrapper calls to cache a snapshot of the agent at some rational point in time. If the agent has no internal state, this function can just return "this".

Specified by:
makeCopy in interface IAgent